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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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Controlling IR Based devices



Hi, apologies if i have posted this in the wrong section!


I have a projector screen, Sapphire - which works with an IR remote, it doesn't appear to have any direct control buttons on the screen casing.  Also, i have a projector in my room, again which has an IR control.  I would like to control both of these with Fibaro - is there a way (perhaps not directly, but using 3rd party products) that i can set Fibaro up to control these - for example, lower the screen and turn on the projector.

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BroadLink RM4 pro


Google it :)

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Posted (edited)
25 minutes ago, Petramg said:

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I can help you with step one :P


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Edited by ppeterr
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I have RM4 mini , the instructions here ,but it doesn't work on Toshiba air conditioner


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Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, Petramg said:

I have RM4 mini , the instructions here ,but it doesn't work on Toshiba air conditioner



I don't own the devices myself, and I don't think I can really help you with them.

On the other hand, you also have a different question than the initial topic starter.

Maybe opening your own topic will help. Good luck!

PS. Post there what you already have in terms of code, that might kick start the solution.

Edited by ppeterr
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Binary switch is under the video, im a copier,and inserted to main

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1 hour ago, Petramg said:

I have RM4 mini , the instructions here ,but it doesn't work on Toshiba air conditioner


1st of thank you so,much for video about my QA

2nd about toshiba - you can try to find a new codes for toshiba in GitHub here 

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another way is …. Record signal from original RC

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8 hours ago, Petramg said:

Fibaro was a bad choice

depends on the “spacer” between the chair and the PC

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Petramg said:

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It's not easy, that's true. But I think if you got one thing going, you might get the basics. And from there you can continue working on it.

The video explains very clearly how to get it to work. That doesn't seem like the problem to me.

I also suspect that you do not have the correct IR codes in the QA.


So, do you already have the Toshiba AC working with the RM4 mini and the accompanying app?

Then it is important to extract those codes from the database and apply them in the QA.


Another way, as mentioned above, is to learn the codes per button in the RM4 mini, then read them out and apply them.


And if you really think it's all too complex.

You might want to try the IFTT route.

That's a lot easier, but also a lot less fun :)


Edited by ppeterr
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  • Inquirer
  • Posted
    On 9/14/2021 at 9:58 AM, ppeterr said:

    BroadLink RM4 pro


    Google it :)


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    11 hours ago, ppeterr said:

    Není to jednoduché, to je pravda. Ale myslím si, že pokud máte jednu věc v chodu, možná získáte základy. A odtud na tom můžete dál pracovat.

    Video velmi jasně vysvětluje, jak jej uvést do provozu. To mi nepřipadá jako problém.

    Mám také podezření, že v QA nemáte správné IR kódy.


    Takže už máte Toshiba AC pracující s RM4 mini a doprovodnou aplikací?

    Pak je důležité tyto kódy extrahovat z databáze a použít je v QA.


    Dalším způsobem, jak je uvedeno výše, je naučit se kódy na tlačítko v RM4 mini, poté je přečíst a použít.


    A pokud si opravdu myslíte, že je to všechno příliš složité.

    Možná budete chtít vyzkoušet trasu IFTT.

    Je to mnohem jednodušší, ale také mnohem méně zábavné :)


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    11 hours ago, 10der said:

    závisí na „mezerníku“ mezi židlí a počítačem


    11 hours ago, 10der said:

    závisí na „mezerníku“ mezi židlí a počítačem

    Yes, mr. Smart

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    Well, thats good! So, we only need to know where to get the codes :)


    And then apply them in the script.  I dont know how to do that..yet


    Let me try some google kung-fu. Or maybe @10der is watching, and can tell you :P


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    3 minutes ago, ppeterr said:

    Je to dobré! Potřebujeme tedy jen vědět, kde kódy získat:)


    A pak je použijte ve skriptu. Nevím, jak to udělat ... ano


    Zkusím trochu google kung-fu. Nebo možná@10der se dívá a může vám říct : P


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     I have no idea

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    2 minutes ago, Petramg said:

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     I have no idea


    Well, i am not totally sure. But what i would do, is get the sql database file from the broadlink device. And inspect that.

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    2 minutes ago, ppeterr said:


    No, nejsem si úplně jistý. Ale co bych udělal, je získat databázový soubor sql ze širokopásmového zařízení. A zkontrolujte to.

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    4 minutes ago, ppeterr said:


    Well, i am not totally sure. But what i would do, is get the sql database file from the broadlink device. And inspect that.

    Thank you for your time,

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    2 minutes ago, Petramg said:

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    I know, but he also reacted in this topic. And he made the broadlink quick-app. So, he maybe knows how to extract the codes.



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    broad linkhub has method 

    function QuickApp:learn(ipAddress, deviceType)
    lets go

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    /monthly_2021_09/image.png.9f1a16076c48a01985dc053b6c9d1bf3.png" />
    call from another QA 

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    as u can see device now in learn mode
    tryin to pass some RC

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    8 minutes ago, 10der said:

    broad linkhub has method 

    function QuickApp:learn(ipAddress, deviceType)
    lets go

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    call from another QA 

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    as u can see device now in learn mode
    tryin to pass some RC

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    Chápeš že já nevím co mi tu ukazuješ? Že nerozumím těm obrázkům, že nevím jak se píše lua, neumím to!!!!

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