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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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Im not sure is this the correct thread to start this topic, but i didn't find another relatad to iphone app for HomeKit devices.

Im using app version 1.6.1(1) 

So my issues are:

- iphoneX support.

- temperature units in settings (tired from Fahrenheit). There must be an option to change units


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Hi @EugeneL!


First of all, thanks for your interest in FIBARO products!


2 hours ago, EugeneL said:

- iphoneX support.

This is something that we have in mind and it was already reported by other users. Unfortunately, it's a very busy time of the year.


Update for iPhone X will most likely arrive in January 2018.


2 hours ago, EugeneL said:

- temperature units in settings (tired from Fahrenheit). There must be an option to change units

I'm pretty sure it depends on your phone locale. Please check your iPhone settings with time and date. There are few unit settings as well.

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    4 hours ago, I.Srodka said:

    I'm pretty sure it depends on your phone locale. Please check your iPhone settings with time and date. There are few unit settings as well.


    Yes, im pretty sure - youre right. But All user friendly apps has separate setting for mesurement  units. Im my iOS global settings configured US localization, but GoogleMaps - allows me to set Km instead of miles. Apple Maps - too. The same situation with native application Weather - allows me to switch F/C with one simple button. 

    So I’m absolutely sure user-oriented and user-friendly app should provide an option for user to customize displaying information.


    Since you are using an iPhone, you can change between C or F in settings regardless of the localization. It will influnce most apps on the iPhone and, I suppose, also the Fibaro app.

    17 hours ago, Thomasn said:

    Since you are using an iPhone, you can change between C or F in settings regardless of the localization. It will influnce most apps on the iPhone and, I suppose, also the Fibaro app.

    That's what I've mentioned at the first.


    21 hours ago, EugeneL said:

    All user friendly apps has separate setting for mesurement  units.

    @EugeneL, I understand your concern.


    So I'm happy to announce that we will join this group of user-friendly apps, as this is something we're looking into:


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    You will be able to change the units independently from your iPhone settings. The update will be deployed in Q1 2018.

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    25 minutes ago, I.Srodka said:

    will join this group of user-friendly apps


    Nice to hear!)

    Can you also, moving that way, add type option with appropriate icon in settings for door/window sensor. 

    Like native Home app does. 

    Cause now is pretty strange to have door sensor, named it as Door, but see window image. 


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    35 minutes ago, EugeneL said:

    Can you also, moving that way, add type option with appropriate icon in settings for door/window sensor. 

    I'm glad you've asked. This issue will be also tackled in January.

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