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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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Little blue dot circling



Why am I seeing a little blue dot circling and am unable to get in touch with my system.

It happens often !

I dont know why ?

10 answers to this question

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Check your internet connection.

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That's actually an excellent question and although I am on this forum since 2013, I haven't seen a clear explanation...


I have to speculate


I think that the "spinning balls" on HC2 or dots on HC3 appear when some "javascript code" running on your browser thinks the HCx response is too slow


So that could be the machine itself, being slow, although I have not seen reports of this...


Or the connection between your browser - pc - wifi - switch -whaver more - HCx could have issues...


3 minutes ago, Neo Andersson said:

Check your internet connection.

Yes, I was thinking along those lines, but more focused on WiFi, LAN, ethernet, that kind of network issues.


Maybe, when it happens you can learn something from a simple "ping" test to your HC...


C:\Users\peter>ping -t

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=6ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=4ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=3ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=3ms TTL=64

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  • Posted (edited)


    Right now : Cirkling blue dots on all parameters on a FIB. motionsensor (v2.8).

    I have changed 1 (one) parameter.

    "Waiting for wakeup or suncronization" But I did wake it up severel times during the last 2 houers.

    What does "syncronization" do ?


    And by the way. Should the motionsensor have a multicannal asosiation mine is on single (I am on HC3). It seems I cannot change it.

    Edited by svaleb
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    Please login or register to see this attachment.

    Blue dots all over

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    Dots means that parameters which was last requested are not set or there are no report for those parameters.
    Click "Read Configuration" in device configuration and wake up the device, it should pull all current parameters values from the devices and synchronization will be completed.

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    Thank you very much.

    That aperently did the trick !

    It is a fibaro motion sensor v2.8 and I changed param40

    Maybe you can tel me  why it is asociatet to singlecannal controller in group 3 (it is a HC3). It wont accept a multicannal in group 3 but it will in group 1.

    As I read it in the device manual Fibaro motion is multicannal.

    Regards svaleb

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    The v2.8 tells me it is an older device, it is a non-Z-Wave-Plus version. You cannot see the difference with the Z-Wave Plus model from the outside (at least I cannot see the difference)


    So it does not yet follow the convention that "group 1 is lifeline". In fact, group 3 is the most important group on this device. From the manual:


    Fibaro Motion Sensor allows for the association of three groups.

    1st Association Group is assigned to the device status - sending

    the BASIC SET control frame to the associated devices having

    detected motion.


    2nd Association Group is assigned to the tamper alarm. Alarm

    frame will be sent to the associated devices once tampering is



    3rd Association Group reports the device status and allows for

    assigning a single device only (the main controller by default - the

    device reports its status to the main controller). It’s not recommen-

    ded to modify this association group.


    The Fibaro Motion Sensor allows for controlling 5 regular and 5

    multichannel devices per an association group, out of which 1 field is

    reserved for the Z-Wave network main controller.

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  • Inquirer
  • Posted

    Thanks Peter

    And maybe because it is older it will not accept a multicannal controller amd/or z-wave 3.

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    Yeah, it only support single-channel association in 3rd group (its like lifeline in ZW+ devices).
    It is enough to make it work properly, it is not a multichannel device. 

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  • Inquirer
  • Posted (edited)

    Great help again, Thanks.

    I will put it into group 3.

    And delete multicannal in 1

    Edited by svaleb

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