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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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Aeontec Multisensor Gen5 - Light and UV seems not to work - Values are 0


Guest Dexter

Hi all,


I've just included Multisensor Gen5 from Aeonlabs and everything works so far - except UV and Light sensor is still value 0. Temperature and Humidity are working fine.


Just another question - As the sensor is located outside I want to exclude the motion sensor - How can I do that?


I have Fibaro Home Center 3

20 answers to this question

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Aeon Multisensor Gen 5 has no UV sensor, only temperature, humidity and light sensor.
To activate the motion sensor, parameter 4 must be 1.

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Guest Dexter
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    Sorry, my mistake - I've got Gen6

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    Guest Dexter
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    I've excluded the device and included it again - But to no good. Light and UV sensor do still not report.


    It's strange as the temperature and humidity sensor is just working fine.

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    Can you check in a web browser if it reports all values.
    http://Your HC3 IP/api/devices?id= Your device ID.


    For example
        "unit": "lux",
        "useTemplate": true,
        "userDescription": "",
        "value": 1000.0

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    Guest Dexter
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    @RH_Dreambox I accessed the device via API but I wasn't able to find those settings - There isn't a setting for that?


    Furthermore, I've seen that the wake-up interval is set to 0s. I tried to change it to 3600s - but no adaptions of the settings is accepted by the sensor.

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    /monthly_2021_03/image.png.33f68df32c3a1acc3d5c2740fe0ba079.png" />


    For example I've got value 131'097.6 in parameter 41 and I can't change it. (loading circle is just turning without any change)


    @petergebruersI tried to change that parameter, but the change is somehow not submitted to the sensor.


    I've already tried to exclude and include the sensor again - But the result remain the same.


    Sensor has Firmware version 1.14 installed. HC3 has 5.070 installed.

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    I'd first try to make it work on USB. So exclude, remove batteries, connect phone adapter and include again. Note that for UV to report, you need direct sunshine. And don't worry about parameter 41, that number is correct. I explained why that's a weird number on this forum.

    • 0
    Posted (edited)

    Okay shall we continue the discussion in your first topic? Maybe also change the title of that topic (only you can edit the first post and change title to MS6). IMHO this jumping back and forth between topics gets confusing?




    To prove my point I pasted in the wrong topic ?

    Edited by petergebruers
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    Guest Dexter
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    I finally configured that thing  - But still no report on UV and light. Do I need to include those both reports in group 2 (parameter 102) or group 3 (parameter 103).


    At the moment there are no reports selected - Parameter 101 is on value 241 (Battery and luminance included(

    • 0
    47 minutes ago, Dexter said:

    Do I need to include those both reports in group 2 (parameter 102) or group 3 (parameter 103).

    No, those parameters are set to 0 on mine.


    47 minutes ago, Dexter said:

    At the moment there are no reports selected - Parameter 101 is on value 241 (Battery and luminance included(

    I think you mean the "checkboxes" do not match the number 241? I think that's fine, it's the 241 that counts.


    There is always the possibility that something has changed, and my MS6 was included long time ago. It was actually migrated from HC2. It has fw 1.11. I could upgrade but then all my IDs change.


    Can you try one last thing? In BUI, go to devices. Select your MS6. Then go to "advanced" tab. Click on the "poll this device" button. After a few seconds, the value should be non zero assuming you > a few Lux. See "preview" tab. Oh, "Device uses global polling queue" should be selected, that's the default.

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    Guest Dexter
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    Yes, I've got parameter 101 on value 241. But still no measurement for Light and UV is reported. Both values are 0.


    What do you mean with BUI? I didn't find a "poll this device" button somewhere in the settings.




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    BUI = "browser user interface". See picture, "poll this device" is at bottom right.


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    /monthly_2021_03/559108005_Screenshot2021-03-26at12_00_23.png.35e2fec18ad50ba421fa2be6c6c58c4d.png" />



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    Guest Dexter
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  • Posted (edited)

    I checked my settings - but there's no "poll this device" button within the Advanced tap. What could that mean?


    I've attached the downloaded configuration of the sensor.

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    Edited by Dexter
    config attached
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    Posted (edited)
    3 hours ago, Dexter said:

    I checked my settings - but there's no "poll this device" button within the Advanced tap. What could that mean?

    It means it is included as a battery powered device. You cannot poll a battery device. (Edit: that is a little white lie, it's rather that you cannot poll a battery device "right now" because it is not listening to commands until its wake-up timer expires. That may be hours later than your click. So there is no "poll" button for (plain) battery devices on a HomeCenter.)


    On 3/23/2021 at 5:48 PM, petergebruers said:

    I'd first try to make it work on USB. So exclude, remove batteries, connect phone adapter and include again. Note that for UV to report, you need direct sunshine. And don't worry about parameter 41, that number is correct. I explained why that's a weird number on this forum.


    Edited by petergebruers
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    Guest Dexter
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    Ok, understood.


    I've tried now everything - Included it as USB powered device, battery powered device. Excluded it a couple of times. Included it in security-mode, or without the security-mode. Changed parameters, tried with the template, then without the template. Light and UV sensor just don't work. Either the sensors are broken or my HC3 with the current version and the multisensor with the current firmware version just don't work together. Either way it's a *abuse* device (unfortunately).


    Thanks for the help anyway.

    I have nevertheless learned a few things


    • 0
    19 minutes ago, Dexter said:

    Either the sensors are broken

    It is very rare but iirc at least one user posted a similar issue, long time ago, so maybe indeed only the "lux sensing part" of this sensor is broken. Mine is reporting 65 Lux on my HC3 so it isn't a general HC3 problem.


    20 minutes ago, Dexter said:

    or my HC3 with the current version and the multisensor with the current firmware version just don't work together.

    Possible. I guess we will get more reports then, I think it is still a fairly common device.


    21 minutes ago, Dexter said:

    Either way it's a *abuse* device

    I am in touch with a bunch of long-time HA users and I'd say it is quite popular as a USB powered device, not so much when running off batteries. I only have one MS6 because in many places it would be awkward to run cables, so I chose a mix of Fibaro FGMS-001 and Neo Coolcam. I'd say "there is always a catch" but on the whole, I am quite happy with those. And my single MS6 that is mains powered.


    25 minutes ago, Dexter said:

    I have nevertheless learned a few things

    I am glad something good came out if this, thought it probably doesn't compensate the time spent an all the frustration...

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    I just realised, I didn't check the FW1.14 release notes. They are interesting. This info is pretty recent, January 2021:


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    New model of light sensor... Isn't that too much of a coincidence? I am assuming, if you bought this recently, you have the Si1133 and as I understand it you cannot downgrade.


    Not sure what is going on there. Also not sure what we can do with this information. I could try to upgrade my old hardware Si1132 to 1.14 but not sure what we'd learn from that.


    Sorry for thinking out loud.

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    Guest Dexter
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    No worries - I leave it at the moment as it is. Maybe a future firmware update bring some improvements.


    I've particularly bought this sensor because it also can be used outside - Otherwise I would have bought one from Fibaro. Do you have any advice on which sensor I could buy as an outdoor sensor (temperature and luminance)?

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    Have you tried to do a hardware reset?

    "Press and hold the Z-Wave button that you can find in back of the product for 20 seconds and then release."

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    Yeah I think it is worth trying that RESET recommended by @RH_Dreambox if you've come this far.

    But I won't hold my breath :)


    Looks like the MS6 is actually sort of obsolete, the "MultiSensor 7" seems to be available in the US.


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    On 3/27/2021 at 12:15 PM, Dexter said:

    Do you have any advice on which sensor I could buy as an outdoor sensor (temperature and luminance)?

    I can only give you anecdotal evidence and I am in Belgium so a mild climate... A actually use a FGMS-001 outdoor, shielded from rain, which is totally of of spec for this device. It's been working well for many, many years. I started with the old, round MultiSensor and that performed a lot poorer...

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