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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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Set global variable from scene



Hi, iam trying to set a global variable between open and closed, from this scene that checks the doors, but i can´t get it to work, any suggestions?


-- Scene File    : Door-Windows-Monitoring.lua
-- Purpose       : Check doors and windows at the given interval.
-- Version       : 0.2.6-en
-- Release Date  : 18 Jan. 2021
-- Trigger       : autostart
-- License       : Copyleft {jwi} 
-- Either you enter all the door / window IDs in line 29, or you
-- let the script run in automatic mode. Save the line 29, so
-- you do not have to pick all the IDs again,

local Debug = function ( color, message ) 
   fibaro.debug(string.format('<%s style="color:%s;">%s'"span", color, message, "span") )
local manually    = true -- | true
if manually then
   devices = {632,338--enter your device IDs here
   print('Checking is in manual mode.')
   devices = fibaro.getDevicesID({ enabled = true, visible = true, baseType = "com.fibaro.doorWindowSensor" })
   print('Checking is in automatic mode.' )
local interval    = 60      -- Interval after which the first push message is sent.
local numPushMsg  = 3       -- number of push messages
local pushAgain   = 3600    -- Activate pushMsg again after specified time. 1h
local IDtempOut   = 3       -- IMPORTANT! ID of your outside temperatur sensor (e.g. Yahoo)
local TempOutType = 'Temperature' -- IMPORTANT! 'Temperature' or 'value'
local excludedev  = {} --This device(s) are exclcuded temporary from check
local ignoredev   = {410,393}      -- This devices are never checked
local begPeriod   = "08:00" -- During this period, no check is performed on the 
local endPeriod   = "20:30" -- sensors contained in the variable "excludedev".
local tThreshold  = 15   -- nn° Celsius
local newInterval = 1    -- minutes to increase or decrease interval counter  
local phoneID     = {407,451}   -- mobile phone-IDs 
-- local siren       =     -- Neo Coolcam optional device id for sound output after 'numPushMsg' 
local debug       = true  -- | true  -- Debug messages yes/no 
local advdebug    = false  -- | true  -- advanced debug
local soundOn     = false
-- No changes needed below this line.
local version = '0.2.6'
local pushMsg = 1
local warning = 1
local counter = 0  
local lastopen = 0
local prevwarning = 0
print("Check for open doors and windows... Version ".. version)
if (fibaro.getValue(IDtempOut, TempOutType)) == nil then
   Debug('red''No outside temperature detected!')
   Debug('red''Please correct. Scene is canceled!'
local function validate(phoneID) 
  local ios = api.get('/iosDevices')
  local nID = 0
  for n = 1,#phoneID do
     for _,i in pairs(ios) do
       if phoneID[n] == i.id then
          nID = nID+1
     end --for
  end --for
  if #phoneID ~= nID then print('Warning - unknown PhoneID detected, please correct!'end
end --validate()
local function excludecheck(excludedev, devid)
  if (os.date("%H:%M", os.time())) > begPeriod and (os.date("%H:%M", os.time())) < endPeriod then
     -- workaround for checking time after midnight 
     -- or (os.date("%H:%M", os.time())) > "00:00" and (os.date("%H:%M", os.time())) < "06:30"  then
     for i=1,#excludedev do
        if excludedev[i] == devid then 
           return true
     end --for
  return false
local function ignorecheck(ignoredev, devid)
  for i=1,#ignoredev do
        if ignoredev[i] == devid then 
           return true
     end --for
  return false
local function tempcheck()
  local outsideTemp = tonumber( fibaro.getValue(IDtempOut, TempOutType));
  local stringTemp = string.format("%.2f", outsideTemp)
  if outsideTemp > tThreshold then
      currInterval = interval + newInterval
    elseif  outsideTemp < tThreshold  then
      currInterval = interval - newInterval   
      currInterval = interval    
  if (currInterval < 5then 
     currInterval = 5
  return stringTemp, currInterval
local p = validate(phoneID)
local outsideTemp = tempcheck()
print("Outside temperature is " .. tempcheck() .. '°C')
print("Current Interval is: " .. currInterval) 
if not debug then print('Debug is disabled.'end;
function checkOpenDW()
  local outsideTemp,curInterval = tempcheck()
  local currentDate = os.date("*t");
  local datum = os.date("%d.%m.%Y")
  counter = counter + 1
  devopen = 0
  for id = 1, #devices do
     if (fibaro.getValue(devices[id], 'value')) == true then
        local name  = fibaro.getName(devices[id])
        local room  = fibaro.getRoomNameByDeviceID(devices[id])
        if excludecheck(excludedev, devices[id]) ~= true 
           and ignorecheck(ignoredev,devices[id]) ~= true then      
           devopen = devopen + 1
           status  = " Warning! " ..name.. " in room " ..room.. " is open! Temp. = " .. outsideTemp.."°"
           print(datum .. status)
           warning = warning + 1
     if (warning == prevwarning and warning > 0then
         -- Door/window was closed
         warning = 1; counter = 1; prevwarning = 0; pushMsg = 1
     if (warning == 0then 
        -- No door/window open, restart counter 
         counter = 1; prevwarning = 0; pushMsg = 1
     if (counter > currInterval+1 and warning > 0then 
         -- Door/windows was opened and closed, resstart warnings   
         counter = 1; warning = 1; prevwarning = 0; pushMsg =1;
  end --for
  if devopen == 0 then
     counter = 1; warning = 1; prevwarning = 0; pushMsg =1;
     if debug then print('All doors and windows are closed.'end;
  prevwarning = prevwarning +1  
  -- Door/windows  open longer than interval. Send push. 
  if counter > currInterval then
     if (devopen > 1then
        status = status .. ' Total: '.. devopen 
     if pushMsg <= numPushMsg then
        print(datum .. ' Door/window for more than '.. curInterval ..' minutes open, send push Nr. '..pushMsg) 
        status = status .. ',Push-Nr.: ' .. pushMsg
        if pushMsg == numPushMsg then status = status ..' Latest!' 
           lastopen = devopen
           if soundOn then
              fibaro.call(398'turnOn'-- Siren / sounder
        pushMsg = pushMsg + 1
        uxtime = os.time(dt);
        for k=1, #phoneID do
           if phoneID[k] ~= nil then
              fibaro.call(phoneID[k], 'sendPush', status )
        end --for
     warning = 1; counter = 1; prevwarning = 0
  if advdebug then Debug('withe''Counter: '.. counter) end;
  if advdebug then Debug('withe''Warning: '.. warning) end;
  if advdebug then Debug('withe''PreWarning: '.. prevwarning) end;
  if advdebug then Debug('withe''PushMsg : '.. pushMsg) end;
  if advdebug then Debug('cyan''Device open: ' .. devopen) end
  if advdebug then Debug('cyan''Last  open: ' .. lastopen) end
  if pushMsg > numPushMsg and lastopen ~= devopen then
     pushMsg = 1 ; lastopen = 0
  if pushMsg > numPushMsg and (os.time() - uxtime) >  pushAgain and pushAgain > 0 then 
     pushMsg = 1 
    if devopen > 1 then hub.setGlobalVariable("Door""Open");
    if devopen == 0 then hub.setGlobalVariable("Door""Closed");
   fibaro.setTimeout(60000, checkOpenDW)
    end --function

7 answers to this question

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I think there will be a problem with the two “end” what belongs to the if in the line of the hub.setGlobalVariable

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Posted (edited)

I Just took a quick lok at this code, and I assume this is on HC3, so

First of all, i think in the line  

if devopen > 1 then hub.setGlobalVariable("Door""Open");  You should have >= operator not >, unless you dont want to be notifed if theres only 1 device opened..

also i think fibaro.abort is not a working function anymore (i think),

and the push notification call  fibaro.call(phoneID[k], 'sendPush', status ) is incorrect too. At least i always use the way i show below.

Sending push is done by fibaro.alert("push",IDS table,text)..

Edited by Neo Andersson
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  • Inquirer
  • Posted

    Hi, the scene runs without errors, i get push notifications, but the global variable are not changing.




    • 0
    1 hour ago, BErdmann said:

    Hi, the scene runs without errors, i get push notifications, but the global variable are not changing.




    Yes. I know. This is why I wrote that there is a problem with the “end”s.

    • 0

    No, the code is syntactically correct (but a bit strangely indented)
    I would guess that you have a runtime error and you don't see it because and error inside a function called by setTimeout doesn't always show up in the log...
    Test this - put this code first in your code. It redefines setTimeout to catch the error and report it. See if you get an error in the console...

    Please login or register to see this code.


    • 0
    11 hours ago, jgab said:

    No, the code is syntactically correct (but a bit strangely indented)
    I would guess that you have a runtime error and you don't see it because and error inside a function called by setTimeout doesn't always show up in the log...
    Test this - put this code first in your code. It redefines setTimeout to catch the error and report it. See if you get an error in the console...

    Please login or register to see this code.


    The syntax is correct, but there is a logical problem at the end of the scene. 

    There are two setGlobalVariable with two if.

    The first if is not closed with an end befor the secound if starts, so the global variable never will modified to “Closed”

    • 0
    4 hours ago, Milan Takacs said:

    The syntax is correct, but there is a logical problem at the end of the scene. 

    There are two setGlobalVariable with two if.

    The first if is not closed with an end befor the secound if starts, so the global variable never will modified to “Closed”

    Ah, I see it now too - yes that’s probably it

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