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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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Aeon labs dsb54 recessed door sensor



I'm interested in the dsb54 to replace some of the Fibaro door sensors that are in plain sight. Has anybody already tried them with HC2? Are they stable and reliable?

14 answers to this question

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+1, just ordered two so any one? (Or wait for me...)

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    Ok very interested in hearing your findings!

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    Tested the DSB54 with the HC2, took a couple of times before the product was included.

    First impression:

    -Works well with the HC2,

    -The battery connection could be improved.

    -The products stay's awake for 10 mins while including in another manufacturers gateway, in the HC2 you have to keep the sensor awake in order to get the sensor included.

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    Bought two, installed the first one on my cellar door right away (to sw on lights controlled by FGS211 Switch 3kW). As Dshop said: Good first impression. Installing (physical) and zwave inclusion straight forward (just nudge it half way by pressing the zwave button once on the unit itselft/DSB54). Stable and woorks like a breeze. I say the preffered option of door sensors - eg if you have wooden door that you can drill in and that does not block the zwave signal

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    Thanks for your feedback guys, I'll be ordering one to begin with.

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    Can somebody explain when I include the AEON DSB54, where the "On Off"  button serve for?

    I include and exclude a couple times, but nothing change 

    - can not change On / Off button

    - can not change icon

    - open ore closed, you see nothing change in the icon (only a box

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    /emoticons/default_icon_smile.gif" alt=":-)" />)

    - when you get the "fibaro:getValue" nothing changes open ore closed (Value stay 255)


    What I do wrong?


    (HC2 version 3.600)

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    Can somebody explain when I include the AEON DSB54, where the "On Off"  button serve for?

    I include and exclude a couple times, but nothing change 

    - can not change On / Off button

    - can not change icon

    - open ore closed, you see nothing change in the icon (only a box

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    /emoticons/default_icon_smile.gif" alt=":-)" />)

    - when you get the "fibaro:getValue" nothing changes open ore closed (Value stay 255)


    What I do wrong?


    (HC2 version 3.600)


    If you see only a box it in not included correctly. Try to remove and add the device again and be patient (wait until you see the green line and that the popup closes itself, it really can take a while!).

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    If you see only a box it in not included correctly. Try to remove and add the device again and be patient (wait until you see the green line and that the popup closes itself, it really can take a while!).

    Hi Remco,


    Thanks for you quick response...


    I try you advise;

    - exclude device --> reboot HC2

    - include --> get pop-up --> wait 5 minutes, nothing happens, only yellow text "make device wake up" --> one click for wake up and pop-up close  in one minute with green text. Device ok.

    In Fibaro you see only a "BOX" with On ore Off and you can only associate with anther device in group 1 ore 2.


    More tips, (works this device with v3.600?)



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    Are you sure it is a DSB54 and not the ZW089, the GEN5 (ZWAVE PLUS) model? The GEN5 model is not working correctly (v4.xx for sure). The old model should work perfectly in v3.xx and v4.xx, I have several of them in my system.

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    Hi Remco,


    Silly of me, you have right. I look on the device and its a ZW089 (GEN5). Then I keep the device and wait for a stable version v4.xx (I hoop that this works).

    I read a lot of troubles on v4.xx, so I wait.


    Thx for you help



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    I've recently purchased a full set of fibaro modules plus an HC2. All the fibaro sensors are recognized and work perfectly, but when I try to include the Aeon Labs recessed door sensor GEN5 it's not recognized at all. The issue is that such device is Z-Wave plus whereas it seems that my HC2 is not ¿?, but after digging on Internet for some days it seems that maybe there will be a way to enable Z-Wave plus feature within the HC2 or make it work through a set of steps, Is this correct? if so, how can I do it?


    Thanks in advance, this is my first post on this forum

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    They should work now, even with the right template. You have to press the tiny button a few times and have to wait till the popup disappears when including it.

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    (...)The issue is that such device is Z-Wave plus whereas it seems that my HC2 is not ¿?, but after digging on Internet for some days it seems that maybe there will be a way to enable Z-Wave plus feature within the HC2 or make it work through a set of steps, Is this correct? if so, how can I do it?

    Z-Wave and Z-Wave plus devices (and controllers) are compatible. It's a bit like different wireless standards. They can operate together.
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    Thank you very much for the clarification @petergebruers, I had a misconception about the GEN5 devices and the HC2, now it's clear for me how it works. The trick of pressing several times WORKED! thanks for it @boerremk, when I tried to include it, it said that I had to LONG press the button , not press it several times, so that tiny difference, was the issue. 

    Thanks a lot to both, 




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