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CentralSceneEvent / getSourceTrigger



I had a scene for turning on the lights by using GetSourceTrigger (Pressed, Pressed2, Pressed3 etc.) on the FGS-223.  This is offcourse not working anymore in HC3. I'm not so good with using LUA so I can't figure out how this work in HC3 LUA. Is there anyone that can give me a help by reating one example for LUA HC3? I have added the LUA script from HC2 as how it used to work. 

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  • 17 minutes ago, Momos said:

    My triiger is like this:


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    Granted this is for a Remotec Remote.  Maybe try change operator to anyValue ?

    And what syntax you have on the actions side?

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    Please login or register to see this code.


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  • Inquirer
  • So I finally got it to work but one action per Scene


    Scene 1


      conditions = { {
          id = 740,
          isTrigger = true,
          operator = "==",
          property = "centralSceneEvent",
          type = "device",
          value = {
            keyAttribute = "Pressed2",
            keyId = 1
        } },
      operator = "all"
    Scene 2
      conditions = { {
          id = 740,
          isTrigger = true,
          operator = "==",
          property = "centralSceneEvent",
          type = "device",
          value = {
            keyAttribute = "Pressed2",
            keyId = 2
        } },
      operator = "all"

    So now I need to get these in two scenes in one scene. Anyone? To be continued..... 
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    you can combine them in a single scene with no problem.



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  • Inquirer
  • Just now, Momos said:

    you can combine them in a single scene with no problem.



    Can you show me how? I've tried but till now no luck. 

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    just use the trigger i posted above and the action.  comment out everything below the "print" line and post here the debug after pressing buttons 1 and 2

    Edited by Momos
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  • I will try tomorrow. Thanks for your help and I will let you know when I have succeeded. 

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  • Inquirer
  • With trail and error you can learn a lot. :-) I'm almost there but I can't get the script to respond to the Attribute value. Debug tells me that the attribute is correct but the if statement doesn't respond to it. 


    local value = sourceTrigger.value
    local trigger = sourceTrigger
    print("ID: "..trigger.id, "; Key: "..trigger.value.keyId, "; Attribute: "..trigger.value.keyAttribute )
    if value.keyId == 1 then
        elseif value.keyAttribute == "Pressed" then 
    elseif value.keyId == 2 then
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  • Inquirer
  • Got it.

    local value = sourceTrigger.value
    local trigger = sourceTrigger
    print("ID: "..trigger.id, "; Key: "..trigger.value.keyId, "; Attribute: "..trigger.value.keyAttribute )
    if value.keyId == 1 then
        if value.keyAttribute == "Pressed" then 
    elseif value.keyId == 2 then
        if value.keyAttribute == "Pressed2" then 
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    On 6/26/2020 at 8:40 AM, JWoofer said:

    Got it.

    local value = sourceTrigger.value
    local trigger = sourceTrigger
    print("ID: "..trigger.id, "; Key: "..trigger.value.keyId, "; Attribute: "..trigger.value.keyAttribute )
    if value.keyId == 1 then
        if value.keyAttribute == "Pressed" then 
    elseif value.keyId == 2 then
        if value.keyAttribute == "Pressed2" then 

    Hi @JWoofer, I'm having another go at getting this working and working through the example.


    My condition/trigger is:


        operator = "any",
        conditions = {
                id = 600,
                isTrigger = true,
                operator = "anyValue",
                property = "centralSceneEvent",
                type = "device"
    My actions are:
    local value = sourceTrigger.value
    local trigger = sourceTrigger
    print("ID: "..trigger.id, "; Key: "..trigger.value.keyId, "; Attribute: "..trigger.value.keyAttribute )
    if value.keyId == 1 then
        if value.keyAttribute == "Pressed" then 
    elseif value.keyId == 2 then
        if value.keyAttribute == "Pressed2" then 
    I get an error running the scene of:  attempt to index a nil value (field 'value')
    I just cannot work out the issue - what did you use to get this working in the end?
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  • Inquirer
  • This is the working situation:




      conditions = { {
          id = 585,
          isTrigger = true,
          operator = "!=",
          property = "centralSceneEvent",
          type = "device",
          value = {}
        } },
      operator = "all"




    local value = sourceTrigger.value
    local trigger = sourceTrigger
    print("ID: "..trigger.id, "; Key: "..trigger.value.keyId, "; Attribute: "..trigger.value.keyAttribute )
    if value.keyId == 1 then
        if value.keyAttribute == "Pressed" then 
        fibaro.debug("Pressed 1""LED")
        elseif value.keyAttribute == "Pressed2" then
        fibaro.debug("Pressed 2""Kast")
        elseif value.keyAttribute == "Pressed3" then
        fibaro.debug("Pressed 2""Staand")
        elseif value.keyAttribute == "HeldDown" then
        fibaro.debug("HeldDown""Alles Uit")
    elseif value.keyId == 2 then
        if value.keyAttribute == "Pressed" then 
        fibaro.debug("Pressed 1""LED")
        elseif value.keyAttribute == "Pressed2" then
        fibaro.debug("Pressed 2""Kast")
        elseif value.keyAttribute == "Pressed3" then
        fibaro.debug("Pressed 2""Staand")
        elseif value.keyAttribute == "HeldDown" then
        fibaro.debug("HeldDown""Alles Aan")


    The message of attempt to index a nil value I also get but this is not important. You have to make sure to give the right ID in the declaration:


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    Hi @JWoofer


    I had another look this morning and simplified the code for a remote which only works for single presses.


    I used the actions you suggested:


      conditions = { {
          id = 602,
          isTrigger = true,
          operator = "!=",
          property = "centralSceneEvent",
          type = "device",
          value = {}
        } },
      operator = "all"
    Then I simplified your code for a remote so the actions were:
    local trigger = sourceTrigger
    print("ID: "..trigger.id, "; Key: "..trigger.value.keyId, "; Attribute: "..trigger.value.keyAttribute )
    if value.keyId == 1 then 
        fibaro.debug("Pressed 1""MAIN LIGHT")
    elseif value.keyId == 2 then 
        fibaro.debug("Pressed 2""LAMP 1")
    elseif value.keyId == 3 then 
        fibaro.debug("Pressed 2""LAMP 2")
    elseif value.keyId == 4 then 
        fibaro.debug("Pressed 2""FIRE")
    I don't know why I didn't try to simplify like this before but with your help I now have this working!
    Thank you for your help :) 
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  • With working together we get it fixed for everyone. Well done.? 

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    Gentlemen, thank you for your posts. Was very helpfull.

    @DonCW: Please add the local 'value' to your code (similar to JWoofer).

    In the beginning I only adopted the first 3 lines. (local and print)

    And in the debug window I always saw 'Pressed2' as the keyAttribute.

    Later it turned out that parameter 20 was on the default 'toggle switch' (device changes status).

    I changed this to the correct 0-momentary switch I have. And now I do get the correct keyAttribute values.

    Maybe you have the same switch problem, DonCW. 


    (For others: Don't forget to set parameter 28 & 29).


    Thanks again guys.

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