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Found 2 results

  1. Well i have a HC3 and i want to create a scene that when a MC is open then light goes on and if MC is closed the light goes off after 5 minutes. Scene that i have is: When door opens then camera takes a snapshot, sends a push notification to mobile. What i want is: When door opens the camera takes a snapshot, sent a notification to my mobile and turn a flood light on, then when door is closed the flood light will stay on for 5 minutes and then automatically turns off.
  2. --- Yamonos 1.0 beta --- -- Automatically turns on a Yamaha Receiver (and switches it to the appropriate input) when a Sonos Connect starts playing. -- It requires a Yamaha Virtual Device that stores the correct power state and input in 2 separate Global Variables -- Known issue: If there are multiple grouped devices, Sonos will keep setting the status to "Playing", even if the devices are paused. -- Feel free to improve it and share it -- adjust the variables section below --[[ %% 526 properties %% 525 properties %% 359 properties %% autostart %% events %% globals --]] local YamahaAVR = 359 -- Yamaha VD ID local sonos = 526 -- Sonos Connect ID local pwrBtn = 1 -- the Yamaha VD button ID to turn on the device local offBtn = 2 -- the Yamaha VD button ID to turn off the device local srcBtn = 8 -- the Yamaha VD source button ID local sleepTime = 5000 -- how often should Fibaro check the AV status - in miliseconds local globalVarName = "YAMAHA" -- global variable name created for Yamaha VD local globalVarInputName = "YAMAHA_SET" -- global variable name for Yamaha VD to set the input local avInput = "AV2" -- The Global variable set by the Yamaha VD local globalVarValueOn = "ON" -- the value of the global variable when ON, set by Yamaha VD local globalVarValueOff = "Standby" -- the value of the global variable when OFF, set by Yamaha VD -------- no input is necessary from here --------------- local executed = false function turnOnYamaha() fibaro:call(YamahaAVR, "pressButton",pwrBtn) --POWER ON fibaro:debug("yamaha on") fibaro:sleep(2000) --wait 2 sec until it turns on fibaro:debug("yamaha av2") fibaro:call(YamahaAVR, "pressButton",srcBtn) --AV2 executed = true end function turnOffYamaha() fibaro:call(YamahaAVR, "pressButton",offBtn) --POWER OFF fibaro:debug("yamaha off") end while true do local sonosPlaying = fibaro:getValue(sonos, "state") local yamahaStatus = fibaro:getGlobalValue(globalVarName) if yamahaStatus == globalVarValueOff and sonosPlaying == "PLAYING" then fibaro:debug("Sonos Playing, Yamaha Off - Turning On Yamaha") if not executed then turnOnYamaha() end executed = false sonosPlaying = fibaro:getValue(sonos, "state") yamahaStatus = fibaro:getGlobalValue(globalVarName) elseif yamahaStatus == globalVarValueOn and sonosPlaying == "PLAYING" then fibaro:debug("Sonos Playing, Yamaha On - Nothing here for me") fibaro:debug(sonosPlaying) sonosPlaying = fibaro:getValue(sonos, "state") yamahaStatus = fibaro:getGlobalValue(globalVarName) elseif sonosPlaying == "PAUSED_PLAYBACK" and yamahaStatus == globalVarValueOff then fibaro:debug(yamahaStatus) fibaro:debug("Sonos Off, Yamaha Off - nothing to do") sonosPlaying = fibaro:getValue(sonos, "state") yamahaStatus = fibaro:getGlobalValue(globalVarName) elseif yamahaStatus == globalVarValueOn and sonosPlaying == "PAUSED_PLAYBACK" then fibaro:debug("Sonos Off, Yamaha On - Turning Off Yamaha") local otherInput = fibaro:getGlobalValue(globalVarInputName) if otherInput ~= (avInput) then fibaro:debug("Yamaha is on another input, do not touch") else turnOffYamaha() end sonosPlaying = fibaro:getValue(sonos, "state") yamahaStatus = fibaro:getGlobalValue(globalVarName) end fibaro:sleep(sleepTime) end Hey Folks, I wrote this small script to help me out with my Sonos Connect and Yamaha AV Receiver. It turns on the Yamaha AV and switches to the correct input as soon as Sonos Connect is playing. It's not perfect, but it works pretty well. Please feel free to improve it, if it's needed. /Seb
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