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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team


Posted (edited)
I bought the Doorbell 6 to use it with my Fibaro HomeCenter3 and wanted to share with You my thoughts and maybe it will help some of You.
So .... I included it and the first test with the Button and thru the Fibaro app were successful - so far so good :)

The problem was now the following:
  • in the HC3 I got 9 devices (135.0 - 135.8)


  • this is what I have in the general tab


  • the device 135.0 I can modify - sound and how loud it is

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  • when I change something in the advanced tab of the 135.0 then I get a pop-up- "configuration sent" and "device updated" afterwards grafik.png.aeac5d6e89b94da85b100e4265359ad4.png
  • the problem starts on the other devices (135.1 - 135.8) - there when I change something then I get a pop-up "configuration sent" but never "device updated" grafik.png.c852e92812a16a81c1ebe481bce03ba2.png
  • Unfortunately, this is a UI problem with Fibaro and there is nothing what can be done. The Customer Support of AEOTEC was only able to solve this problem with the current beta version 5.071 by switching to Z-Wave Machine 3, but as this is not an option for me (this HC3 version is still in development and is only "Beta" - I have to wait till this will be stable.
  • I figured out that even that there is not coming any info that the configuration was saved the changes are saved but with one thing to remember - You can only change one parameter - sound or how loud it is. Just change it and test it :)



  • There is one thing what can be changed / modified already - adjustments to light sequences and the length of the sound. I will try to give You a walk thru how to do it, its actually a bit of a difficult parameter setting and not straight forward without the knowledge of how Hexidecimals vs Decimals.
  • I will first attempt to explain this using Hexidecimal, and use a Hexidecimal to Decimal calculator (which you can find online to pull out the final value).


    Explanation for Parameter 2 - 8 (for each of the sound/volume controls).

    Parameter 2 = Endpoint 2 / Tamper

    Parameter 3 = Endpoint 3 / Button 1

    Parameter 4 = Endpoint 4 / Button 2

    Parameter 5 = Endpoint 5 / Button 3

    Parameter 6 = Endpoint 6 / Environment

    Parameter 7 = Endpoint 7 / Security

    Parameter 8 = Endpoint 8 / Emergency


  • So to start off with the format you have 4 different bytes which I will list them as variables Value 1 - 4. Each value you'll need to convert into Hex value after you decide the value you want.

    Value 1 = Light Effect Index (based on Parameter 16 - 22 which determines how it is strobed)

    This determines which strobe parameter you want this to work. 

    Can be a value of: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 (references Parameter 16 - 22 respectively)

    1 (0x01) = Parameter 16

    2 (0x02) = Parameter 17


    64 (0x40) = Parameter 22

    Value 2 = Intercepting duration of a tone (This determines how long the tone is, typically you can cut a tone short using this or extend it)
    0 (0x00) = Original duration of the tone, this is preferred for the most consistent sound, so if the sound duration is 22 seconds, it will play for 22 seconds before stopping or the next repeat.
    1 - 254 (0x01 - 0xFE) = The amount of seconds until the sound stops.
    So if you set this to 5, and the sound duration is 22, only 5 seconds would play.

    Value 3 = Interval between 2 tones (This determines the delay before it repeats the sound again)
    0 (0x00) = No delay between repeats.
    1 - 254 (0x01 - 0xFE) = Sets the amount of time in seconds before the sound is repeated.
    So if set to 77 (0x4D), then when the first play of sound stops, it waits another 77 seconds before playing another repeat. 

    Value 4 = Tone Play Count (determines how many repeats there are).
    0 (0x00) = Unlimited repeat of sounds until an OFF command is received.
    1 - 254 (0x01 - 0xFE) = The amount of repeats your sound does.


  • The final value is like this: 0x(Value1) 0x(Value2) 0x(Value3) 0x(Value4)

  • (Example) I want to use Lighting effect #5, with its original sound duration, 5 seconds between each repeat, and to repeat the sound 55 times before stopping on its own.
    Lets step this through 1 by 1 with what i want above. (Use a decimal to hexidecimal calculator here).
    (Value 1) Light effect #5 = 16 decimal = 0x10 hexidecimal
    (Value 2) Original sound duration = 0 decimal = 0x00 hexidecimal
    (Value 3) 5 second delay between each repeat = 5 decimal = 0x05 hexidecimal
    (Value 4) Repeat 55 times = 55 decimal = 0x37 hexidecimal

    The final value will look like this =  grafik.png.749eb5f4bbd232b3327b3af04b0b071b.png
  • Explanation for Parameter 16 - 22 (light effect)
    Parameter 16 = Light Effect #1

    Parameter 17 = Light Effect #2

    Parameter 18 = Light Effect #3

    Parameter 19 = Light Effect #4

    Parameter 20 = Light Effect #5

    Parameter 21 = Light Effect #6

    Parameter 22 = Light Effect #7

  • grafik.png.02578ffb2a2240171f330549b2f509fd.png
    Value1 = amount of 20ms*value to fade brightness to on
    Range = 0 - 127 (0x00 - 0x7F)
    Value2 = amount of 20ms*value to fade brightness to off
    Range = 0 - 127 (0x00 - 0x7F)
    Value3 = amount of time delay to stay at max brightness (value * 100ms)
    Range = 0 - 255 (0x00 - 0xFF)
    Value4 = amount of time delay to stay at no light (value*100ms)
    Range = 0 - 255 (0x00 - 0xFF)

  • So in this case, this allows you to control how fast brightness of the LED increases/decreases, and how long the LED remains in an OFF or ON state

  • Example calculation

    So for example we want to determine each value individually.


    Value 1 = I want LED to dim from 0% to 100% dim level in 1 second (1000ms), so we want to set this to = 50 (0x32)

    • This is set in 20ms

      1 seconds = 1000ms

      To get the value divide the value you want by 20

      1000 / 20 = 50

      use dec to hex calculator = 32

  • Value 2 = I want LED to dim from 100% to 0% dim level in 1/2 seconds (500ms) so we want to set this to = 25 (0x19)

    • This is set in 20ms

      0.5 seconds = 500ms

      To get the value divide the value you want by 20

      500 / 20 = 25

      use dec to hex calculator = 19

  • Value 3 = I want it to stay at 100% dim level for 4.5 seconds (4500ms) so we want to set this to = 45 (0x2D)

    • This is set in 100ms

      4.5 seconds = 4500ms

      To get the value divide the value you want by 1004500 / 100 = 45

      use dec to hex calculator = 2D

  • Value 4 = I want it to stay at 0% dim level for 1.3 seconds (1300ms) so we want to set this to = 13 (0x0D)

    • This is set in 100ms

      1.3 seconds = 1300ms

      To get the value divide the value you want by 100

      1300 / 100 = 13

      use dec to hex calculator = 0D

  • Input these values into 0x(Value1) 0x(Value2) 0x(Value3) 0x(Value4)  grafik.png.7e683e0850b60db1a0d3bae0866279e4.png

  •  To see the change, you must trigger endpoint 3


That's it - I hope this will help You to understand how to modify it.


Have a good day


Edited by Pablo_Supreme
  • Thanks 2

19 answers to this question

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Thank you for this.

I'm just thinking to buy this to work with my HC3 system.

do you recommend in overall?


i read some posts that with HC2 you can't control the volume. (that is critical for me)


is it possible to control the volume with HC3 ?


Thanks !

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  • Inquirer
  • Posted
    W dniu 22.07.2021 o 14:52, Pablo_Supreme napisał:

    I figured out that even that there is not coming any info that the configuration was saved the changes are saved but with one thing to remember - You can only change one parameter - sound or how loud it is. Just change it and test it


    @tzimber - as I wrote above this is possible.


    In addition - You can change (and SAVE) this for one device (for me it is 135.0). The rest ones as written above.


    According to the AEOTEC Support this and more can be done for all devices for the new OS Build of HC3 with support of Z-Wave3.0. This I couldn't check as this is still in beta phase of testing and I do not want to crash my SmartHome ;)


    If You have any problem with this - just ask and I will try to help.


    In general I like this Doorbell.

    • 0
    27 minutes ago, Pablo_Supreme said:

    According to the AEOTEC Support


    afaik you can downgrade it as well to fw 1.4, in order to get it properly working



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  • Posted
    15 minut temu, tinman napisał:

    afaik you can downgrade it as well to fw 1.4, in order to get it properly working

    there is only one problem (at least for me) - to do so You need a Z-Wave Stick - You cannot do it with HC3.

    • 0
    1 hour ago, Pablo_Supreme said:

    there is only one problem (at least for me) - to do so You need a Z-Wave Stick - You cannot do it with HC3.


    the whole difference between HC3 to HC3 is that you don't need the stick to do it with HC3. no ?

    • 0

    Hello Pablo,


    I have running 2 doorbells with firmware 1.5  I can change al 9 devices.


    I struggling in the past with same problem.


    After deferent times (+/- 2) reconfigure devices the doorbell works correct.


    Good luck.

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    • 0
    8 hours ago, tzimber said:


    the whole difference between HC3 to HC3 is that you don't need the stick to do it with HC3. no ?

    I have no idea what you are trying to say?


    A secondhand stick is about 20-25 euro, i bought one, only for updating or downgrading aeotec devices.

    • 0

    one can of course try different approach:

    - make cloud backup of HC3,

    - do factory reset,

    - switch to ZW3,

    - download the aeotec exe file

    - extract the firmware content from that exe file,

    - use OTA on HC3 with ZW3,

    - do factory reset,

    - select ZW2,

    - restore cloud backup,

    - re-incude the downgraded Doorbell


    That however (worst case) 2hrs work, i would better spend that time drinking corona beer and buy the stick



    • Like 1
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    19 hours ago, akatar said:

    I have no idea what you are trying to say?


    A secondhand stick is about 20-25 euro, i bought one, only for updating or downgrading aeotec devices.

    I will try to explain.

    my original question was if it's possible to change the volume of the siren on HC3.

    because I saw that on HC2 it's not possible.

    but here, I think that you mentioned the Zwave stick to change the FW version of the siren ?

    that's not really relevant to my question I think, but that's also interesting one.



    i know that fibaro devices get's upgrade automatically from HC3.

    devices that are not fibaro will not get updated by HC3 ?

    so if i want to change FW version for some reason, i must get that Zwave stick and Flash them with a PC ?



    • 0

    Aah now i know what you mean

    - downgrading to 1.4 makes everything work (as far as i know)

    - that is correct, at this moment (zwave 2 engine) hc3 can only update fibaro devices

    - you need a aeotec stick and a pc for updating/downgrading aeotec zwave devices.


    can't check it anymore. using the unifi doorbell now, but i'm sure that you can: change volume, change sounds and trigger a scene when doorbell is pressed (al least i could)

    • 0

    that's right, with fw 1.4 everything is supported by HC3/HC3L/Yubii. 


    Just general note, don't use the Doorbell 6 fw 1.4 for the Siren 6, to downgrade it. While the OTA will work, you might destroy the sound table. Ask Aeotec Support for proper firmware for the Siren 6.

    • 0
  • Inquirer
  • Posted
    2 godziny temu, tzimber napisał:

    my original question was if it's possible to change the volume of the siren on HC3.

    as I already wrote in my original post on the beginning and them later on again - it is possible but not so elegant as it should be. On my screanshots you can see that I can change it but not save it. Nevertheless if you change the volume and do not change any other thing (sound) on this device than the volume will stay as you changed it e.g. on 20%.


    • 0
    7 minutes ago, tinman said:

    that's right, with fw 1.4 everything is supported by HC3/HC3L/Yubii. 


    Just general note, don't use the Doorbell 6 fw 1.4 for the Siren 6, to downgrade it. While the OTA will work, you might destroy the sound table. Ask Aeotec Support for proper firmware for the Siren 6.

    i always thought they were the same?

    sirene 6 = doorbell 6 without the button, the button you can add later?

    • 0
    Just now, akatar said:

    i always thought they were the same?

    sirene 6 = doorbell 6 without the button, the button you can add later?


    sure, i thought the same, but the firmware is different


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    well, i think i was lucky

    i had 2 sirene 6 and one doorbell 6, downgrades them all to the same 1,4 and all was ok

    • 0
    10 minutes ago, akatar said:

    well, i think i was lucky

    i had 2 sirene 6 and one doorbell 6, downgrades them all to the same 1,4 and all was ok


    probably your sirens 6 get some options, which are present on doorbell 6, so what ^^

    • 0

    i love options :)


    • 0
    Posted (edited)



    I just wanted to say thank you. I figured out and got the doorbell and siren working.


    In the advanced tab of device xxx.3 I can set the volume and sound which gets played when the button is pressed. Also I can use a pressed button in my scenes to control other devices.


    For this to work I had to downgrade to FW 1.04 with the AEOTEC Gen 5 stick which I still had lying around since I started with Domoticz. I used the FW in the other thread which got mentioned above.


    I have not yet figured out how to adjust the lighting, but for the time being its not so important. I just got the device 2 hours ago and have the most important thing working.


    I think it shouldnt be a problem to add the other sound switches to a scene to create a alarm and use the siren.






    If you have a new Doorbell 6 with firmware version 1.07 dont downgrade to 1.04 it will not work. Check post in the other topic -


    Edited by Synesthesia
    • 0

    How do I downgrade my Doorbell 6 to v1.04?

    I have a Z-stick and downloaded the firmware. When I Start the included executable, I have no idea what to do.  When I click on some of the buttons, I get exceptions like " Object reference not set to an instance of an object."  And sometimes the application crashes.


    Hope someone can help me out.



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