Version 1.0.0
Want to share my Geolocation and Presence Detector scene i use in my Fibaro setup
In wife's and my own smartphone i use both geofency app and wifi presence to check if we are home. A VD runs scheduled and will update a global variable with value "0" or "1" depends if smartphone is active or not.
Geofency app is the most reliable and correct app i use myself because the smartphones wifi turns into "sleep" mode often to save battery.. You could of course only run Geofency if you want.
Instructions for Geolocation setup
This scene can be setup and scheduled in Sankotronics "Main scene timebased events"
Settings that can be changed by user:
-- USER SETTINGS ---------------------------------------------------------
-- "PresentState" is predefined global value that determines if you are at home
-- away or on holidays. This variable value is set by other scene or VD.
-- Enter name of your global variable between "" or leave as it is
local presentState = "PresentState";
local presentStateMapping = {Home="Hemma", Away="Borta", Holiday="Holiday"};
-- GuestState is predefined global variable with possible values: "Yes", "No".
local guestState = "GuestState";
local guestStateMapping = {Yes="Yes", No="No"};
-- Geo is predefined global variable with possible values: "1", "0"
-- and name of users. This variable value is set by other scene or VD.
-- variable example setup: --> "Geo_Jonny_Home"
local geoState = "Geo_";
local geoUserMapping = {User1="Jonny", User2="Mona"};
local usegeoState = true;
-- Smartphone is predefined global variable with possible values: "1", "0"
-- and name of users. This variable value is set by other scene or VD.
-- variable example setup: --> "Phone_JL_Present"
local wifiState = "Phone_";
local wifiUserMapping = {User1="JL", User2="ML",User3="SL", User4="SW",User5="MW", User6="DD"};
local useWifiState = true;
-- Telegram settings
local varTelegram = "Telegram";
local useTelegram = true;