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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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Posted (edited)

Dear Fibaro users,


Here is a list of all standalone products available on Fibaro forum download section made by Sankotronic LabTM:


  • NEW Sonos API Player VD v1.0 - Sonos is the ultimate wireless home sound system that brings brilliant sound to all parts of house, room by room. Sonos API Player VD enables Fibaro Home Center 2 to control Sonos Wi-Fi multi-room speakers and show their status using jishi node-sonos-http-api as mediator between Sonos and Fibaro. It is available here for download:

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    (UPDATED 23 Jun 2021)
  • NEW Hydrawise Control v1.0 - Hydrawise Control VD provides seamless integration of Hunter Hydrawise irrigation controllers with Fibaro Home Center 2. It uses Weather State and Forecast module made by same author in its latest version to automatically delay watering depending on current and forecast rain precipitation. VD shows current status of the controller and enables manual control of zones. It is available here for download:

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    (UPDATED 22 Jun 2021)
  • Irrigation Control v1.0 - Finally a solution that brings seamless and easy Irrigation control to HC2. This solution overrides all limitations of the HC2 sprinklers panel. With this solution it is possible to set watering duration up to 100 minutes. Also no more overlapping zone watering times. Adjustment of watering is done according to current and forecast weather and rain amount and then zone watering start times automatically adjusted so there is no more overlapping and pressure drops in the system. Your beautiful garden will stay beautiful with this solution. It is available here for download:

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    (UPDATED on 28 May 2021)
  • Netatmo Public Weather station suite v1.0 - Netatmo Public Weather station suite brings local weather data to users that do not have their own personal weather station. It is must have in combination with Weather State & Forecast suite to provide better control of your beautiful garden irrigation system. It is available here for download:

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    (UPDATED on 28 May 2021)
  • Netatmo Weather station suite v3.3.1 brings complete integration of Netatmo weather station to HC2 users including rain and wind gauges and support for more than one station. It is available here for download:

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    (UPDATED on 28 May 2021) Changes in this version:
    • Scene code changed to get rain amount for past 3 and 6 hours to better support Irrigation Control VD
    • In all VD corrected some translations
    • Rain gauge VD changed labels content to show past 3 hours rain amount

  • Weather State & Forecast suite v2.8.1 (integrations of weather services with Fibaro Home Center 2) and now available here: 

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       (UPDATED on 28 May 2021) Changes in this version:
    • Weather Unlocked daily and hourly forecast extended to 3 days to better serve Irrigation control. Changes implemented in scene
    • Weather API forecast corrected to show rain precipitation on Forecast VD and in notifications.

  • Emoji VD v1.1 Emoji VD brings more than 950 nice small icons to Home Center 2. Emojis are sorted in logical groups and named with short names to make them much easier to find and use in user code. I’m using them in my work to reduce need for translations and also to enhance look and feel of virtual devices. Another reason why I made this VD is to avoid problems with listing code in some editors that might still have problems with displaying emojis due to different UTF coding. IMPORTANT NOTE - All my future work will require Emoji VD to be installed. It is available here:

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    (UPDATED 15 April 2021)
  • Twinkly Lights VD v1.0 Twinkly lights brings amazing effects and most stunning light animations to users fingertips. Now it is possible to control them with Fibaro Home Center 2. This simple VD with help of scene provide turning on Twinkle lights with last movie selected with mobile app or start light scene. It is also possible to change light brightness. It is available here: 

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      (UPDATED 17 November 2020)
  • COVID-19 Stats suite v1.1 COVID-19 Stats suite consists of virtual device and two scenes. It is using free COVID-19 Stats API released by Smartable AI Developer Program. VD is getting back details about global and regional corona virus data, including latest numbers and historic values that are updated close to real-time by gathering information from many credible sources. It is available here:

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    (UPDATED 01 November 2020)
  • Ambient Weather Station VD v1.1 reads measurements provided by Ambient weather stations which are connected to

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    service on internet. VD is tested with Ambient Weather station WS-1401-IP OBSERVER, but should also work with other similar types of Ambient weather stations.

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    (uploaded 11 April 2020) If link is not working then check later again. Forum admins need some time to approve.
  • Philips HUE AIO VD v3.1 (integration of famous Philips HUE lighting solution with Fibaro Home Center 2) and it is now available here: 

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     (moved from Marketplace on 05 Feb 2019)
  • Nanoleaf Aurora VD v2.0.1 (integration of Nanoleaf Aurora panel lights with Fibaro Home Center 2) and is now available here: 

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     (updated 12 Sep 2019)
    • Corrected bug in VD main loop that prevented saving updated effect
  • Nanoleaf Canvas VD v1.0.1 (integration of Nanoleaf Canvas panel lights with Fibaro Home Center 2) and is now available here:

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      (updated 12 Sep 2019)
    • Corrected bug in VD main loop that prevented saving updated effect
  • Advanced Radiation Monitor (ARM) VD v2.2 (Integration of 

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     Polish science project with Fibaro Home Center 2) and is available here: 

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    (moved from Marketplace on 06 Feb 2019)
  • Advanced Battery Check (ABC) VD v1.0 (Check battery levels on all battery operated devices integrated to Home Center 2) and is available here: 

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    moved from marketplace on 06 Feb 2019)
  • Main scene FTBE v1.3.3 (Main scene FTBE is the beating heart of the HA system. It is the only scene necessary to loop endlessly because it is the source of most important events generated on our gateways and that are time based events! It is looping once every minute making sure that our gateways are aware of the current time, part of the day, week, month and season of the year.) and is available here: 

    Please login or register to see this link.

    updated 11 July 2019)
  • HC2 Icon Preview VD v2.1 (HC2 Icon Preview VD provides easy way to search custom icons installed on Fibaro Home Center 2 to find their ID number.) and is now available here: 

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    (published on 07 Feb 2019)
  • Sankotronic scene icon pack 2 (second part of icons for scenes including popular scenes from @cag014 and @petergebruers) and is now available here: 

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     (published on 07 Feb 2019)
  • Nanoleaf Canvas icon set (beautiful icons for beautiful lights! This set is included with Nanoleaf Canvas VD) and now is available here:

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    (published on 07 Feb 2019)


Currently working hard to finish for publishing:

  • UHAS (Universal Home Automation System)


Will keep this list updated.



Please support my work by voting and giving reviews in download section -->

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/monthly_2019_02/1002905433_voteandreview.png.7713e08080e5c9ecb1d137415de1272f.png" />. It does not require much time to do that. lets not leave it on (0 reviews) please. ❤️ :-) Also your requests for more functionality are more than welcome!


So come on people please VOTE! :luv: :-) THANK YOU!


Peek here for pictures of the latest work by Sankotronic LABTM:

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Edited by Sankotronic
Updated with 2 new releases :-)
  • Like 20
  • Thanks 7


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; I have installed your Advanced Battery Check VD and it work however I am getting 5 battery error checks of devices of which the battery should be below 35% (red X% mark) so I have changed the batteries of 2 of those device but no change in the battery check status. Strange it is that the HC2 controller shows in the device section that the batteries are full.

Any idea what is causing the problem of not showing the correct battery status/value while the rest (60%) of the other battery devices are giving correct values!?

The image shown is the battery with the cross in the middle of the image and which greyed out!

It is an excellent VD for which my thanks but it would be nice to find out what is causing the problem as described above.


Ps. I have written this question yesterday but in a different section of the forum and assume that you have not read it yet!




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    Hi @HKrook,


    Red X mark instead of battery level is shown for devices that are found "dead" or they are missing battery type setting.


    Solution in case device is found dead is to replace battery and see if it will report back to gateway its correct status.

    Solution in case device is missing battery setting is to set battery type and needed amount for that device. Please consult provided USER MANUAL to see how to do that.


    Hope this helps!


    Hi @

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    I have replaced the batteries by 2 devices but nothing has changed the setting i.e. X mark is still there.

    I am not an expert and I have read your manual and I have seen in Appendix 2 of your manual an overview of devices with a lot of strings with product info e.g "1,15,8,1,16,1,3,2" with behind that more details.

    Where can I find those strings? I have the manual but cannot find those details as mentioned in appendix 2!? I can read the number of batteries, the voltage and battery type but rest is for me very unclear i.e. unknown and your help to sort this out is very much appreciated.

    Can I adjust those parameters with some of the buttons in your VD, if I read your manual correctly?






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    I think that I have solved the problem since indeed I can adjust the parameters with your button section i.e. number of batteries & type of batteries.  I have corrected a view of the missing devices and will do the rest after diner:) but thank you very much for your help and the fantastic VD. Well-done and keep up the good work you are doing and should I have question more than I do hope you don't mind me asking for your help!

    Thanks again!  

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    Hi @HKrook ,


    It was impossible for me to add all possible z-wave products so what I did is that VD add new products automatically if not found in its database. When new product is added it still missing information about battery type and that is what user must setup by using buttons on the bottom of the ABC VD. 


    Ultimate goal with battery types, battery amount and battery price was to get overview of the batteries needed to be ordered for replacement and some overview of total cost to keep HA running.


    I'm happy that you find solution and of course questions are always welcomed and I will do my best to answer them and provide help.



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    ; Thanks for your feedback and your assistance and your setup is excellent and the way you have created the VD is perfect.

    I solved all the issues and the VD is now working smoothly.

    Keep up the good work!!!!


    Hi @Sankotronic Thanks a lot for your great work!

    I have though a small issue with Forecast VD 2.4. I installed Weather State VD and then Forecast VD. All looks good, but Forecast refresh is getting an error… and I could’t figure out what is wrong.

    Weather State is ok:

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    Forecast main section seems to be ok also:

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    /monthly_2019_02/image.png.10b05f992834297b22599059f883b6ac.png" alt="image.png.10b05f992834297b22599059f883b6ac.png" />

    But the refresh button:



    Line 171 is the first of this "if"

              --- Forecast label
              if fT.opn[sNo].listh.snow>0 then rain=sy.chancesnow..fT.opn[sNo].listh.snow.." "..wT.opn[sNo].snow_unit
              elseif fT.opn[sNo].listh.rain>0 then rain=sy.rainfall..fT.opn[sNo].listh.rain.." "..wT.opn[sNo].rain_unit
              else rain=sy.closed_umbrella..fT.opn[sNo].listh.rain.." "..wT.opn[sNo].rain_unit end
              hc:call(selfId,"setProperty","ui.Forecast"..i..".value",aT.weather_symbol[tostring(fT.opn[sNo].listh.w_id)].." "..fT.opn[sNo].listh.w_desc.." "..rain)


    Any idea? I’m doing something wrong? Thanks.

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    Hi @MihaiC ,


    thanks for reporting. It is possible bug in my code. I will investigate and provide solution, but please be patient since I'm not at home and internet connection here is very slow.

    • 2 weeks later...

    Hi @MihaiC


    If you're interested and till @sankotronic can deliver final solution:

    I'v found the root cause for the error. I noticed that the table for the rain part is different than the one for snow.

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    My solution (maybe the final solution from Sankatronic will be another but for the time being this is working).

    Every row with fT.opn[sNo].listh.rain 

    need to be replaced by :

    In both button 11 and button 12 of the weather forecast VD.

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    Hi all,


    solution for Weather State and Forecast VD standalone v2.4 you can find here:


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    Hello to all,


    I have updated Main scene FTBE and Netatmo Weather Station scene+VD. I hope that forum administrators @M.Andrzejewska and @K.Drozynski will soon approve them for download.


    Main scene FTBE v.1.3.3 changes:

    • Added sunrise and sunset default time settings for user to setup in case of false reading from HC settings.
    • Corrected timeOfDay and Darkness functions to correctly calculate time of day and darkness if sunset time is after midnight and that sunset time is before sunrise time.
    • Changed code for time calculating functions to avoid scene stop on errors and also added debugging information to easier find possible source of the problem.

    • Removed time alignment that was executed every day at 2 o’clock in the morning.

    Netatmo Weather Station scene+VD v3.2 changes:

    • Corrected rain sensor code in scene to properly get data for different periods.
    • Corrected some bugs in scene code for calculation for different units of measurement
    • Improved updating code in main loop of Netatmo Indoor Main Base module
    • Added checking of CO2 reading for indoor modules to properly update data if measuring of CO2 is not available due to calibration


    Thank you all for using my code and thank you for feedback provided which helps to make code more stable and reliable! :-) 

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    Hello all!




    NEW version of Weather State & Forecast module is uploaded today (12 Sep 2019). Now waiting for admins to approve!

    Yesterday when I was preparing package for upload I get notification from APIXU weather provider that they will terminate their weather API and new kid on the block WeatherStack does not provide weather forecast for free accounts. So I had to remove APIXU weather service. RIP APIXU :-( 

    Anyway there is still 5 weather services available in new version so there will be weather forecasts for everyone :-) 


    I have also updated Nanoleaf Aurora VD and Nanoleaf Canvas VD with killed bug that was preventing VD's to correctly update list of effects installed on this panel lights. Upgrade is simple, just paste new code to VD main loop and don't forget to also copy settings.


    Check my first post for details!


    ENJOY! :-) 


    • Like 1



    Thank you for the updates, and the hard work you put in in this!

    However, there seem to be a permission error on the links(?). I'm logged in and have tried two different browsers,

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    Hello @robw ,


    Updates are waiting on forum administrators @M.Andrzejewska, @K.Drozynski to approve. As soon as they do their part new updates will be available. I hope they do it today before weekend.




    Ah, I was too quick and eager, then :)


    Thank's again, and have a nice weekend!


    @Sankotronic, updates have just been approved. Thank you for your work.

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    1 minute ago, K.Drozynski said:

    @Sankotronic, updates have just been approved. Thank you for your work.


    Thank you for approving Weather State & Forecast module.


    But there are still Nanoleaf lights to be approved under the Virtual Devices section. Thanks !!!!


    But there are still Nanoleaf lights to be approved under the Virtual Devices section. Thanks !!!!


    Done, no more VD or scenes to approve. Thanks again.

    Posted (edited)

    --- EDIT - Resolved ---

    Solution: Remove city name and country from VD settings under Openweathermap, if having a cityID.



    Issue Weather State:


    I tried to install the SA versions of weather state, despite being on UHAS. I can not seem to get it to work, though… Hope someone can help me.


    What I have done:

    1. Removed all Variables regarding "Weather".

    2. In HC Settings, I've set Weather provider: Weather Provider (not YR Weather).

    3. Installed Weather State VD.

    4. Set icon numbers - Working.

    5. Set Openweathermap personal settings in VD with cityID, city, country and opn key. I checked the web api link provided in the documentation at openweather (you basically put a link in your web browser together with your unique api key), and it provided feedback with weather ok, and also the city name and city id. These two I set in the VD.

    6. Change VD wind_ms=true

    7. Set VD language="SE"


    That was all my changes.



    When checking the Refresh button debug, I get:

    Found Weather provider plugin ID: 747

    Error - reading data from weather service


    I also tried making an API account at Weather Underground and I get the same VD error.

    Anyone have some tips? Obviously I've done something wrong somewhere, but at the moment I'm lost.

    Edited by robw

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