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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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Sun irradiation forcast



Hi, Is there anyone here who has any good ideas on how to get the forecast of sun irradiation for at least today? The best would be, e.g.Watt/m², but if I can only get which hours the sun is up and the sky is clear, that would also be very helpful. Would like to use this to direct some of my loads to either when the electricity price is low or at least when the sun is shining and the solar panels are producing. (I unfortunately have Sungrow and seem not to be able to collect their internal data in any easy way)


Best regards,


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/monthly_2023_10/image.png.f0b8eefd5ab054029dbfdb347a1830a4.png" /> hello in the Czech Republic I use this api, it's free, I don't know where you want to use it, I have forecasts for today, tomorrow and the day after

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API for Australian data


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another one:

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  • Posted

    I feel very stupid but how would you get this into fibaro? could I create "units" that represent each timepoint next 24 hours or so?

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    Solcast actually covers the globe, and their API documentation seems pretty good. Send a URL, and get a JSON, CSV or HTML response. Free hobbyist account (up to 10 requests per day). You'll need LUA and JSON coding skills. I'd suggest you run a script in the early morning, that retrieves forecasted values for certain times in the day, and store these as global variables. Other scenes can then use those variables to make decisions about what appliances to turn on.

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  • Inquirer
  • Posted (edited)

    I just want to share the final solution, It may not the neatest but it seems to work: It is a Quick APP and need the variables SolarForecast_[1-23]h resp Tomorrow_SolarForecast_[1-23]h

    -- QuickApp variables
    local apiKey = " "
    local apiURL = " " .. apiKey
    local emailDeviceID = 21 -- Replace with your actual email device ID
    function QuickApp:onInit()
        self:debug("QuickApp init")
        self.http = net.HTTPClient({ timeout = 6000 })
        self:updateProperty("log""QuickApp started")
        self:run() -- Initial run
    function QuickApp:run()
        self.http:request(apiURL, {
            options = {
                method = 'GET',
                headers = {}
            success = function(response)
                if response.status == 200 then
                    self:debug("Failed to fetch forecasts. Status code:", response.status)
                    self:sendErrorEmail("Failed to fetch forecasts. Status code: " .. response.status)
            error = function(error)
                self:debug("Failed to fetch forecasts. Error:", error)
                self:sendErrorEmail("Failed to fetch forecasts. Error: " .. error)
    function QuickApp:parseForecastData(data)
        local forecastData = json.decode(data)
        if forecastData and forecastData.forecasts then
            local currentDate = os.date("!%Y-%m-%d"-- Current date in UTC
            local tomorrowDate = os.date("!%Y-%m-%d", os.time() + 86400-- Tomorrow's date in UTC
            for _, forecast in ipairs(forecastData.forecasts) do
                local periodEndUTC = forecast.period_end
                local forecastDate = string.sub(periodEndUTC, 110-- Extract date from period_end
                local hour = string.sub(periodEndUTC, 1213-- Extract hour from period_end
                local variableNamePrefix = forecastDate == currentDate and "SolarForecast_" or forecastDate == tomorrowDate and "Tomorrow_SolarForecast_" or nil
                if variableNamePrefix then
                    local variableName = variableNamePrefix .. tonumber(hour) .. "h"
                    fibaro.setGlobalVariable(variableName, tostring(forecast.pv_estimate))
            self:debug("Forecast data updated successfully.")
            self:debug("Invalid or empty forecast data received.")
            self:sendErrorEmail("Invalid or empty forecast data received.")
    function QuickApp:sendErrorEmail(errorMessage)
        -- Sending email using the specified email device ID
        fibaro.call(emailDeviceID, "sendEmail""Solar Forecast QuickApp Error", errorMessage)
        -- Replace "sendEmail" with the correct action name if different for your email device or scene
        self:debug("Error email sent: " .. errorMessage)
    Thanks ChatGTP....
    Edited by Forall

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