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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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DC powered flood sensor issue



Dear all,

I have big issues when trying to set the flood sensor on PSU.

When placed on 12VDC, it doesn't work, I hear a beep like a smoke sensor not included. Also, it doesn't react when sense1&2 are shortcuted.

But if I just disconnect the 12VDC (running then on battery), it works perfectly fine.

Also, the little gold pins show 13VAC on it. Without flood sensor connected, the PSU output shows only a small 4VAC.

The PSU is also powering a universal sensor which always worked fine.

I changed the PSU to try but same thing.

Anybody experienced the same issue???

11 answers to this question

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I know that a similar problem is persistent in the smoke sensors when connecting a fixed power supply.

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Tibus31, was module included with connection to mains power or was it connected during normal operation?

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Mine needed a little time to settle ones I moved from battery to external power supply, now it works perfectly. I do have a dedicated power supply that is powerful enough according to the fibaro flood sensor specifications.

I did connect a external cable that senses flooding and also I turned of the audio signal, found it annoying.

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    @ J.Nowacki Yes it was included when dc powered.

    @j-t I left it for a few hours but nothing. While it was communicating perfectly (bi-directional com was working instantly when changing parameters,...) the sensor was showing flood (1) while no contact on extension cable and after few trials of shortcut between sense 1 & 2, it finally showed no flood (0). I thought it was ok thus I shortcut it again to see it going from 0 to 1 but no reaction.

    Really, on DC it only communicate but no coherent reaction on flood. When DC disconnect, it works normally.

    Regarding the load, it's a 2 AMP PSU thus for a universal sensor and a flood sensor it must be very high enough.

    Also, as I've said before, there's a AC current (13V) on the gold pins which is giving you small unpleasant discharge when you touch the pins

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    For reminds, I've tested it with different brand PSU and same result...

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    I have no current, that I can feel at least, on the gold pins.

    Maybe your sensor is not functioning properly?

    And how can you have AC current on the pins, it runs on DC?

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    Tibus31, please reset module by entering menu of device and clicking briefly when rgbw turns yellow. Then re-add the device. Could you please send me picture of connectors in your flood sensor?

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    @j-t: There's a residual AC voltage on the output of the PSU but it's only 5VAC when not connected. When connected to Flood sensor, I measure 13VAC on the pins. Why, I don't know how the flood sensor is made (parasite oscillation because its faulty?). Again, the residual ondulation of a few volt is also measure on another PSU from another brand. I now there's always residual ondulation on AC-DC unit but I admit that few volt is a lot already. I will test some other tomorrow.

    @j.nowacki: I will try this tomorrow morning, thank you!

    [ Added: 2014-09-24, 11:00 ]

    Good morning,

    I've found out where this AV voltage comes from. It's in fact induced current from jacuzzi heater resistance which wire are running side by side with DC wires.

    BUT... the problem has nothing to do with this parasite AC. I can disconnect the heater, see 0VAC but the issue is still there.

    I've reset the flood sensor, took it beside HC2, RE-include it with another PSU and test it beside HC2 => same issue. when putting water on contact, it doesn't even visually blink.

    If you disconnect and let it on battery, it works again.

    So definitely, I'm losing my time trying to make this work...

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    Tibus31, please make one more thing: disconnect battery completely. Then reset sensor and re-include it beside HC2. Is led on it turned on constantly? Now enter menu of device and press tamper briefly when led turns green. Now please test it again by connecting sesn1 and sens2 terminals.

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    j.nowacki, when I included it, the battery wasn't inserted. I've inserted it after.

    The issue was that the flood=1 with no contact (sense 1&2). If you shortcut Sense 1&2 briefly then off, the flood goes 0 (which is normal state when no contact) but after a few time, it went back to 1. I did it again a few time then suddenly, it stop going back to 1.

    So sincel about 3 hours, its working. Flood = 0 and if I create the contact between sense, it goes 1. If I disconnect sense, it goes 0. I've tried it about 5 times, and it works so now I don't want to change anything.

    For information, the led is blinking red.

    I don't know why it's working now also why the led is blinking red but at least, it does the trick...

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    Tibus31, color of led indicates temperature the flood is exposed to. If you encounter such problem again please contact us.

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    Ok, it looks coherent as the T° is 45° thus > 35 default high temp.

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