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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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Posted (edited)



Here is my working Volvo interface. Most things you can do with your Volvo On Call app, you can also read out and do with the following Scene + VD.


To start off, it is

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so if you don't use that, start using that or strip it away in the Scene/VD. You need to add a entry in your jT.hometable called 'volvo' an example looks like this (yes all here is dummy data and also the 'time' one)

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And add this line because it uses it to run every xx minutes, add this to your homeTable too.

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Sceneid will be the number of the scene you will create, the 'YOURVINNUMBER' you can get by going into the technical information in your app (usually settings, then technical information, it will be at the bottom)

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Your basic auth is just a username:password which is base64 encoded. To keep it simple and also have a nice tool to test out api's, i suggest you install Postman. You can add your credentials here:

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Then click on update request and find your basic auth line here:

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Next up create your scene:

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As you might have noticed it also uses a GlobalVar called "volvoTable" you need to make this one too.


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You can leave the value empty for now.


Now install the VD (yes remember the ID to fill it in the jT table)

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And then make it fancy with a nice picture for the scene:

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/monthly_2017_01/manager.png.1d1800245828561dc588d97169e81d03.png" />

And one for the lua.



And if all goes well, you can see this one:

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There is more you can do, but for now i think this is sufficient. I own a V40 hence why it says that. Some cars don't have preheating or have other features (but these are most common)


If it doesn't work, let me know since this is my first 'bigger' scene & vd scripts in lua. It uses the global var to send over the url it needs to post to the api, while status commands are get commands for example.


Have fun (this really should be just a proper plugin)




Edited by riemers
Added time and links to homeTable from frank howto

13 answers to this question

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Hi ! I'am trying to get this to work but i need some help. 

I have put 

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In  VD like below (is that correct?)


local jT = json.decode(fibaro:getGlobalValue("HomeTable"))
volvo = { sceneid = 410, lua = 512, vin = XXXXX, auth = Basic XXXXXX }


When i Debug i get following error

[ERROR] 15:21:04: line 5: '}' expected near 'bWFyaxxxx
2.. Next i copy your scene.  Do i need to change anything in that ?
3. Then i created a variable
volvoTables with values like  /heater/start  /heater/stop
Hoping for help
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  • Inquirer
  • Posted

    You don't need to add volvotables with values (just an empty one is sufficient). The VD will set the value's and the scene will pick up the changes. Make sure you quote the basic auth, it need quotes around it or it will fail too.


    You can't use a VD to trigger the scene, the scene is triggered by the value in the volvotables. I had to make it like this because of the basic auth and options required on the http call (which is only present in scenes) see if that helps out, if not let me know.

    • 0

    Thanks reimers for your quick reply.

    I am completely new to this so some of my questions may be obvious for you but not for me :-)


    1. I have changed in your scene ”User-Agent” and ”X-Device-Id”

    is that correct?



    %% autostart

    %% properties


    %% globals




    local jT = json.decode(fibaro:getGlobalValue("HomeTable"))

    local volvotrigger = tostring(fibaro:getGlobalValue("volvoTable"));

    local vapi = '/customerapi/rest/v3.0/vehicles/'

    local shortUrl = 'https://vocapi.wirelesscar.net/customerapi/rest/v3.0/vehicles/' .. jT.volvo.vin

    local trigger = fibaro:getSourceTrigger()

    if (trigger['type'] == 'global') then

    controlUrl = shortUrl .. "" .. volvotrigger

    httpmethod = 'POST'


    controlUrl = shortUrl .. "/status"

    httpmethod = 'GET'



    local httpClient = net.HTTPClient({timeout=5000})

    httpClient:request(controlUrl, {

    options = {

    method = httpmethod,

    headers = {

    ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',

    ['Authorization'] = jT.volvo.auth,

    ['User-Agent'] = 'mozilla/5.0(Linux; U; Android 6.0.1; SM-G930-F Build/MMB29K)',

    ['X-Device-Id'] = '952a6777b2xxxx',

    ['X-OS-Type'] = 'Android',

    ['X-Originator-Type'] = 'app'



    success = function(status)


    if (trigger['type'] ~= 'global') then

    local result = json.decode(status.data)

    if result then

    -- print("successful")

    -- print(status.data)


    if result.carLocked then

    fibaro:call(jT.volvo.lua, "setProperty", "ui.Label1.value", "Yes");


    fibaro:call(jT.volvo.lua, "setProperty", "ui.Label1.value", "No");


    fibaro:call(jT.volvo.lua, "setProperty", "ui.Label2.value", result.distanceToEmpty);

    fibaro:call(jT.volvo.lua, "setProperty", "ui.Label3.value", result.heater.status);

    fibaro:call(jT.volvo.lua, "setProperty", "ui.Label4.value", result.serviceWarningStatus);




    print(status.data) -- failed



    error = function(error)






    Then i get this:


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    2. I changed so i only have ”volvoTabel ”as a variabel without any values


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    3. I have updated VD with ”volvo” is that correct?


    local jT = json.decode(fibaro:getGlobalValue("HomeTable"))



    volvo = { sceneid = 410, lua = 553, vin = 'YV1DZ8156F27xxxxx', auth = Basic 'bWFyaWUud2lrbHVuZEBtb2Rlcm5la2xxxxxxhxxxxxx' }


    Lua is this the number for VD 


    Then i get this


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    Hope you can help me



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  • Inquirer
  • Posted

    Is that a typo? It should be "volvoTable" not "volvoTabel"


    The volvo line in jT should be escaped like:

    volvo = { sceneid = 410, lua = 553, vin = 'YV1DZ8156F27xxxxx', auth = 'Basic bWFyaWUud2lrbHVuZEBtb2Rlcm5la2xxxxxxhxxxxxx' }


    You had the ' after the word Basic. 

    Change those 2 typo's and see how far you get then.

    • 0

    Typo !   I have changed to volvoTable and the volvo line but i still get the same debug error 

    New line: volvo = { sceneid = 410, lua = 553, vin = 'YV1DZ8156F2xxxxx', auth = 'Basic bWFyaWUud2lrbHVuZEBtb2Rlcm5la29ub21pLnNlOkNhbW9uxxx' }


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    and debug in the scene

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    • 0
  • Inquirer
  • Posted

    The volvo line goes into your HomeTable. So you don't need to edit the script for that.


    You should follow the guide from 

    To get the knowledge for that, if you have not already.


    I also seem to miss that you need to add this to your homeTable:

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    Since it uses that as easy reference when running it each time.

    So your homeTable should consist of a "volvo" line and a "time" line. I'll update the first post with the time line too.

    • 0

    reimers hope you have time for me it's very much appreciated. I try understand how it all fits together.  

    This is what is done so far



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    I still get error

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    Lua is this the number for VD


    and the scene


    I copy/paste your scene and get another error now?

    Please login or register to see this attachment.

    Do i need to change anything in your scene? 


    i have a predefined table " volvoTable"


    What am i doing wrong?


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  • Inquirer
  • Posted

    You need to read up on the thread i posted earlier "Tutorial - Using a Hometable to store device and scene ID's" from frank.


    As a simple example, what i normally do is create the homeTable in panels global variables. Then i create a simple scene which has the following code:


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    This will just set your "HomeTable" variable in global panel with those values. You cannot just add the lines. If you read through the topic of Frank, you will understand why these types of things are handy.

    And feel free to ask, i don't mind helping out, that is what a forum is about. (as long as you do read threads too ofcourse) :-)

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    Posted (edited)

    Hi this is really great, thanks!! Would possible to add battery levels for hybrid cars? How should I create a notification when the service Status changes? Any help would be appreciated.

    Edited by Helm
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  • Inquirer
  • Posted

    Battery status, if that shows up in the volvo app, it should be possible to do too. But that needs a change of code.. i don't have a hybrid. You need to make the calls yourself and see what value's/params they are in order to change the code. So unless your a web guy that can do some api calls with the right headers... i don't think it would be easy to find out. Perhaps you can find the strings from another party like the open source python lib.

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    Thank you for your quick reply.


    • 0
    Posted (edited)

    Looks interesting!


    - Im not using home table so I suppose I can just use my own local "Volvo" table?

    - Purpose of the string "vapi" can't see its used?

    - What about x-device-id and x-os-typ?


    Will try to run this using GEA.



    Edited by KristianO
    • 0


    Have you implemented any new features in your Scene + VD.

    If so, could you share them please ?

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