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Found 3 results

  1. Hello, At the moment, I have a basic scene that turns a light on when a sensor sees motion, then turns off when the sensor has seen no motion for 5 minutes. No problem. What I need is; if the lights turn on and I don't want them on, I hit the light switch on the wall, the lights turn off and they remain off for 5 minutes. Currently when I hit the switch, the lights turn off but the motion sensor picks me up and turns them straight back on again. So I'm wondering if I can have a scene that says something along the lines of, "If the lights are on, and Switch 1 Key is pressed, then turn off lights, and..." either disable the scene that uses the motion sensor to turn on the lights for 5 minutes, or disable the lights from being able to be turned on for 5 minutes. I've also thought about trying to use variables but so far am struggling to figure out what feels like should be a simple solution. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks
  2. HI all, Is there a way to disable a scene (which is triggered by a change in value) from another scene. Situation: I have a simple scene that sets the light at 75% when i change the value of another device (mco home touch pad). Now I want to create another scene that sets the light at say 25%. However, i do need to change de value of the mco home because otherwise the light has no power (the mco home is also a non z-wave device). How could I prefend the first scene from putting the light at 75% and running only the second scene? Hope you could help. Ciao Figlio
  3. Hi, I'd like to request the ability to disable all scenes and virtual devices through a checkbox option. It could be added under the Configuration section and have a separate check box for scenes and vd's. I believe the capability exists already for scenes and for virtual devices it would be just a simple case of stopping the main loop code. It would essentially stop all the automation on the HCX device I had a mechanism to do this through a global variable but when I added this to all my scenes and vd main loop, it seemed to cause issues on start up. I have since disabled this until I find out what the issue was. I found this very beneficial for when I was adding new devices but it could also be useful when upgrading the HCX fw Thanks for considering _f
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