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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

HeatIt support still missing in 1.6.0

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Fibaro has recently launched the app version 1.6.0.

Whereas this may have introduced some improvements, I (and numerous other users) are extremely annoyed to see that support for HeatIt Z-TRM thermostats is still missing. This was present in the previous Fibaro app. Why you have chosen to redesign your app, and omit a perfectly working and useful functionality, is a mystery to me and numerous users in Scandinavia.

Let me explain the significance of this, as it seems to have missed the attiention of your development team completely.

In Scandinavia electrical floor heating is quite commonplace. Whereas the envrionmental significance of this practise is debatable, the availability of affordable hydroelectical power makes this practise cost effective. In order to regulate this heating, a number of users have invested in a Fibaro controllers to optimise their heating schedules. Personally I have 15 HeatIt units diveded among 3 buildings.

I am depending on heating schedules / «Panels» to make this work.

In the old app, I could manually access each HeatIt unit and manually check and turn on/off HeaIt units if necessary.

So far, only the temperature readout is available in the new app.

Can you please tell your Scandinavian customers if and when this functional will be reinstalled?

Until this is clarified, further hype of HC3 and similar promises will be empty words. It might very well be so that the Fibaro policy is to neglect your Scandinavian customer base in order to serve more profitable markets. if so, please tell us in plain words so we may have the opportunity to move on to other brands to serve our Smart Home systems.

Please note that this complaint will be posted on the official Fibaro Forum as well as all available Scandinavian Fibaro soclal media channels. 

Jo Dohl  

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