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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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Posted (edited)

I upgraded my HC3 to 5.080 2 days ago.  All went fine but now i am having a hard time understanding the new energy pannel.


First let me explain the current status:


I have a QA that pulls data from a solar invertor and sent it to some QA childs.  (json response)


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/monthly_2021_08/image.png.2427f4e1ec1674cc66aba7bd51b50bb9.png" />


All childs have the following interfaces: power, energy, virtualEnergyConsumption.  I update the value and power interfaces of the childs.


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This is configured as consumption.


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This is configured as production of course.


It would seem that the energy is calculated from the QA details:

image.png.b48a0a8b5eca84fa3498d519bb03c684.png image.png.2554ca60562217d0950322f394948042.png



The result is this energy panel: 

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@A.Socha Kindly please find below some suggestions and questions:


1.  It would be nice if the changes are better documented. It took me quite a while to find the information that i need to add a virtualEnergyConsumption interface to QA to be able to use it in the energy panel.

2. It is still not clear what energy, power and the rest do.  As i said i update the value and power properties of the QA childs with the result from the Json request (same number for both interfaces). Power is in Watt.  No idea why in the value field of the QA childs it shows kWh.  I just want it to show the actual number in Watt (like it shows in the power value)

3. How can i reset - delete all information - from the energy pannel to start fresh ?  As i have some abberations there obviously.

4. Why production doesn't show anything even if i configured the production.

5. Taking into account that i have the data (production from the solar array and entire house load) available from the solar meter, is there a way to disable all other devices (switches, wall plugs, shutters) from the energy pannel all together or do i have to go into each device and untick the box ?! (that will take a long time lol)


OR if my questions are bad or i had no idea how to formulate them properly,  please explain in detail how would one set up the energy pannel , devices and QA's to be able to use it.


Also: in the change log, it was written to soft reconfigure all devices that have meter capabilities - I assume this includes roller shutters, walli, dimmers, switches etc ?  -  What happens if i do not soft reconfigure them ? - more than 100 devices is not really nice to do that. 



Thank you :) 











Edited by Momos
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Two types of devices are being used in energy panel.

1. com.fibaro.energyMeter (accumulated kWh in property "value"; "rateType" consumption or production)
2. every other device with interface "energy" (accumulated kWh in property "energy") - option only for actors which consumes energy. 

Energy panel does not use Watts.

Interface virtualEnergyConsumption adds property "energy" to the device and calculates consumed energy according to instant power (Watts, property "power").

So, if your QA reports consumed energy use "com.fibaro.energyMeter" type with "rateType" = consumption, put accumulated values in property "value" - this one can be selected as main energy meter in the home. 
If your QA reports produced energy use "com.fibaro.energyMeter" type with "rateType" = production, put accumulated values in property "value".

If your QA represents an actor (for example, binarySwitch) uses "com.fibaro.binarySwitch", add interface "energy" and put accumulated consumed energy in property "energy". 

As for reconfiguration - it is recommended as there were some changes in reports handling.
It should work without it but if some devices will give you some false readings -> reconfigure them anyway.

As for resetting data -> not available right now but you can ask support to clear energy data in your system for the moment. 


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    @m.roszak Thank you for the answer :) 


    I think i am little closer to understanding how it works.


    But, the situation is this: Through a http request i get the instant power (Watt) from my solar invertor.  I get the total load and the production values in Watts.  The http request is repeated every 30 seconds lets say.

    So there is no accumulated kWh to put in "value" property.


    So to test i made a new QA, com.fibaro.energyMeter type.  I added the power and virtualEnergyConsumption  interfaces.  The Watt number i get from the Http request i put in the "power" property. 


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    I get: 
    image.png.20e295b6378c264c31a2ca1fb081f4f8.png image.png.e575d02679330c0200ea60001a720514.png
    Swagger info:

    Please login or register to see this code.


    Is this correct ?  As the energy pannel still does not show anything :(
    thank you :) 

    For com.fibaro.energyMeter kWh value must be put in "value" property to be used in panel :)
    So, the easiest way to do this using build-in method of calculating energy from power is to sync "energy" property with "value".

    Just update "value" property according to "energy"

    You will have duplicated info on the sidebar but you won't need to calculate energy from power manually :)

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    Ok. so i modified as per your instructions:


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    /monthly_2021_08/image.png.623335e8f0c60c9f45d27858b29640c0.png" />



    Energy pannel still nothing:  no consumption, no production , nothing for today.


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    What to try next ?



    I think that using interface virtualEnergyConsumption (designed for devices which consumes energy) may be in conflict with production device type in your QA.
    That may be an issue - I will make sure today.

    As I said before interfaces energy (and virtualEnergyConsumption) are designed for energy consuming actors.  

    Are you sure that your solar inverter does not report produced kWh? Only instant power? 
    If yes, you should use this value.

    If not, the only way to to this will be calculating produced energy manually using instant power which you already have in system.


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    2 hours ago, m.roszak said:

    That may be an issue - I will make sure today.

    @m.roszak So , to make further tests. The invertor of course outputs also the produced kWh, so i modified to have that in the "value" property.


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    /monthly_2021_08/image.png.a7967854af55f83eb615003052e8141c.png" /> 

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    Still the energy pannel does nothing.  It feels like it is stuck as it does not show any consumption, nothing.


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    There is clearly something wrong. 





    Please upload here your QA, I will check it out and try to resolve the issue :)

    Just to clarify, system uses deltas from the reports and stores those in the database.

    So, only if the value will rise (for example, from 2kWh to 5kWh) then the difference from the reports will be calculated and stored.
    Negative deltas are ignored. 

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    So the QA has 3 childs:  Grid Load - data comes as power in Watt, House Load - data comes as power in Watt, PV Production - "value" data comes as total produced daily in kWh and "power" is instant production in Watt.


    What i am interested in is :  PV Production child to be the power meter for the production and House Load the power meter for total consumption (using FIBARO energy pannel calculations).


    Also , regarding the energy pannel and setting aside this QA for a bit... why it does not show any consumption , nothing ?  I have at the moment 150+ FIBARO devices on it, mostly mains operated and with energy meters.  So whatever is wrong with my QA i should still see consumption from FIBARO devices.  (i managed to soft reconfigure about 1/3 already)


    Thank you.


    I have checked this on a simplest example and works like a charm.
    QA attached, please check if this will generate you production values in panel.

    All your consuming devices should be already visible in the panel - something is wrong.
    It will be possible to take a look at your system? 

    function QuickApp:updateEnergy() -- simulation of energy production increment
        prevoiusValue = fibaro.getValue(self.id, "value")
        increment = math.random(10,300)/100
        self:updateProperty("value", prevoiusValue + increment)
        fibaro.setTimeout(60000function() self:updateEnergy() end)
    function QuickApp:onInit()

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    Ok, I had a look at your QA.

    Please modify the code and don't add virtualEnergyConsumption interface to com.fibaro.energyMeters -> this results with conflict and values in the panel stops being updated.
    virtualEnergyConsumption adds energy property (must be used for consumption only devices) where values are stored.

    And from what I see, even one device created this way results in crash in energy panel calculation algorithm.
    After changing this (remove all devices with this particular configuration) reboot the system - then panel should work ok.

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    Good afternoon, I have an aeon labs with 3 gen5 clamps that works very well (after finding parameters for days) I have a clamp for the total consumption of the house, another for solar production and another for the consumption of the electrical network, Production does not appear in the energy panel because I configure the clamp in production and when I leave and enter again it has only changed to consumed, could you help me with this, I am at 5,080, thanks in advance


    @PedroChacon that is strange, pm me - I would like to check it out.

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    @m.roszak So i rebooted, added your QA as it is.


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    /monthly_2021_08/image.png.6ebb4abe710c6ea838d044b6b0afed9e.png" />


    I also modified my QA. 


    Still nothing in energy pannel :( 


    I'll PM you to take a look please :)


    47 minutes ago, m.roszak said:

    @PedroChacón eso es extraño, pm yo - me gustaría comprobarlo.

    Hello, I have excluded and I have included the aeon labs again, then and restart the HC3, and when I looked at it it has changed back to consumed


    I have got this device on my desk, it is GEN1 or GEN2?
    I will check it out on my side first - if everything will work ok then we will check it out on your system directly.

    2 minutes ago, m.roszak said:

    Tengo este dispositivo en mi escritorio, ¿es GEN1 o GEN2?
    Primero lo comprobaré de mi lado; si todo funciona bien, lo comprobaremos directamente en su sistema.

    It is gen5 of 3 tweezers.

    I may have to reverse the clamp to make it count negative and thus think of it as production?

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    Production should not be negative, rate type of the meter define if the value is production or consumption.
    Both should be positive :)


    Thank you all for all your questions and answers. I have some work to do for my P1 Monitor, SolarEdge Monitor, etc to fit the new firmware and new Energy Panel. I think ? I know what to do. 

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  • Posted (edited)

    @m.roszak Thank you and your colleagues for the help, i understood how the energy pannel works, what is working and what is not working at this moment.


    To summarize in case anyone else is interested:

    There are 4 device/meter properties that are important for energy: "power", energy", "virtualEnergyConsumption" and "value"

    "power" -  instant consumption in Watts

    "energy" - calculated consumption/production in kWh

    "virtualEnergyConsumption" - used for devices that do not have power meter function to calculate "energy"

    "value" - used for meters for the total consuption/production in kWh


    Normal devices - switches, shutters, plugs are always treated as consumption devices.

    QAs can be producton or consumption devices, defined in the GUI or by "rateType" property.

    Meters can be of type "com.fibaro.energyMeter" or "com.fibaro.powerMeter"

    Energy Meters (com.fibaro.energyMeter) will need to have in "value" property the calculated energy measured in kWh. These are selectable from the QA creation interface in the GUI.

    Power Meters (com.fibaro.powerMeter) are not selectable from the QA creation interface. Currently there are some issues with com.fibaro.powerMeter in terms of graph display as i understood.


    So if one has a QA that takes data from a json in kWh, an Energy meter can be created and that value put into "value" property.  This meter will be selectable in Settings-General as the total meter for the house for example.


    If the input data from a json is instant power consumed or produced, com.fibaro.energyMeter can not be used to calculate the "energy" as it will break the Energy Pannel to the point that it needs Fibaro support to fix it.  However you can use an additional QA device of type "com.fibaro.powerSensor" with the interfaces "energy", "power", "virtualEnergyConsumption" and put the instant power value in "power".  This way the calculation for total energy in  kWh will be made automatically.   Then you can use this value in an Energy Meter.


    As example this is my Fronius invertor QA (main QA + 4 childs):


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    /monthly_2021_08/image.png.16f64a7792a86fafdff0086d3a27a079.png" />


    Main QA is a power seson where value is the autonomy percentage and power is the difference between instant production and instant consuption.  Grid Load is the instant Grid power (negative when feeding into the grid); House Load is the instant House consumption.  All these are instant values taken from the invertor so the are in Watt hence power semsors so that HC3 can calculate total energy.




    PV Production is an energy meter where "value" comes from the json as kWh and House Meter is the energy meter for the entire house where "value" comes from calculated "energy" of the power sensor House Load.



    All works good in the Energy pannel with the exception of production - as i understood it is a bug that will be fixed in the next version.


    Cheers :)






    Edited by Momos
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