Hey Fibaro family!
A user from Singapore here wanting to make his unsmart home a bit smarter. So my dining room lights and stuff are using Philips Hue, no issue there, but my study room light I wanted to go with a ceiling light, and I wasn't willing to pay 400-500USD for a single Philips Hue Ceiling light, so I got a normal ceiling light.
Now in Singapore (Not sure about other countries) the light switches at the wall have no neutral wire, and I get that. I'm quite blessed that my ceiling light is quite big and has a cover so I figured why not connect the switch inside the light itself, hidden underneath the cover.
My uncle who's a certified electrician did exactly as the YouTube video said, Live wire into L (beside Q), then a new live wire from Q out to the light itself. The neutral (blue) wire from the ceiling goes into a wire connector, split out to 2, one into the light and another into N port of the switch.
Now when I switch on my mains, there's a green light that shows on the switch for like 1-2 seconds, and then it switches off. I can't pair the switch via scanning the Homekit code whatsoever.
Any suggested solutions as to what I'm doing wrong?
Also, is the S1 and other L switch supposed to be in use? Cuz the manual suggests connecting it to the switch, but I'm placing my switch where the light is at the ceiling so.... hmmm.