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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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Logging of information to external source



Hi guys,

Does anybody know how to log information onto a notepad perhaps and email to users? Will like to keep track of my gps coordinates but I can only save to variable or email one by one to user which is troublesome. Perhaps log one day's worth of information and email to user at the end of the day.

Anyone has solution for this?

Thanks in advance


4 answers to this question

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Try to have a look at some of the graphing applications, they often work by forwarding data to a mysql database. That will keep as many coordinate sets as you please.

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check thingspeak api, to see if you can store the 2 gps coordinates as a unique value.

you could also store them as 2 different graphs.

when you need to access the data youncould just export as csv i guess

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I'd second pbillet's suggestion of thingspeak.com.

I'm using an Electric Imp (

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) to measure and upload soil moisture content to thingspeak.

The beauty of the Imp is that it can (and will be soon!) battery powered (the Imp and associated circuits can be placed into deep sleep between measurements), is low cost and compact and can be located in the garden bed.

Using (VERY) prototype hardware, I'm currently logging data to thingspeak - you can view the public chart here:

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Next step is to consolidate and weatherproof the hardware, and to have the HC2 access this data to inform the sprinkler system, or to have Electric Imp send a simple command to the the sprinkler via the HC2. It is also possible to Post data to thingspeak.

It's early days yet - too much to investigate, too little time ...

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/emoticons/default_icon_sad.gif" alt=":-(" />

Perhaps Fibaro might consider adding support of the Electric Imp to their long wish-list?

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Actually, you could use the google spreadsheets with their api. Should allow you to send coordinates direectly via a single button virtual device...

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