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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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some quick tips about walli controller


Posted (edited)


i had to installed and used about 65 Walli controller in the same system to replace an old SCS (wired) Legrand system which had some trouble and couldn't be updated because of non compatibilities of the old devices with the new SCS controller, so i choose to move all the installation to zwave . 


All the switch button were on the SCS bus, so i couldn't get the N/L (230v) on the plug in the wall, the only solution i found is to replace with walli controller wired with 24v DC, using the old physical installation to deliver the 24DC on each plot. 


At this step i have 65 Walli controller wired on 24v DC to manage all the light and blind (BSO). All the Light and BSO were wired grouped in a single board on the underground technical place. 

I have choosen FGS223 to manager the Light, FGD212 for dimming light and FGR224 to manage the BSO. 


So my config is :  switch on each room (65 walli controller), active device on a single room (45 FGS223/FGR224 and 5 FGD212)


Because of a lot of multi use of each button, this new system need to use colored ring to have the status of the right light, green when ON, white when OFF. 



- 1rst :  walli controller have no logical endpoint to read the returned state of the Light or BSO managed.   => so if several walli controller are involved in the control of a device there is no synchro possible, and operation from the domotic interface (Yubi or HC3 or ....) aren't report on the walli controller 


- 2nd : walli controller ack with a green (or red if not ok) ring light of any physical order (clic) => within this time no ring setting could be performed, they are lost or incompletely applied, so i you set ring light within this time, this setting is lost


- 3rd: walli controller (even wired) have capricious performance when included with security level => delay to execute order, refuse operation (red return), ring color not setted, no reaction on clic 


- 4rt: association with a zwave direct device is enable but isn't synchronise with application order => if the BSO is open with an application, the walli doesn't know this status and the 1rst clic on the button have no action on the remote device 


according with all this (little) knowledge i found tips to bypass the capricious system installed (before i found all that rules) 


tips 1 - all my devices managed with walli controller are included without security setting (i had to rebuilt all the config because i used security on my 1rst implementation) 


tips 2 - for light and BSO (other than dimming light) i don't use direct association (zwave) to control remote device (light or BSO) (pb 1, 4) => i always set the walli controller type as "scenarii" and i write for each light a single block to manage light 


tips 3 - for FGD212 (dimming light), no need to synchronise the walli and the device because of the way than the FGD212 is implemented, each clic on the walli send action to the FGD212 (single, double, long) so walli type is setted to "dimming" => zwave direct association (group 6) is allowed for each walli with dimming light, no walli association between themself  


tips 4 - for BSO (blind + slate) while pb4 i open case with fibaro support  and the only answer was:  manage your BSO with scene block , so i write 4 scene block 

           * 1 clic upper button to open => scene block need to perform 2 actions :  set slat position to 100% , then open the blind

           * 1 clic lower button to close => scene block need to perform 2 actions :  set slat position to 0% , then close  the blind

           * double clic on upper or lower button stop 

           * long press on upper or lower button set to the slat to preferential position ==> 50% (or any position according with your need) 

     Nota:  don't use triple clic otherwise you couldn't exclude device 


tips 5 - for color ring state (pb2) i have 2 scene block (even with dimming light) 

          * colored with light XX ON => trigger is when light is ON and set value to "true during the defined time"

          * colored with light XX OFF => trigger is when light is OFF and set value to "true during the defined time"

the work around for pb2 is to add a time (true during the defined time)  in the section trigger condition (2s is enough)  => with this tips the ack of the clic on the walli is display and therefore the ring setting is applied correctly. 

as the trigger is on the light and not on the walli the type of the walli doesn't affect the scene 



I hope all this tips could help, because this not obvious to find all of them and to let the system stable and reactive with the big config. 




Edited by jluc2808
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