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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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Power Consumption at home





I am thinking on how to meter the total power consumption at home.


There is the AEOTEC Solution that seems to now support real time reporting - but I have no clue what HC2 is doing with that device.


But there seems to be another one - I have colleque using S0 bus system all over his house. 

He was thinking is this is something that could work - I think not - but happy to hear your view.


The module Fibaro Universal Binary Sensor and this one 


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So use the devices S0 output (1000 impulses for 1 KWh) as input for the Fibaro Universal Binary Sensor - is that possible?


And if yes - how is this gonna be displayed in HC2 - maybe I need to calculate the impulses to KWh there - but what about history etc. maybe this is the problem.


If this is not working - what is the best way to get the power consumption of the whole house tracked and shown in the consumption statistics w/o having the Fibaro Powermeters at every wall plug. 

My plan is to only have some of them for the most consuming ones and one to track the whole house. With the difference I am able to see what is the Rest.


I am new to the Zwave and HC2 - so sorry for maybe stupid questions or missing knowledge.


Thanks for any Feedback or idea, regards


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    How are others monitoring the total power consumption at home?

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    via my NTA8130 smart meter

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    All houses in NL need to have one by 2017 I think.. The power/gas meter has a readable serial port and a strict defined protocol.. Easy peacy

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