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Found 2 results

  1. Hi guys, I was installing Fibaro radiator heads for my customer, when we realized, how inexplicably awkward is the software that is handling this product. The shame is on me, becuase I didn't tested it properly before we accepted the order. Here I want to ask any Fibaro technicians, how could any product developer allow the production of a radiator head, when user is NOT ALLOWED TO CHANGE THE SETPOINT PERMANENTLY from the Yubii app, and also USERS DONT HAVE ACCESS TO CLIMATE PLAN IN YUBII APP... Like this is not a mistake, this is a ridiculous mistake and a huge fault of developers. I just can't explain, how can this happen in a company like Fibaro.. What does that problem mean? My customer (not a PC oriented person) asked me to create a plan for his house..Day 23 celsius, and night 22 celsius (what I did, according to his demand) A few days later he called me, that they are cold , so he wants to put all radiators to 24 celsius permanently for day and night either..just set it to 24 everywhere.. Belive or not, i had to come to the conclusion, that its not possible. User can't set manualy a temperature permanenty..just for certain time period..max 24 hour, than it jumps back to the plan value.. Hold on, this is not the entire story... As the plan is not reachable from mobile APP, i needed to remotely deactivate the plan for him..i thought this way we can find a workaround... No... Even if you don't have a plan, you can't set any value permanently on your radiator.. Example..Lets say, you dont have any cilimate plan, and your radiators are running on 22 celsius.. Later you want to change this permanently to 21 celsius...BUT YOU CANT You can do it only for max 24 hours...than it jumps back to 22 celsius... I was thinking, maybe if we set the time to 00h:00min, it will help... We couln't even try it, becuase in the Yubii app the minimum value is 10 min... So what was I supposed to do? Should I told him, that he needs to manualy set all his 18 radiators every single day to the desired temperature? I would appreciate any suggestions... Thanks
  2. Hi finaly i mounted my last Heat Controler 7/7. Firmware updated from 4.6 —> 4.7 With extra temperature sensor. Now with this last one i have the problem that in my HC3 under Notifications it keeps saying Calibration Failure.. Did try to do it bij hand, did a soft recalibration and still problem is not fixed. Temperature is doing well and it reacts to commando’s of setting a specific temperature. Just keeps trying to do a calibration. Are more of you having this problem.? And if so is there a way to solve this.? 5/7 i could install without any problems. Just 2 are give me a hard time, one is going back for warrenty ( after update the button doesn’t work anymore, other topic ), and now a other problem. So before i sent the first one back i have to know if i can fix this calibration problem.
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