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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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Scene configuration on HCL




This question might very well be explained by my limited experience.

I appreciate any input you can provide.

In scene_adv.png I have tried to configure a scene to achieve the following

(in C-comparable syntax):


if windspeed > 50 THEN

VaderOKMatris = 3;



In scene_gen.png I have unchecked both 'active' as well as "start when home center starts".

I have also tried all four combinations of "active" and "start when home center starts"

with no success.

When this scene is invoked it is always ending up with setting variable VaderOKMatris to

'3' (and yes, I have double checked that it was not equal to '3' before my test). What

I would like to achive is illustrated above, i.e. only when the wind speed

is actually higher than 50 the variable VaderOKMatris should be set to '3'.

As illustrated in the top right of the pictures, the wind speed is 11km/h (or

approximately 3.5 meters per second) when I tried this out, i.e. much lower than 50.

What am I doing wrong? I am also using the latest avaialble firmware for HCL (as can

be seen in picture).

Again, I appreicate any input as to what is wrong.

Thank you,


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3 answers to this question

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When you press the "Run" button you are forcing everything below the "Then" command to take place (i.e you are manually setting the variable to 3 by pressing the "Run" button)

I would suggest leaving this as active until the desired trigger of windspeed increases on its own. To check the execution of the scene, attach a notification to the scene that tells you it has taken place until you are confident it is working correctly

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  • Thank you for the explanation and suggestion, I will certainly give it a try.

    I appreciate your answer!



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