About This File
Energy report - version 0.3.5
This script is for anyone not using HEM (Home Energy Meter) by Aeotec or Qubino for example, but having a
lot of zwave switches and wants to measure their energy consumption.
This script automatically recognizes devices with energy consumption measurment. It‘s also possible to exclude
any device from the report (e.g. with a very small energy consumption) or configure the report to only monitor
the manually entered devices.
The consumption report can be created on any day of a month and can report for any selected time period.
For more information, see the attached PDF.
Thanks to @pblacky who had the idea for this script.
Thanks @Cannon_82 for being so nice to share an icon for this scene.
What's New in Version 0.3.6 See changelog
LUA code adapted to HC3.