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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

Swipe is very good. Give it a go.


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TRicky do you have other/related problems in your setup or is it just swipe?

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If the swipe false triggers randomly or beeps randomly, one possible explanation is noise from the usb power supply. Some supplies do that. The beeps should disappear if you run the device on batteries. But when running on batteries, the device beeps more, to mark sart and stop of detection. See parameters in the manual.

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Since 4.080 and 4.081 my whole system has, every now and then, small delays.

A reboot fixes it for a while.

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@ Peter,


I will try another power supply, let's see what the difference will be.

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Lauri and Petergebruers,


About the beeping, you guys are probably right, im running it off the usb from my pc, prob its not stable enough and causes wakeups evry 4 minutes.

Ill test it out and let you know the results.


Btw aside from the beeping (prob my own fault), i love the swipe, now its working as a volume control for my sonos system and it works great!!!

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Hi al


Wall mounting -

It has a 'bulge' at the rear and no vesa mount, additionally the usb lead comes straight out the middle of the back even though I'm sure you could get a 90deg lead. Take at look at this site (

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) it has some profile pictures. It almost the complete opposite to a tablet as these are flat and the power leads come out the side. If it was wall mounted it would stick out quite a bit.


Hidden under counter -

I have played around a lot aspect with this with very little success. (see my earlier posts in this thread)

I thought I had it sorted when I put the foam (that came in the box) between the swipe plate and the surface I was hiding it under, but when I installed it under a hall table (10-14mm of oak) I couldn't get any reaction at all. I think stone/quartz wouldn't work either. I didnt have a chance to try it behind plasterboard yet. I've been hoping somebody could replicate what I have tried to see if it is all units or just mine but nobody has jumped in yet. Hiding it was going to be my first use case I was going to use it to set AWAY/HOME modes that switched on / off alarm, lights, sonos music, etc when we come and go.


would be very interested in how you get on....



Thanks Frank,

 I'll wait for a bit and see what the final consensus is in that case.

I'm happy to hide it behind plasterboard, but the units aren't available in my part of the world yet

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/emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="https://forum.fibaro.com/uploads/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> so it's all pre planning ( and now I don't need to paint that bit of the wall just in case

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Hi Brick


I use the tips of my fingers ( in vertical position) to gesture and its a bit more reliable for all gestures

the circular gesture seems to require a tight/small circle (2 inches)


Definitively that was my mistake. I was trying to trigger too wide circular gestures. If they are confined within the plate limits the device responses are successful. So, the correct circular gesture is similar to using a dialing disc of an old analog telephone. (One must be over 40 to understand what I'm saying... 

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/emoticons/default_icon_wink.gif" alt=";-)" /> . My kids do not know what I'm talking about)

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Definitively that was my mistake. I was trying to trigger too wide circular gestures. If they are confined within the plate limits the device responses are successful. So, the correct circular gesture is similar to using a dialing disc of an old analog telephone. (One must be over 40 to understand what I'm saying... 

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/emoticons/default_icon_wink.gif" alt=";-)" /> . My kids do not know what I'm talking about)


love it... not everything was buttons back then

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/emoticons/default_icon_smile.gif" alt=":-)" />

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hello again,


I did some testing with different 5v power adapters. 

I was using the Iphone plug and this was what was causing issues. (beeping noices and laggy)

Now i use a proper 5v usb adapter and all my issues are gone.



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hello again,


I did some testing with different 5v power adapters. 

I was using the Iphone plug and this was what was causing issues. (beeping noices and laggy)

Now i use a proper 5v usb adapter and all my issues are gone.




Thanks Kooy,


That helps as I was also using a iphone adapter - I'll check and see if I have better luck with another one



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@ 1152 & Petergebruers,


I recently changed the power adapter (simple but heavy Chinese version) for a brand new Samsung S6 power adapter.

The beeping stopped but the HUGE delays in my system remained. Most actions on my Swipe's take place after some (2 - 5) hours after my 'hand action'.

A restart of my HC2 got rid of all remaining delays; now it's just my Swipe's.......


I also tested the Swipe in my kitchen. Beneath a 8 cm thick concrete kitchen top, enforced with rebars, it doen't anything (That's not strange off course).

And also on the sides, 18 mm of particleboard + 18 mm Oak nothing happens or responds (That should work in my opinion).

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@ 1152 & Petergebruers,


I recently changed the power adapter (simple but heavy Chinese version) for a brand new Samsung S6 power adapter.

The beeping stopped but the HUGE delays in my system remained. Most actions on my Swipe's take place after some (2 - 5) hours after my 'hand action'.

A restart of my HC2 got rid of all remaining delays; now it's just my Swipe's.......


I also tested the Swipe in my kitchen. Beneath a 8 cm thick concrete kitchen top, enforced with rebars, it doen't anything (That's not strange off course).

And also on the sides, 18 mm of particleboard + 18 mm Oak nothing happens or responds (That should work in my opinion).



I got a slightly better results while it was under a counter if I had a gap between the swipe and the counter ( I used the foam from the packaging) 

It might be worth giving it a shot but I think the surfaces you are testing with it wont work 



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I just found a way to wallmount swipe... Strange that I didnt notice it before.


1) remove swipe plastic element from the battery box so you can see batteries - there is hole in the middle of swipe - just screw it on the wall and thats it. Only issue is the USB power port which is only behind but I think it is doable if you can use 5V dc power on the wall.

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I just found a way to wallmount swipe... Strange that I didnt notice it before.

1) remove swipe plastic element from the battery box so you can see batteries - there is hole in the middle of swipe - just screw it on the wall and thats it. Only issue is the USB power port which is only behind but I think it is doable if you can use 5V dc power on the wall.

Indeed very strange

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so, how have you ended up using your swipes?


please share. i wan't to order one or more, but want to hear how you are actually using them in real life.

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I just found a way to wallmount swipe... Strange that I didnt notice it before.


1) remove swipe plastic element from the battery box so you can see batteries - there is hole in the middle of swipe - just screw it on the wall and thats it. Only issue is the USB power port which is only behind but I think it is doable if you can use 5V dc power on the wall.

If you unscrew the battery-plate from the back then you see that the incoming USB plug is on a separate PCB. With some DIY and guts you drill a new hole in the back, large enough to pull a micro USB plug trough, slide the small PCB out, connect the micro USB plug and you're done

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You can open it with a Torx T8 screwdriver. But you (might) void your warranty!!


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I succumbed and bought one.. let's see how much fun can be had 

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/emoticons/default_icon_razz.gif" alt=":-P" />

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  • 3 weeks later...

Definitively that was my mistake. I was trying to trigger too wide circular gestures. If they are confined within the plate limits the device responses are successful. So, the correct circular gesture is similar to using a dialing disc of an old analog telephone. (One must be over 40 to understand what I'm saying... 

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/emoticons/default_icon_wink.gif" alt=";-)" /> . My kids do not know what I'm talking about)

nope i am not even 30 (for few more months annyways) and i love rotory phones!

besside those rotors were diffrent sizes. i remember 70s "office" design phone having half the size of rotor to 80s home rotory phone...

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maybe a stupid question, but what gives the swipe a value add to a smart house.

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