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Aeon Energy Monitor VERSION 2- Setup DSB28xxx-ZWUS Version




For the life of me I cannot happily get the Aeon energy monitor version 2 working correctly. I have the AU 3 clamp version. The Model number is DSB28xxx-ZWUS -- not the more common version 1 DSB09104-ZWUS version.

Standard install recognised as version 1.2 (?old version) - shows huge value for kwh that is wrong - 233 or so. Modify multiple settings - get watt and kwh shown but don't accurately reflect changes.

I wonder whether this is being recognised as the version one model - the version one model has quite different control parameters as I have discovered.

Compared to the version 1 model version 2 parameters settings are quite different - particularly the binary aspects - 101, 102 and 103 parameters

Link to difficult to find version 2 Specs:

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I have successfully worked my way through changing parameters from binary to decimal etc. and can change the reporting - but HC2 still does not actually reflect change in power usage. the Kwh seems correct but Watt reading the main thing displayed by HC2 is wrong.

I suspect the problem is I don't know what the HC2 expects format, data wise and the three child devices are also confusing.

Does anyone know or have these settings for ideally the version2 device or even the version1 and I can try to work backwards?

I have attached the

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= output from the main(id 116) and the three child devices below.

Thanks for your help!


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8 answers to this question

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I have one working partially. I have also a version 1 working fine.

See my thread

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[ Added: 2013-12-21, 10:13 ]

It's also a version 1.2

[ Added: 2013-12-21, 10:16 ]

{"id":169,"name":"Sanitaire total","roomID":28,"type":"multi_level_sensor","properties":{"UIMessageSendTime":"0","classConfigure":"2,2,2,2,2,2","classGeneric":"50","classSupport":"50,96,112,114,133,134","classVersion":"3,3,1,2,1,1","dead":"0","deviceControlType":"0","deviceIcon":"47","disabled":"0","emailNotificationID":"0","emailNotificationType":"0","endPoint":"0","isBatteryOperated":"0","log":"","logTemp":"","meterSupport":"{\"vMeterSupport\":[{\"meterType\":1,\"sMeterType\":\"kWh\",\"meterScale\":0,\"sMeterScale\":\"\",\"value\":0,\"enable\":true,\"lastPolling\":1387030504,\"configuration\":true,\"retryConfig\":0},{\"meterType\":1,\"sMeterType\":\"W\",\"meterScale\":2,\"sMeterScale\":\"\",\"value\":0,\"enable\":true,\"lastPolling\":1387030504,\"configuration\":true,\"retryConfig\":0},{\"meterType\":1,\"sMeterType\":\"V\",\"meterScale\":4,\"sMeterScale\":\"\",\"value\":0,\"enable\":true,\"lastPolling\":1387030504,\"configuration\":true,\"retryConfig\":0}]}","needConfigure":"5","nodeID":"121","parametersTemplate":"0","parentID":"1","pollingRetryError":"0","pollingTime":"","pollingTimeNext":"","pollingTimeSec":"30","productInfo":"0,134,0,2,0,28,1,2","pushNotificationID":"0","pushNotificationType":"0","requestNodeNeighborState":"0","requestNodeNeighborStateTimeStemp":"0","saveLogs":"1","sensorSupport":"","showChildren":"0","showEnergy":"1","smsNotificationID":"0","smsNotificationType":"0","sortOrder":"999","unit":"kWh","unitMeter":"","unitSensor":"W","useTemplate":"0","userDescription":"","value":"78.911","valueMeter":"","valueSensor":"3357.67","zwaveCompany":"Aeon Labs","zwaveInfo":"3,3,40","zwaveVersion":"1,2","parameters":[{"id":3,"size":1,"value":0,"lastSetValue":0},{"id":101,"size":4,"value":16131,"lastSetValue":16131},{"id":111,"size":4,"value":10,"lastSetValue":10},{"id":112,"size":4,"value":60,"lastSetValue":60},{"id":113,"size":4,"value":20,"lastSetValue":20}],"associationView":[{"groupID":1,"devices":[1]}],"associationSet":[{"groupID":1,"devices":[1]}]},"actions":{"pollingTimeSec":1,"requestNodeNeighborUpdate":0,"resetMeter":0},"created":1387561529,"modified":1387561529,"sortOrder":57}

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  • Inquirer
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    Thanks for reply

    I did see your earlier post but couldn't make sense of the 770 for 101.

    I see that we are both now using 16131 for 101 now though

    Binary of 00111111 00000011

    From my version 2 document above that means to me that:

    All three clamps reporting both KWh and Watts

    And the whole unit reporting just KWh and Watts

    (Not V or A)

    Do you have the version one settings? I wonder what the default version 1 parameters are? (Not sure there is any way to find out)

    Would be nice to compare and then vary the version 2 reporting characteristics to match.


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    You are right, I changed the 101 afterwards.

    I don't have the doc of the version 2 : where did you get the doc ?

    Here is the link to doc version 1 :

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    [ Added: 2013-12-21, 14:36 ]

    And is also your clamp 1 hidden from the user interface ?

    The master recognise well the 3 champs, but only the master, 2 and 3 are shown.

    Do you observe the same ?

    [ Added: 2013-12-21, 14:37 ]

    and slaves do not support the energy pannel, just the master...

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  • Inquirer
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    Thanks - yes the version one doc is easy to find and has lead to some confusion thinking the settings are the same - clearly as the version 2 doc shows they are not and presume this is why version 2 doesn't work correctly. The version 2 doc came from a Vera forum where they have been struggling with the same thing - on Vera though 16131 seems to fix reporting.

    Do you have your API/id= settings for the version one working version, I suspect that the default parameters are not shown - but will may pay to have-a-look at HC2toolkit as may shown default parameters for devices.

    Any other ideas?


    Yes master and two child appears only in main screen although can click on all and show details. This doesn't particularly bother me only if it reported correctly.

    [ Added: 2013-12-22, 16:44 ]


    Have installed HC2 Toolkit

    Does appear to enable raw API data from each device fairly easily.

    Click on device and go show raw API data - seems to be the same as api/device?id=


    Could you post your version 1 api/device?id= as above and can try and see where the differences are - presuming of course that the parameters are listed and are not all hidden within the HC2


    [ Added: 2013-12-28, 11:31 ]

    Anyone with a version one version - able to post device settings. Presume parameters are probably buried in HC2 and not visible however still useful to try.

    Disappointing it does seem this version 2 model is not 100% supported.

    With changing parameters as above for 3 clamp version - can get energy reported however doesn't seem accurate particularly at high levels with big energy usages are not reported. I would wonder whether the one missing child device is not adding to total?

    I have posted this

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    To aid.



    [ Added: 2013-12-28, 16:52 ]

    I have tried various settings including 1794 for all important para 101 - basically meaning only sending Watts for all clamps and total. Gets same reading.

    Appears to max out at 10000Watts; ie. when whole-house AC on - no other changes possible.

    Presume this is a HC2 issue???

    The Monitor is rated to 200Amps per clamp == 40,000 watts or more.

    Can somebody confirm the highest Watt reading they have had from Aeon Energy Monitor?


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    I also have the problems with the v2 power meter. I cant get the correct readings and it only shows total and phase 2 and 3.

    Software is 1.52 of the power meter. Hope they correct this soon.

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  • Inquirer
  • Posted

    I agree.

    Seems its only a version issue as well - as version one does (from what I hear) work.

    Disappointing - as had got, rightly or wrongly the impression that most of the Aeon Labs was compatible and worked within HC2.

    Bugzilla report here: (Still waiting..... .)

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    Hi, I have similar issues, what parameters are you using right now?

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    Just got my device gen2 3clamp version, and also having issues in HC2 3.590

    Bugzilla says bug is fixed. Anyone has luck getting correct values?


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