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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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AEO-MES Aeon Labs Aeotec Miroswitch




I have just included this fne Microswitch.

It has two subnodes.

What are this ?

I think one of them is for power metering.

But the other one ?

Best regards, Axel

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13 answers to this question

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Guest MarcelK

I See the same issue in version V.4.047.


Brand new 'factory reset' system and upgraded to V4.047 direcly...

Included the device for the first time in this config and i see this:

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and in the z-wave diag panel this:

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The actual switch works, but the rest does not. No power metering.


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There are two ways to get power and energy values.

1. set up polling for those devices, for example 125 on each.

2. get device manual, read it. Add manually parameters which correspond to unsolicited reports (if this is aeon we talking about there will be parameters in which you will be able to decide what device will send in specific report group and time interval for this group).


That is it.

Have fun!


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Thanks m.roszak


Hi have now tried to do as you ask me to do.


1. Put the polling to 125


2. Read the manual


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    Also tried to read the extended manual, but it seems to be the wrong adress.


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All this with no luck. so if you have this device fully working maybe you could be a little more specified what im doing wrong?



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To help you I need exact model of this device.

It is this one?:

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There you have all configuration parameters.


You can try those settings:

Parameter 1 = 1 (size 1d) - reporting Voltage in Multilevel Sensor Command Class
Parameter 80 = 2 (size 1d) - reports with device state in Command Class Basic
Parameter 90 = 0 (size 1d) - auto reports turned on

Parameter 91 = 25 (size 2d) - Minimal wattage change for automatic report = 25W
Parameter 92 = 5 (size 1d) - Minimal change (%) in wattage for report to be send = 5%


Reporting groups and intervals:

Parameter 101 = 2 (size 4d) - reports for Voltage
Parameter 102 = 4 (size 4d) - reports for Wattage
Parameter 103 = 8 (size 4d) - reports for kWh

Parameter 111 = 360 (size 4d) - reports interval for parameter 101 in seconds
Parameter 112 = 360 (size 4d) - reports interval for parameter 102 in seconds
Parameter 113 = 3600 (size 4d) - reports interval for parameter 103 in seconds


You can take a closer look at the parameters list, you can alter them as you like.

PS To add manually a parameter go to advanced tab in device configuration page, uncheck "use template for parameters" and save it. After this there will be a button to add manually parameters.

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m.roszak, now we are getting somewhere. Still it doesnt work, I tried it with another load with the same result.


Ive changed the parameters as you suggested with no luck, it complained over the p.1 that it didnt have that?

The rest of the parameters it changed but it still doesnt show the load.


Here is the manual, as you can see it doesnt say much.

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here is a complete list of manuals from zwave europe  

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here is the manual for the AEON MSES Gen 2 - 

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I have the same problem as you guys..I can only see the cumulative KWh reading not the real time energy reading

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We will soon add proper templates for those devices, unfortunately it takes time and often some workarounds are needed - not every device works as it it stated in the manual.

For now you can try to alter settings manually and check if that helps you. There are so many devices on the market in different versions so we need time to manage them all.

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Anyone got this working for measuring Watts ? I can only get Kw/h, not current watts that is the reason I purchased it.

I purchased Fibaro modules for my other needs but for this device I could not use the fibaro plug, I needed something to put into the wall..

Thank you

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This is the device template if it helps...


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<Zwave version="10" xmlns:vc="

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" xmlns:xsi="

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><zwaveData><basicClass>04</basicClass><manufacturerID>0086</manufacturerID><productType>0003</productType><productID>0012</productID><zLibraryType>03</zLibraryType><zProtocolVersion>03</zProtocolVersion><zProtocolSubVersion>28</zProtocolSubVersion><applicationVersion>03</applicationVersion><applicationSubVersion>00</applicationSubVersion><routing>true</routing><flirs>false</flirs></zwaveData><deviceInfo><country/><company>AEON Labs</company><brand/><productName/><productLine/><descriptionInclude/><description/></deviceInfo><endPoint><endPointID id="0" enabled="true" visible="true"><genericClass>10</genericClass><specificClass>1</specificClass><typeFibaro>com.fibaro.binarySwitch</typeFibaro><interfacesFibaro/><interfaces><interface>Switch</interface><interface>Meter</interface><interface>SwitchAll</interface><interface>SceneActivation</interface><interface>Configuration</interface><interface>Association</interface><interface>Basic</interface><interface>ZwaveRoutingSlave</interface></interfaces><commandClasses><commandClass cmdClass="COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC"><valueHashes><value index="1" type="bool"><name>value</name><typeFibaro/><interfaceFibaro/><virtual>0</virtual></value></valueHashes></commandClass><commandClass cmdClass="COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY"><valueHashes><value index="1" type="bool"><name>value</name><typeFibaro/><interfaceFibaro/><virtual>0</virtual></value></valueHashes></commandClass><commandClass cmdClass="COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_ALL" nowConfigure="true"><valueHashes><value index="1" type="string"><name>switchAllMode</name><typeFibaro/><interfaceFibaro>zwaveSwitchAll</interfaceFibaro><virtual>0</virtual></value></valueHashes></commandClass><commandClass cmdClass="COMMAND_CLASS_SCENE_ACTIVATION"><valueHashes><value index="1" type="byte" checkEvent="false"><name>sceneActivation</name><typeFibaro/><interfaceFibaro>zwaveSceneActivation</interfaceFibaro><max>255</max><min>0</min><virtual>0</virtual></value></valueHashes></commandClass><commandClass cmdClass="COMMAND_CLASS_METER" version="3"><valueHashes><value index="1" type="real"><name>energy</name><typeFibaro/><interfaceFibaro>energy</interfaceFibaro><unit>kWh</unit><max>2147483647</max><min>-2147483648</min><virtual>1</virtual></value><value index="3" type="real"><name>power</name><typeFibaro/><interfaceFibaro>power</interfaceFibaro><unit>W</unit><max>2147483647</max><min>-2147483648</min><virtual>1</virtual></value><value index="5" type="real"><name>value</name><typeFibaro>com.fibaro.multilevelSensor</typeFibaro><interfaceFibaro/><unit>V</unit><max>2147483647</max><min>-2147483648</min><virtual>1</virtual></value><value index="6" type="real"><name>value</name><typeFibaro>com.fibaro.multilevelSensor</typeFibaro><interfaceFibaro/><unit>A</unit><max>2147483647</max><min>-2147483648</min><virtual>2</virtual></value></valueHashes></commandClass><commandClass cmdClass="COMMAND_CLASS_CRC_16_ENCAP"><valueHashes/></commandClass><commandClass cmdClass="COMMAND_CLASS_CONFIGURATION" nowConfigure="true"><valueHashes><value index="1" type="configuration"><name>parameters</name><typeFibaro/><interfaceFibaro>zwaveConfiguration</interfaceFibaro><max>255</max><min>0</min><virtual>0</virtual></value></valueHashes></commandClass><commandClass cmdClass="COMMAND_CLASS_MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC" version="2"><valueHashes/></commandClass><commandClass cmdClass="COMMAND_CLASS_HAIL" controlled="true"><hailResponse>Undefined</hailResponse><valueHashes><value index="1" type="string"><name>hailResponse</name><typeFibaro/><interfaceFibaro/><virtual>0</virtual></value></valueHashes></commandClass><commandClass cmdClass="COMMAND_CLASS_ASSOCIATION"><cmdCAssociation><associationGroup number="1" maxNode="5" setAuto="true" maxMultiNode="1634222953" setMultiAuto="true"><description><lang tr="EN"/></description></associationGroup><associationGroup number="2" maxNode="5" setAuto="true" maxMultiNode="1849176864" setMultiAuto="true"><description><lang tr="EN"/></description></associationGroup></cmdCAssociation><valueHashes><value index="1" type="association"><name>associations</name><typeFibaro/><interfaceFibaro>zwaveAssociation</interfaceFibaro><max>255</max><virtual>0</virtual></value><value index="2" type="int"><name>associationGroups</name><typeFibaro/><interfaceFibaro>zwaveAssociation</interfaceFibaro><max>9223372036854775807</max><min>-9223372036854775808</min><virtual>0</virtual></value><value index="3" type="byte"><name>currentActiveGroup</name><typeFibaro/><interfaceFibaro/><max>255</max><min>0</min><virtual>0</virtual></value></valueHashes></commandClass><commandClass cmdClass="COMMAND_CLASS_VERSION"><valueHashes/></commandClass></commandClasses></endPointID></endPoint></Zwave>

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Here's the "Engineering Specs" I found... I tried to set these parameters with no luck to get current power measure.



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To help you I need exact model of this device.

It is this one?:

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There you have all configuration parameters.


You can try those settings:

Parameter 1 = 1 (size 1d) - reporting Voltage in Multilevel Sensor Command Class

Parameter 80 = 2 (size 1d) - reports with device state in Command Class Basic

Parameter 90 = 0 (size 1d) - auto reports turned on

Parameter 91 = 25 (size 2d) - Minimal wattage change for automatic report = 25W

Parameter 92 = 5 (size 1d) - Minimal change (%) in wattage for report to be send = 5%


Reporting groups and intervals:

Parameter 101 = 2 (size 4d) - reports for Voltage

Parameter 102 = 4 (size 4d) - reports for Wattage

Parameter 103 = 8 (size 4d) - reports for kWh

Parameter 111 = 360 (size 4d) - reports interval for parameter 101 in seconds

Parameter 112 = 360 (size 4d) - reports interval for parameter 102 in seconds

Parameter 113 = 3600 (size 4d) - reports interval for parameter 103 in seconds


You can take a closer look at the parameters list, you can alter them as you like.

PS To add manually a parameter go to advanced tab in device configuration page, uncheck "use template for parameters" and save it. After this there will be a button to add manually parameters.



With this config I have no luck, and it gives me an error:

"No report was received for parameter 1. The device might not have this parameter."



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