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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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ZME_WALLC_S does not work



Dear Forum,

I bought a ZME_WALLC_S and included it to my HC2 (4.049) and find it in the system as "Remotecontrol"

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/emoticons/default_icon_curve.gif" alt=":-/" /> 

What can I do with this device?

I see no possibility for turn on / turn off what a Switch is normally made for.

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/emoticons/default_icon_sad.gif" alt=":-(" />

Can anyone help me pelase?



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somewhere on this forum is the lua code for this

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    ok - found it.

    thank you!

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    But I can not wake the device up to change the values.

    • 0

    there is nothing to wake-up

    add the zme_wallc to the hc2

    and use the lua code

    • 0

    ok - found it.

    thank you!

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    But I can not wake the device up to change the values.


    From the manual:

    "The device will stay awake right after inclusion for 10 seconds allowing the controller to perform certain configuration actions.e. It is possible to manually wake up the device by pushing button 2 in management mod"

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       Thanks for your help.
    I could wake up the Device in management mod when I pressed the button No 2 for three times.

    Now the values ar correct.

    I used the LUA code. I added a an action (turn on)  I changed the the Scene ID.

    But if I press the button no reaction.

    Any idea what went wrong?




    • 0

       Thanks for your help.

    I could wake up the Device in management mod when I pressed the button No 2 for three times.

    Now the values ar correct.

    I used the LUA code. I added a an action (turn on)  I changed the the Scene ID.

    But if I press the button no reaction.

    Any idea what went wrong?





    How have you configured it?  


    I use the following.

    Param, Value


    1 , 2
    2 , 2
    11 , 4
    12 , 4
    13 , 4
    14 , 4
    Also, you do realize you need to change the trigger ID in the scene as well i assume?
    • 0

    %% properties
    164 sceneActivation
    %% globals
    local id = 164
    local name = fibaro:getName(id)

    local button1UpSingel = 11
    local button1UpDubble = 31
    local button1UpHold = 13
    local button1UpRelease = 15

    local button1DownSingel = 12
    local button1DownDubble = 32
    local button1DownHold = 14
    local button1DownRelease = 16

    local button2UpSingel = 21
    local button2UpDubble = 41
    local button2UpHold = 23
    local button2UpRelease = 25

    local button2DownSingel = 22
    local button2DownDubble = 42
    local button2DownHold = 24
    local button2DownRelease = 26

    ActiveSceneId = tonumber(fibaro:getValue(id, "sceneActivation"))

    if(ActiveSceneId == button1UpSingel) then fibaro:startScene(82)
    elseif(ActiveSceneId == button1UpDubble) then
    elseif(ActiveSceneId == button1UpHold) then
    elseif(ActiveSceneId == button1UpRelease) then
    elseif(ActiveSceneId == button1DownSingel) then fibaro:startScene(83)
    elseif(ActiveSceneId == button1DownDubble) then
    elseif(ActiveSceneId == button1DownHold) then
    elseif(ActiveSceneId == button1DownRelease) then
    elseif(ActiveSceneId == button2UpSingel) then fibaro:startScene(82)
    elseif(ActiveSceneId == button2UpDubble) then
    elseif(ActiveSceneId == button2UpHold) then
    elseif(ActiveSceneId == button2UpRelease) then
    elseif(ActiveSceneId == button2DownSingel) then fibaro:startScene(83)
    elseif(ActiveSceneId == button2DownDubble) then
    elseif(ActiveSceneId == button2DownHold) then
    elseif(ActiveSceneId == button2DownRelease) then
     fibaro:debug("Unknown sceneID: "..ActiveSceneId)


    this one works for me

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    @: akatar


    It Looks like this



    %% properties
    282 sceneActivation
    %% globals
    local id = 282
    local name = fibaro:getName(id)

    local button1UpSingel = 11
    local button1UpDubble = 31
    local button1UpHold = 13
    local button1UpRelease = 15

    local button1DownSingel = 12
    local button1DownDubble = 32
    local button1DownHold = 14
    local button1DownRelease = 16

    local button2UpSingel = 21
    local button2UpDubble = 41
    local button2UpHold = 23
    local button2UpRelease = 25

    local button2DownSingel = 22
    local button2DownDubble = 42
    local button2DownHold = 24
    local button2DownRelease = 26

    ActiveSceneId = tonumber(fibaro:getValue(id, "sceneActivation"))

    if(ActiveSceneId == button1UpSingel) then fibaro:startScene(44)
    elseif(ActiveSceneId == button1UpDubble) then
    elseif(ActiveSceneId == button1UpHold) then
    elseif(ActiveSceneId == button1UpRelease) then
    elseif(ActiveSceneId == button1DownSingel) then
    elseif(ActiveSceneId == button1DownDubble) then
    elseif(ActiveSceneId == button1DownHold) then
    elseif(ActiveSceneId == button1DownRelease) then
    elseif(ActiveSceneId == button2UpSingel) then
    elseif(ActiveSceneId == button2UpDubble) then
    elseif(ActiveSceneId == button2UpHold) then
    elseif(ActiveSceneId == button2UpRelease) then
    elseif(ActiveSceneId == button2DownSingel) then
    elseif(ActiveSceneId == button2DownDubble) then
    elseif(ActiveSceneId == button2DownHold) then
    elseif(ActiveSceneId == button2DownRelease) then
     fibaro:debug("Unknown sceneID: "..ActiveSceneId)



    I get following error if I press start button

    [DEBUG] 22:22:09: Unknown sceneID: 0



    This is Scene ID 44 


    %% properties

    %% globals
    fibaro:call(27, 'turnOn') --  turnON the device
    fibaro:debug('Device with DeviceID 27 is Turned ON!') 


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  • Inquirer
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    @: JanJohn


    I used this 

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    1  , 2

    2  , 2

    11 , 4

    12 , 4

    13 , 4

    14 , 4

    24 , 0

    30 , 1


    But  I get no reaction at all if I press any button  


    "....the trigger ID in the Scene .... ....."


    I'm not sure what you mean.



    • 0


    "....the trigger ID in the Scene .... ....."


    I'm not sure what you mean.




    Does your COntroller have ID282? If not, you need to change that to the ID of your controller. 


    This script, with the suggested params, works for me. 



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    Please login or register to see this code.

    [DEBUG] 20:55:59: But4Single

    [DEBUG] 20:56:01: But3Single

    [DEBUG] 20:56:03: But2Single

    [DEBUG] 20:56:05: But1Single

    [DEBUG] 20:56:07: But2Single

    [DEBUG] 00:11:47: But3Single

    [DEBUG] 00:11:49: But4Single

    [DEBUG] 00:12:01: But3Hold

    [DEBUG] 00:12:01: But3Release

    [DEBUG] 00:12:04: But4Hold

    [DEBUG] 00:12:24: But3Single

    [DEBUG] 00:12:27: But4Single

    [DEBUG] 00:12:31: But2Single

    [DEBUG] 18:46:11: But3Single

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  • Inquirer
  • Posted

    thank you for your help.
    I copied your script. Changed the values.

    ID of of Switch = 282

    1  , 2

    2  , 2

    11 , 4

    12 , 4

    13 , 4

    14 , 4

    %% properties
    282 sceneActivation
    %% globals
    local id = 282
    local name = fibaro:getName(id)

    local But1Single = 11
    local But1Double = 31
    local But1Hold = 13
    local But1Release = 15

    local But2Single = 21
    local But2Double = 41
    local But2Hold = 23
    local But2Release = 25

    local But3Single = 12
    local But3Double = 32
    local But3Hold = 14
    local But3Release = 16

    local But4Single = 22
    local But4Double = 42
    local But4Hold = 24
    local But4Release = 26

    MySceneId = tonumber(fibaro:getValue(id, "sceneActivation"))

    if(MySceneId == But1Single) then
    elseif(MySceneId == But1Double) then
    elseif(MySceneId == But1Hold) then
    elseif(MySceneId == But1Release) then
    elseif(MySceneId == But3Single) then
    elseif(MySceneId == But3Double) then
    elseif(MySceneId == But3Hold) then
    elseif(MySceneId == But3Release) then
    elseif(MySceneId == But2Single) then

    elseif(MySceneId == But2Double) then
    elseif(MySceneId == But2Hold) then
    elseif(MySceneId == But2Release) then
    elseif(MySceneId == But4Single) then
    elseif(MySceneId == But4Double) then
    elseif(MySceneId == But4Hold) then
    elseif(MySceneId == But4Release) then
    fibaro:debug("Unknown sceneID: ")
    fibaro:debug(fibaro:getValue(id, "sceneActivation"))


    I have no connection form switch if I press a button

    still habe the Problem that if i press the start button at the script

    I get


    [DEBUG] 14:15:16: Unknown sceneID:
    [DEBUG] 14:15:16: 282
    [DEBUG] 14:15:16: 0

    • 0

    If it doesn’t work, then it's worth checking if the device supports "sceneActivation". To do that, check the information shown when you type the command int the box below in a browser. Replace YOU_HAVE_TO_PUT_THE_IP_ADDRESS_HERE with your HC2 IP address and replace YOU_HAVE_TO_PUT_THE_SLAVE_ID_HERE with the ID of the slave of your device. The slave ID is the ID from the device that looks like a remote control, it's not the ID not from the one that looks like a cardboard box.


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    You can post the result here, or analyze it yourself. Scan the lines between “interfaces” and “properties” for the text “zwaveSceneActivation” (don't mix up with a similar sounding word under “properties”. That key holds the number of the last scene activated = button press). If you can’t find that keyword , the device won’t work with "sceneActivation.

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    • 0

    The good news: zwaveSceneActivation is in "interfaces" so the HC2 recognized this as a controller with scene activation.

    The bad news: "sceneActivation":"0" means that no button was pressed on the remote, or the remote did not send a scene to the HC2.

    More bad news: "productInfo":"". Normally, that string allows me to identify the device (manufacturer, model) so it shouldn't be empty. I've seen that only a few times myself and in each case the device configuration was not OK. I don't own the device and I can't tell if this is the reason for failure. If you look at the "advanced" page of the device, are you missing some information compared to other devices?

    I don't own the device but I've checked the manual, and I've got a few idea's.

    To fix the missing information...

    - Wake up the device (pushing button 2 in management mode. Management mode is pushing all four buttons for 5 sec).

    - If that doesn't help: exclude and include and start again. After the "include" & green text in the status window, wake up the device once more.

    On the other hand... maybe there are problems with the configuration.

    - You can use "sceneActivation" found in the output of

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    to see if a button press gets registered on the HC2, without a scene (avoiding mistakes on that part).

    - When you set parameter 11, 12, 13 and 14 to 4 did you wake up the device? After refreshing the browser, are the parameters at "4"?

    - According to the manual, there is a newer scene activation mode (for Z-Wave plus, the default for this device). Set parameter 11, 12, 13 and 14 to 8.

    - Is the controller (ID = 1) in association group 1 (aka "lifeline")?

    • 0

    I checked the information on

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    (in dutch) and they say this device should work out of the box (as scene controller). No need to set parameters. What akatar said at the start of this topic. Are we talking about the same device here? You mention "(to wake up) I pressed the button No 2 for three times." - that sounds like you are adding the older ZME_054436 or ZME_064435. Does it run on 2 AAAA batteries?

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    Well thank you first for your support!

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    /emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="https://forum.fibaro.com/uploads/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


    It says on the back

    Scene Switch ZME_WALL-CS

    1x CR2032 3V (this is the battery)


    I will exclude it now again and start new.

    If it should work out of the box  well then let us give it anoter try ...


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    OK I got a Remote Control again ...

    No Parameters to be found.




    I start to write the Parameters again.

    Out of the box it does not work as far as I can tell.

    Someone in an other Forum (

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    ) wrote it does not work at all with 4.049.



    • 0

    Well... The new config you paste is indeed odd...

    It's a bit better, because the following has changed (and makes sense):

    zwaveInfo: 0,0,0 (string) => 3,3,92 (string)

    zwaveVersion: 0.0 (string) => 1.1 (string)

    But "productInfo" is still empty. I don't think the device can work when this is undefined. But I'm not sure. I have 18 different device types and they all define this property.

    I've checked the bug tracker, there is no mention of problems on 4.049. On the other hand, someone reports trouble on 4.042. The German forum mentions it worked right up to 4.048.

    Would it be possible to try excluding/including closer than 2 meter from the HC2?

    Theoretically, all Z-Wave devices reset when you exclude them. But few posts here (for different devices) suggest that doing a reset as described in the manual might help.

    I'm running out of ideas. Can someone else please try to include a ZME_WALLC-S on 4.049?

    Out of curiosity, how long does it takes for the "device configured" message to appear in the status window? How many devices do you have?

    • 0

    I'm running out of ideas. Can someone else please try to include a ZME_WALLC-S on 4.049?



    I did yesterday. No problem there.

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    did you get the values auomatically when you included the switch?

    {id: 1,lastSetValue: 2,size: 1,value: 2},
    {id: 2,lastSetValue: 2,size: 1,value: 2},
    {id: 11,lastSetValue: 4,size: 1,value: 4},
    {id: 12,lastSetValue: 4,size: 1,value: 4},
    {id: 13,lastSetValue: 4,size: 1,value: 4},
    {id: 14,lastSetValue: 4,size: 1,value: 4},
    {id: 15,lastSetValue: 0,size: 1,value: 0},
    {id: 21,lastSetValue: 1,size: 1,value: 1},
    {id: 22,lastSetValue: 0,size: 1,value: 0},
    {id: 25,lastSetValue: 1,size: 1,value: 1},
    {id: 30,lastSetValue: 1,size: 1,value: 1}

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