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Virtual Device - Which properties does it have?
perjar posted a question in Other Devices / Third-party devices
Hi, I am wondering about the properties of a Virtual Device and how they can be accessed and changed. For instance, if you want to change the icon of a VD you can use a statement like this: fibaro:call(100, "setProperty", "currentIcon", 200); If you want to update a label text you would do: fibaro:call(100, "setProperty", "ui.label1.value", "Label text" ); To my question then: Does anyone know of a complete list of properties applicable to a Virtual Device? For instance: devices which report power consumption use the footer area to display current power usage. Can this area be accessed in a VD too? Someting along the lines of: fibaro:call(100, "setProperty", "ui.footer.value", "Footer text" ); I am reading in Fibaro's documentation of the REST API about how to extract a list of all VDs and their properties/data. There are apparently properties like "caption", and "buttonIcon". The question is if and how these can be set via LUA code. Thanks for any tips and hints. /Per- 5 replies
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- virtual device
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Hi everyone. I have few devices that don't react properly to simple "turnOn", "turnOff" actions. Might be Z-wave unresponsive at that time or RF interference or they're too far away from controller or they'e dead. Anyhow when executing fibaro:call(devID,"turnOn") the device doesn't always turning ON (same case for OFF). This phenomena very frustrating especially on predefined events that don't act as expected ( like turn on Fan in bathroom when humidity high, close garage if no presence detected at home, turn on/off water heater according to temperature and etc.) Attached scene code is verifying that the device is not dead, command transferred to device and device has changed the state. In case of problem email sent to notify about problem. In addition I have found that this scene is very efficient to identify unresponsive Z-wave situation and I'm using this scene to turn on/off some device every hour just to see if Z-wave is OK. Some basic instructions: 1. Create new LUA scene and copy attached code in it. 2. Scene call syntax: fibaro:startScene(sceneID, {devID, "turnOn"}) - same parameters as original fibaro:call() That's all for basic. In addition there are two options: 1. If you have device that you want to be notify by email at any time that the device state has been changed (in my case garage gate and water heater), please add third Boolean parameter: fibaro:startScene(sceneID, {devID, "turnOn", true}). You will receive an email one every state change of the device. Could be changed into push notification. 2. If you need to receive scene status of the action or debug information, please follow next instructions: Add "predefined global variable" by name jCall. In order to receive correct response you need to make sure that the scene is executed before that, so the suggested scene call is: fibaro:startScene(sceneID,{devID,"turnOff"}) x=os.time(); while (fibaro:countScenes(sceneID)>0 and os.time() - x < 10) do end jFc = json.decode(fibaro:getGlobalValue("jCall")) fibaro:debug(jFc.resp) -- print debug information if (jFc.status == 1) then -- success - write your code else -- action failed write your code end Note: In case the device already at the same state, email sent to notify that the device state is the same and no action performed. Scene Code below and attachment FibaroCall.rtf local jK,jC = {"device","act", "sEmail"} , {device = -1, act = "noAct", sEmail=false} for i, v in ipairs(fibaro:args(1)) do jC[jK[i]] = v end local actState = {"OFF", "ON", "turnOff" , "turnOn"} local sceneStart = os.time() local log, mLine = "", "————————————————————————————" local mStr = fibaro:getRoomNameByDeviceID(jC.device) ..":" .. fibaro:getName(jC.device) local iVal, iValTime = fibaro:getValue(jC.device, "value"), os.time() - fibaro:getModificationTime(jC.device,"value") local jF = {status=-1,resp="in scene"} if (actState[iVal+3] == jC.act ) then jF.status=1 jF.resp = "<font color=lightblue><sub>" .. fibaro:countScenes() .."</font></sub><font color=yellowgreen>" .. jC.device..":</font><font color=wheat>" .. mStr .. " <font color=lightgreen> [ Device state: " .. actState[iVal+1] .. " | Action: " .. jC.act .. " ] </font><font color=lightblue>-> No actions</font><span style=text-align:center>" if (jC.sEmail == true ) then fibaro:call(2, "sendEmail",fibaro:getName(jC.device) .. ":" .. jC.act , "{ " .. mStr .. " } device at same state as requested:\n" .. mLine .. "\n\t\tDevice state: " .. actState[iVal+1] .. "\n\t\tAction: " .. jC.act .. "\n" .. mLine .. "\n\n☛ Fail-safe Call (•‿•) " ) jF.resp = jF.resp .. " <small>(eMail sent)</small>" end fibaro:debug(jF.resp) if (fibaro:getGlobalValue("jCall")) then fibaro:setGlobal("jCall",json.encode(jF)) end fibaro:abort() end for i=1,3 do fibaro:call(jC.device, jC.act) x = os.time(); while (log == "" and (os.time() - x) < 10) do fibaro:sleep(150) -- time to update log (status) log = fibaro:getValue(jC.device, "log") end fibaro:sleep(350) if (log == "" ) then log="Transfer_was_Blank" end jF.resp = "<font color=lightblue><sub>" .. fibaro:countScenes() .. "</font></sub><font color=grey><sup>" .. i .. "</sup></font><font color=yellowgreen>" .. jC.device..":</font><font color=wheat>" .. mStr .. " <font color=lightgreen> [Action: " .. jC.act .. "] [State: " .. iVal .. ">" .. fibaro:getValue(jC.device, "value") .."]</font> [<small>" .. log .. "</small>]</font>" if (string.find(log,"Transfer_was_") == nil) then if (log == "SEND_COMMAND_TO_DEAD_DEVICE") then jF.resp = jF.resp .. "<br><font color=orangered>Trying " .. jC.act .. " on DEAD device [ " .. mStr .. " ]</font>" fibaro:call(1, 'wakeUpAllDevices',jC.device) end elseif (iVal == fibaro:getValue(jC.device, "value") ) then else jF.status = 1 break end fibaro:debug("<font color=yellowgreen>" .. jC.device.."</font> " .. jF.resp .. " <font color=orangered><small>FAILED</font>" .. "<small> Retry in " .. (.5*i) .. " Sec.</small>") fibaro:sleep(500*i) end -- for i=1,3 do if (jF.status == 0) then jF.resp = "<font color=orangered>Z-Error: </font>" .. jF.resp .. " <small>(eMail sent)</small>" fibaro:call(2, "sendEmail","Z-Error:" .. fibaro:getName(jC.device), "\n{ " .. mStr .. " } does not respond properly!\n" .. mLine .. "\n\t" .. jC.device .. ":" .. fibaro:getName(jC.device) .. " [ " .. actState[iVal+1] .. " > " .. actState[tonumber(fibaro:getValue(jC.device, "value"))+1] .. " ] [ " .. log .. " ]\n\t" .. actState[iVal+1] .. " state duration = " .. os.date("!%H:%M:%S",iValTime) .. " Sec.\n" .. mLine .. "\n\n☛ Fail-safe Call ( ◉︵◉ )") elseif (jC.sEmail == true ) then fibaro:call(2, "sendEmail",fibaro:getName(jC.device).. ":" .. jC.act , "\n{ " .. mStr .. " } device state has been successfully changed.\n" .. mLine .. "\n\t" .. jC.device .. ":" .. fibaro:getName(jC.device) .. " [ " .. actState[iVal+1] .. " > " .. actState[tonumber(fibaro:getValue(jC.device, "value"))+1] .. " : " .. log .. " ]\n\t" .. actState[iVal+1] .. " state duration = " .. os.date("!%H:%M:%S",iValTime) .. " Sec.\n" .. mLine .. "\n\n☛ Fail-safe Call (•‿•) ") jF.resp = jF.resp .. " <small>(eMail sent)</small>" end --if (status == 0) fibaro:debug(jF.resp .. "<small> in " .. os.time() - sceneStart .. " sec. </small><span style=text-align:center>") if (fibaro:getGlobalValue("jCall")) then fibaro:setGlobal("jCall",json.encode(jF)) end
- fibaro:call
- cag014
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