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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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HC3 changes Zigbee channel after power failure - why?



I am, to put it politely, angry at the developers who have been "debugging" Zigbee for 5 years! I have a lot of lights and since zwave bulbs don't exist, I'm forced to use Zigbee, but HC3 is so well designed that when it changes channel, all devices are off! Who programmed such a thing? Why is this happening ? Now I have to crawl around the house with NTB in hand ( mobile app can't do it) and reboot all the lights and manually add them ! Any box from china can handle such a thing, but Fibaro thought, we lured customers, we put a beta in there and we don't care anymore ! Thank you


5 answers to this question

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Hi @petro_cz ,


I completely understand your frustration. Zigbee is now for too long in beta. Also it is strange that it is not possible to change Zigbee channel by users on HC. That is why I never even try it. I have plenty Philips HUE bulbs and I still use HUE bridge. I was able to change channel on HUE bridge not to interfere with my WiFi and since then it works perfectly. I don't use anything else from Zigbee pool because I don't like it even devices are cheaper than Z-wave ones.


But that is just me.

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I have a number of Zigbee devices (Bulbs / Motion Sensors / Door & Window Sensors /Temp & Humidity Sensors / Water Leak) all attached to my HC3, I'm not experiencing the issues you are after power failure/disconnect. Everything just reconnect's. Occasionally I will have a Zigbee device just drop off the network regardless of power failure or not  - shows up as disconnected, I haven't been able to work out why. The solution is always


  1. Settings
  2. Device
  3. Click Add device
  4. Select Zigbee
  5. Press the pairing button on the device

That seems to wake it up and almost do a soft reset - Everything stays the same (Device Id / Location / Scenes etc).


Have you logged a support ticket? Changing channels seems odd behaviour


Just my 2 cents worth


P.S I really hope this Zigbee beta thing can be resolved soon. Down here in Australia Z wave devices are expensive   

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  • Posted
    2 hours ago, Sankotronic said:



    Naprosto chápu vaši frustraci. Zigbee je nyní příliš dlouho v beta verzi. Také je zvláštní, že není možné změnit Zigbee kanál uživateli na HC. Proto to nikdy ani nezkouším. Mám spoustu žárovek Philips HUE a stále používám můstek HUE. Podařilo se mi změnit kanál na HUE bridge tak, aby nerušil moji WiFi a od té doby funguje perfektně. Nic jiného ze Zigbee pool nepoužívám, protože se mi to nelíbí, dokonce i zařízení jsou levnější než Z-wave.


    Ale to jsem jen já.

    I also bought a Hue today and it's much faster ! The problem is that in fibaro FILIPs app you can't change icons, it doesn't measure consumption . Any advice on those device icons? You can't see at a glance if the light is on or off. Thank you

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    53 minutes ago, petro_cz said:

    The problem is that in fibaro FILIPs app you can't change icons, it doesn't measure consumption . Any advice on those device icons? You can't see at a glance if the light is on or off. Thank you


    Hi @petro_cz ,


    To be honest I do not use Philips HUE mobile app at all, except in very rare occasions when I want to add new custom scene which then I can use to setup new lighting mood on my HC2.

    What app is

    1 hour ago, petro_cz said:

    fibaro FILIPs app


    Regarding light icons in the Philips HUE mobile app it can be selected only during the adding new light. I don't see possibility to change it once the light is added.

    If you are talking about HC3 then all light control devices do not support custom icon, but only default ones.

    For color or white balance lights those color rings (icon) can be set to dark and then is difficult to distinguish if light is turned on or off. This is up to Fibaro how they did this device types. many users already complained about that. There is now third line in the mobile app which indicates if light is ON or OFF.


    To measure consumption of the specific bulb, one first needs to know maximum consumption of that bulb and then it can be calculated approximately calculated depending on brightness slider position. Of course in that case also "power" interface needs to be added to the QA device and must be updated by the user code.


    Is this what you wanted to know?


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  • Inquirer
  • Posted
    30 minutes ago, Sankotronic said:




    Abych byl upřímný, mobilní aplikaci Philips HUE vůbec nepoužívám, kromě velmi vzácných případů, kdy chci přidat novou vlastní scénu, kterou pak mohu použít k nastavení nové světelné nálady na mém HC2.

    Co je to aplikace


    Pokud jde o ikony světel v mobilní aplikaci Philips HUE, lze je vybrat pouze během přidávání nového světla. Po přidání světla nevidím možnost to změnit.

    Pokud mluvíte o HC3, pak všechna zařízení pro ovládání osvětlení nepodporují vlastní ikony, ale pouze výchozí.

    Pro barevná světla nebo světla s vyvážením bílé lze tyto barevné kroužky (ikonu) nastavit na tmavé a pak je obtížné rozlišit, zda je světlo zapnuté nebo vypnuté. To je na Fibaro, jak udělali tyto typy zařízení. mnoho uživatelů si na to již stěžovalo. V mobilní aplikaci je nyní třetí řádek, který ukazuje, zda je světlo zapnuté nebo vypnuté.


    Pro měření spotřeby konkrétní žárovky je třeba nejprve znát maximální spotřebu této žárovky a poté ji lze přibližně vypočítat v závislosti na poloze posuvníku jasu. Samozřejmě v takovém případě je třeba k zařízení QA přidat také "power" rozhraní a musí být aktualizováno uživatelským kódem.


    Je to to, co jsi chtěl vědět?




    Thank you, it's like scratching your right hand behind your left ear :))

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