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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

1 Screenshot

About This File

1. Adjust Watering Scene



  • adjusts watering time
  • sends email/push about watering conditions
  • saves historical watering conditions


This scene allows you to adjust watering time based on

  • current rain
  • forecast rain (till noon)
  • current temperature
  • forcast temperature


You can change watering conditions as you like in adjustWatering() function.
For example:

  • if current rain >= 1 mm then turn off watering for 24h
  • if forecast rain >= 2 mm then turn off watering for 24h
  • if current rain >= 0.5 mm then decrease watering duration by 30%
  • if current temperature >= 30°C then increase watering duration by 40%
  • if current temperature <= 1°C then turn off watering for 24h
  • if forecast temperature <= 1°C then send warning about frost


The scene requires Sankotronic's 'Weather State and Forecast VD'.
Tested with "Weather State and Forecast v2.7.1 standalone"
Supports almost all services supported by 'Weather State and Forecast VD':

  • OpenWeatherMap (only daily version)
  • Dark Sky
  • WeatherBit
  • Weather HERE


You can change it as always at Sankotronic's 'Weather State VD'.

local vdID = 476         -- ID of 'Weather State VD' from which we will take data
local sendEmail = true   -- change to false if you don't want to receive emails
local sendPush  = true   -- change to false if you don't want to receive push messages
local emailUserId  = 2   -- user id to send emails
local pushDeviceId = 0   -- mobile device id to send push messages

Watering schedule should be set in sprinkler panel.

I scheduled running this scene everyday 15 minutes before planned start of irrigation.

The scene increases/decreases watering time of all sprinklers.


Optional modules:


2. Watering History VD



  • shows watering time for the last 7 days
  • shows watering conditions for the last 7 days (gathered by Adjust Watering Scene)
  • shows current watering state (on/off)
  • shows current watering mode (auto/manual)
  • shows watering plan
  • allows to change watering mode (auto/off)
  • allows to run watering once (15/30/60 min)

buttons code:

local sprinklerNr = 1 -- sprinkler number (1, 2, 3, ...)

VD supports only one sprinkler. If you want to see the watering history of more sprinklers then you have to create separete VD for every sprinkler. Remember to set sprinklerNr variable for every of them.


3. Netatmo Scene


If you don't have your own Netatmo Station, then you can use the neareast station in your location.
All public stations you can check here: https://weathermap.netatmo.com


The rain data from the netatmo are much better than the data from Forecast Weather Service. Especially if the rain Netatmo station is near your location.


All you need is:
a) copy the code from Netatmo.lua and paste it into Sankotronic's 'SA_Weather_Module_scene' at the end of file
b) sign up to get access data (https://auth.netatmo.com) and fill these fields in pasted Netatmo Scene code. Client ID and Client Secret token you can get when you create app on site https://dev.netatmo.com/apps/

local n_client_id = ""
local n_client_secret = ""
local n_username = ""
local n_password = ""

c) then change these variables values in the main loop of Sankotronic's 'Weather State VD' as follows:

local netatmoWeather = true
local netatmoRain    = true

d) if Sankotronic's 'Weather State VD' doesn't show netatmo values then increase distance to find a rain gauge in pasted Netatmo Scene code:

local long_lat_adjust = 0.1





What's New in Version 1.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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