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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

Fibaro support erase my messages and continue to not help me

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I'm sorry but now I am really angry and disappointed about the Fibaro support team.

Yesterday night I wrote an help post in this forum, and this morning it get deleted for this reason:

"Please stop posting topics that can lead other users to damage their system"

The only damage that occur came from Fibaro support team that doesn't have the skill to solve problems, and make me and many (MANY) others users lose (i repeat, LOSE) a very long time!

My fibaro hc2 is out of order from 11 days now because the usb recovery key is broken, and I can't go back to previous stable release.

I had the really bad idea to update my stable version (3.590) to the beta version of fibaro (3.907).

The beta version is really awful, many bugs, half of my device working bad, lost name of devices, sensors battery devices not working any more, my alarm system is completely out of order, and so on.

OK, this is not a problem, it's a BETA, so I don't blame Fibaro about the bugs, I installed it at my own risk, so I decided to back into stable version doing the recovery procedure.

And here my troubles began. Trying to run into recovery mode I was unable to enter because I discovered that the official FIBARO USB STICK is going to be corrupted because many sectors are unreadable (hardware problem).

Fibaro support follows my problem, it's true, however, continue to make the time pass without solve my problem (simple problem).

Just a suggestion to other users: make a full backup clone of your usb recovery key and keep in safe place, otherwise if it get broken, the Fibaro support will not help you never to fix it without send whole hc2 box, you are warned. (I can just say this or will I banned??)

Best Regards


I read somewhere that somebody his USB-key got damaged simply by performing a copy. I don't know whether this is true or even possible.

Of course I'm willing to make a backup in case of any problems, but I don't know if Fibaro is able or willing to solve the issue remote anyway. The way I understand it, is that Fibaro requires users with broken USB-keys to send in their entire unit.

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    I read somewhere that somebody his USB-key got damaged simply by performing a copy. I don't know whether this is true or even possible.

    Hi hvb83,

    this is impossible, connecting the usb stick into a PC and opening it readonly can't damage its content. I think that USB KEY was already damaged prior connecting to the PC.

    Seen the inefficiency of Fibaro support with this hardware problem, I suggest all users to make a "PRIVATE" clone of its FIBARO USB KEY, because it can get damaged any time (ANY TIME), and Fibaro doesn't make available a recovery image to download into a new usb key (this would be a very very easy solution of the problem).

    I'm really baffled.


    How do you mean inefficient? I thought you hadn't even sent them the stuff yet so they could fix it but were holding on to it still? IF you'd sent it immediately it could've been fixed by now and even on it's way back. Just because YOU don't want the help they offer doesn't mean THEY are inefficient. Quite the contrary actually.

    You do realize that the problem here is NOT with Fibaro? Get a grip and follow procedures which are nice and simple. Whether you like them or not.


    jin, please cease proposing solutions that are not certified and supported by FIBARO. Cloning Recovery memory can affect other users' systems integrity and further suggesting such actions (you got warned for them two times already) may result in ban, which we would like to avoid. Please follow procedure suggested to you by our consultant so we can help you faster.

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    You do realize that the problem here is NOT with Fibaro? Get a grip and follow procedures which are nice and simple. Whether you like them or not.

    Hi UrSv, excuse me, but I don't understand your disappointment. Do you followed all my story and forum posts?

    however 11 days ago, after I realized the problem when trying to go into recovery mode, I wrote to fibaro support, and I followed them into troubleshooting my problem. 11 days have passed, with their attempts and my lose of time, and my problem persist.

    The inefficiency to which I refer, depends on whether the problem is simple and common in the forum, and they do not give a simple and efficient solution to the problem.

    Many users of the forum are experiencing usb key hardware corruption (search in the forum and into mantis bug tracker to discover), and the Fibaro's solution consist to give back the whole hc2 box?? This is unacceptable and crazy in my humble opinion.

    A really simple solution consist to give users the ability to download a recovery image and restore it into a new usb key, simple and fast. don't you think?

    Best Regards

    [ Added: 2014-09-16, 14:22 ]

    jin, please cease proposing solutions that are not certified and supported by FIBARO. Cloning Recovery memory can affect other users' systems integrity and further suggesting such actions (you got warned for them two times already) may result in ban, which we would like to avoid. Please follow procedure suggested to you by our consultant so we can help you faster.

    Hi Nowacki, I understand your procedure and fears, but in this post I haven't suggested how to clone or do nothing with your hardware/software, I just suggested what, about my personal experience with your products, should do to stay with hc2 safe. Each of us is responsible for himself, and I have not revealed any of your industrial secrets.

    If I suggest to throw in a river the hc2 box, this violates your policy because I push users to damage fibaro?

    You told me "You are free to express your opinion and share it with other fellow users", and that is what I'm doing.

    Then if you want to ban me just because my disappointments are inconvenient for you, then proceed, it does not seem to be the only one here.

    However, I hate my polemic tone, but still now, after tries and tries with your support team and 11 days lost, still my box running with beta version and I can't get back to stable and my home is completely unusable.

    This evening, as soon as I get home, I will do what support asked me this morning, so tomorrow, I'll report here the result.

    Best Regards.


    jin, throwing your HC2 into river will damage device obviously, but some users may not be as fluent with software as you would like them to be. They can simply damage their controller while trying to help, having no idea that can harm their system.

    In addition, please do not mislead other users about support reaction time. You did not contacted us 11 days ago - you send message to the wrong e-mail address, and our consultant contacted you voluntarily when he saw you complaint on the forum. Since then he constantly was replying to your PM's trying to help you and asked you to make proper complain through official channel once he diagnosed issue that could be only repaired by warranty procedure.

    And again, we do not intend to ban any user, but please follow the advice given to with last two warnings.


    But why does Fibaro not want users to backup their recovery sticks to avoid future issues?

    Simple guide to using DD would save you a lot of angry customers who do not want the cost of sending an HC2 to Poland for repair.

    jin, throwing your HC2 into river will damage device obviously, but some users may not be as fluent with software as you would like them to be.

    I really think you (Fibaro) should try a different approach to the problems that are addressed here.


    Hi UrSv, excuse me, but I don't understand your disappointment. Do you followed all my story and forum posts?


    A really simple solution consist to give users the ability to download a recovery image and restore it into a new usb key, simple and fast. don't you think?

    Best Regards

    Of course I have followed your posts and sure it could possibly be simple for a few users but for most it would definitely not be. To me it is perfectly reasonable to do it the way it is done now i.e. by sending it in to be fixed. That however does not mean that I wouldn't love to be able to do all those things myself but since that option is not available I accept that and play by the rules.

    But why does Fibaro not want users to backup their recovery sticks to avoid future issues?

    Simple guide to using DD would save you a lot of angry customers who do not want the cost of sending an HC2 to Poland for repair.

    Would it really? I may be wrong but I was under the impression that the recovery stick and it's backups were tied by means of serial#/MAC/other which means that if the HC2 breaks there would still be no way to easily use the backups from the old system on the new. Obviously it would add a degree of security for those rare, I do not believe the problem is VERY common, cases where both the HC2 AND the USB recovery stick are broken.

    And sure, I would love that the HC would perform an FS check regularly and report problems to the user/support so that proper actions could be taken as early as possible and I would love to able to perform off-unit backups. That however is not something that we can demand but we definitely request that it be included in future releases and if it is included is obiously up to Fibaro.

    I may be wrong

    you may be

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    In addition, please do not mislead other users about support reaction time. You did not contacted us 11 days ago - you send message to the wrong e-mail address, and our consultant contacted you voluntarily when he saw you complaint on the forum. Since then he constantly was replying to your PM's trying to help you and asked you to make proper complain through official channel once he diagnosed issue that could be only repaired by warranty procedure.

    Thanks for the reply.

    on the 2014-09-04, just after installing the beta version, and trying to go backup to stable release, I seen that recovery doesn't working any more (before I used it successfully near 1 year ago after installing another beta version).

    So I began to search the root cause into forum posts and fibaro bugtracking system, and I discovered this ticket:

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    If you read, m.roszak (Developer) suggested to write to [email protected]

    So I write a peaceful mail to that email address explaining my trouble.

    As you can see, on 2014-09-04 23:22 I've write also a reply to the ticket reporting the same issue.

    So where is the problem? I wrote to a non existent email suggested from your developer into official support ticket? Where can I find the right way to follow to get official support of problems? Forum post? Bug tracking system? write to [email protected] as reported into "today" post

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    Until today I was always peaceful and understanding and followed the instructions given by support team (although I always told you where the problem resided in my recovery).

    However I am confident that soon your support team definitively solve my problem.

    Best Regards

    [ Added: 2014-09-16, 16:09 ]

    But why does Fibaro not want users to backup their recovery sticks to avoid future issues?

    Simple guide to using DD would save you a lot of angry customers who do not want the cost of sending an HC2 to Poland for repair.

    robmac, I DEFINITIVELY AGREE with you.

    Every "serious" Linux based device around the world have a recovery solution downloadable from official site and don't depend "only" on damageable usb pen drive. This is evident.


    jin, really sorry for my mistake in bugzilla ticket - this was a stupid mistake done in rush.

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    jin, really sorry for my mistake in bugzilla ticket - this was a stupid mistake done by rush.

    Roszak there are no problems, I'm sorry if I called you in cause about this topic. I understand it can happen.

    I am really confident that fibaro support team will find the way to solve all my problems in the most convenient way for all.

    Thank you for the reply, Best Regards.

    jin, really sorry for my mistake in bugzilla ticket - this was a stupid mistake done by rush.

    aah, Rush is one of the new fibaro employees?

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    Guest gembrain

    Having the system back up its settings only inside the box is an extremely poor solution and quite unnecessary.

    1) Owners who may have spent many hours configuring their system need to be able to store that work somewhere safe - i.e. in an encrypted form wherever they choose.

    2) In the event of a breakdown they need to be able to swap out the HC2 for a replacement, download their saved configuration, and carry on working.

    If an owner is relying on their HC2 for lighting, heating, and security then any delay over 24-48 hours is unacceptable. Fibaro need to recognise this. If it means providing and charging for a maintenance contract then so be it.

    I can only assume that Fibaro ties the USB stick to the HC2 to prevent people from cloning the HC2 but this same security can easily be done with something like a codemeter dongle tied to the user. Or just having the software check occasionally with a Fibaro server that it is running on an authorised box.

    The way backup and repair works at the moment does NOT suit the purposes for which an HC2 is used.


    You have a member of staff called Rush at Fibaro?

    Giggling to myself... Rush is something that never happens at Fibaro!


    One question from turkey: Does this mean, if our usb stick is brocken, we have to send the stick and the box from turkey to poland?

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    And again, we do not intend to ban any user, but please follow the advice given to with last two warnings.

    Nowacki I just inserted back the original fibaro usb key and I put in recovery mode my HC2 box.

    I already written to b.kreczmer of support team that my box is waiting your connection.

    Let's me known if you need others info and support.

    Best regards


    To Turkey........the man from Fibaro, he say YES.....

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