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Found 5 results

  1. Block scene (see attachment) should only start on exact time at 7:53 but it start at 22:07. The Block Scene was a copy from similar scene without "temperature" who's works correctly on exact Time 07:55 I added only "And Temperatur . . . " and change Time an save it. (to find the Amok-Scene I had modified RollerShutterPosition from Value 99 to 93 to see what Scenes was the reason, then the time was moved from 22:07 to 00:07 ) I had similar problem with block scenes last times when I do copy scenes modify and save. Why does start event on wrong time?
  2. Like to have a blockscen that turn on a switch at 06:00 and turn off att 07:15 with condition it´s before sunrise
  3. Witam wszystkich, Po aktualizacji mojej HC3 do najnowszej wersji 5.100.22 zauważyłem, ze niektóre sceny blokowe, przestały działa we właściwy sposób. Np. mam zrobiona scenę blokowa, która uruchomiona manualnie ma sprawdzić czy wszystkie rolety w domu są zamknięte i wysłać push do użytkownika z informacja „Zamknięte” Zależność jest zrobiona na zasadzie, jeżeli == 0% to wyślij „Zamknięte”. Niestety zauważyłem, ze scena wysyła ten sam komunikat nawet, jeżeli nie jest to 0%. Roleta może być w dowolnej pozycji, np. 100% i tez dostane komunikat „zamknięte”. Zmieniając znaki zależności, czy wartości ustawienia rolety w scenie, to i tak zawsze dostane komunikat ‘zamknięte” Oczywiście odnosi się to do wszystkich innych scen gdzie wykorzystywane są zależności większe, równe, mniejsze itp. Również ze wszystkimi innymi urządzeniami. Jednym słowem większość moich scen blokowych przestało działać. Nie wiem czy to jest problem nowego SW, bo tez próbowałem wrócić z bakup’u do poprzedniej wersji 5.90, ale problem pozostaje również w tej wersji. Jakieś sugestie? Z góry dziękuje i pozdrawiam
  4. Hi, I am a newbie to HC3 and try to get a simple thing running: Blockscene 1: Pressing S1 light switch (Fibaro Double Switch 2) -> LEDs at the mirror (Fibaro RGBW Controller 1) turn on (this works) Blockscene 2: Pressing S1 light switch again -> LEDs at the mirror turn off (doesn't work) The Fibaro Double Switch 2 is configured as momentary switch. When I delete the scenes and create them again, the first created scene works, but the second one doesn't work. Can anyone help ?
  5. I have used the HC2 for a couple of years now. I consider myself being an average user. I like to automate my house and over time the system has grown to control more things than I can easily recall. But I am not a programmer and without intention or time to become one. I know a lot (most?) of you reading this loves to nerd into complex LUA code, work-arounds and so on. But users like me will use block scenes for most everything as they are far easier to understand although still able to create rather complex functionality. Here are a few things I really miss that would make block scenes and HC so much easier and better in my opinion: Fibaro: do realize that most people are not programmers but still wants an effective system for automation. This is where the huge market is. Focus on ease in producing complex scenes and sales will take off. Increase your development focus on block scene programming. You built a good basic system but it has hardly developed at all over the last couple of years. Create separate subforums here for LUA and block programming questions, suggestions, solutions etc. And tags for blocks in the Knowledge base. Fix the most obvious flaws with the current block programming: Create the ability to move/drag'n drop block lines within the scene to make the scenes better organized and easier to handle. Make it possible to send notifications from within a blockline, without the need to go to Panels/Notifications list. Add If--then-else. This would immensely improve the capability of block scenes! Add possibility to display scenes started/stopped in Event history. This would make fult seeking so much easier! Fix the error since years in choosing a group of actors. The current behaviour is strange to say the least, with rooms or actors randomly disappearing from the list after choosing one or another. Add ability to sort the Panels/Notification list Fix the strange behaviour with a slowly but ever increasing list of devices showing up in Configuration/Access control. Improve how hidden/disabled scenes are handled. Disabled scenes should stand out clearly in the scenes list. When hidden scenes or all scenes are displayed, they too should be clearly marked, and continue to be displayed also when returning from within a scene without the need to chose "Show all" every time. While at it: add possibility for longer descriptions of backups, and language support, that can't be that hard. With many scenes and units, description of changes gets more complex. Add a search (and replace?) function capable of searching for a string in all block scripts. Would be very useful, eg when replacing a faulty device or finding scripts that affects a device.
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