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Found 13 results

  1. Hello, I'm currently running into a strange problem. Running HC3 latest stable firmware 5.170.16 Besides other devices, I also have 2x Smart Implants on which I'm using the inputs. SI - ID40 works fine, inputs are very responsive SI - ID54 inputs do not change Both are connected to the same 24Vdc power supply next to each other. The inputs are just reed switches pulling IN1/IN2 to GND. Both running latest firmware v5.2 Both look identical, same security level S2A, Z-wave type 3 and SDK version 6.2, other params are identical. Both 'Input configuration = Monostable' Steps taken: Removed and re-added the device, no luck Replaced the FGBS-222 with a new one, the same behavior. Swapped the wire connector 40<>54, wiring is OK the SI-ID54 does not detect inputs There is one major difference: the working device was added months ago (I do not remember the exact FW version of HC3 at that moment), and the non-working device was added just recently. It seems that adding Smart Implants is not longer working for me.. Other devices like 'The Button' that I recently added are working straight away. The non-working SI also pop-up to the HC3 with a different icon set > see attached screenshot. Any ideas anyone?
  2. Hi all of you. So the thing happening to me is: I reconfigured my entire network. 70 devices. im using engine 3.0 now (i know i shouldn't do that :D) But now when i am making a scene (block) the dimmer2 only shows up the light. not the remote control. when i reconfigure the device it does show up. after a few days ik want to make another scene and the switch dissapeard again from the dropdown list in de scene editor. What is happening here. anyone have an idea. What i also like to mention. it was a mistake going to engine 3.0. everthing is reacting 10 times slower then when i was at 2.0. still thinking of going back. but stays a lot of work:D.. Thanks already for some kind of reaction. Gr Wesley
  3. Hi, I have a not working Fibaro door sensor. 13 months old. Suddenly it stopped communicating with the HCL. Battery is ok. It is able to read the door position (open, close) by flashing the blue led. Tried to reset it different times, version 2.5 Now by clicking once the tamper button on its back it flashes for about 10 seconds and then off again. Do you have some idea? Broken? Thank you
  4. Hi, I've bought on Amazon, 24 units of FIBARO FGDW-002-1. I own a Raspberry Pi 4 8Gb with openHAB (OH) 3.3 on a 250GB SSD via USB and I use a Aeotec Gen5+ USB pen for the Z-Wave communications, as well as two Aeotec Range Extender 7. The house have a Cave floor (where one extender is placed), a Ground floor (where the RPi and Z-Wave pen is placed) and a First floor (where the second extender is placed). I am using multiple switches for lights, blinds and blackouts from Simon brand, Serie 100 iO, which communicates via Z-Wave and act also as node repeaters, since they are main powered. So the Z-Wave network works without problems. These are the steps I did so far: Installed Fibaro sensors one-by-one, using the "discovery" option within OH and 23 where found (one was never found, the sensor was clearly openned and used before so it was returned to Amazon as defective) After having them in the system, 20 of them I could setup the different channels with items (status, temperature, battery power, etc.) - some have less than 50% battery Only 10 I got information from (and not even consistently, because sometimes they do not transmit data) 11 units never sent any information (so it's represented as NULL in OH system) 2 units never even properly connected to the system (channels were never available, so I cannot setup items) Tried multiple times to reset those 13 units and reconnect them to OH, never worked (sometimes I even waited days to see if somehow it would start communicating) After a full month without success, removed those 13 sensors from OH and then connected the Aeotec USB pen to a PC and used the PC Controller software (previously known as Zensys Tools) from Silicon Labs, to be able to declare as Failed and then remove those failed nodes completely from the USB pen Tried multiple times to reconnect the sensors to OH after that, but now they never even show up in discovery mode nor directly on the PC Controller software So I am sitting here with 13 units that never actually worked (more than 600€) and countless hours already lost trying to connect this to a Z-Wave system. This is unbelievable and I never thought it would require such difficulty to simply connect some basic sensors. I've worked with many different sensors from different brands, communicating via WiFi, ZigBee and 433Mhz and none of them ever gave me any headache, but these are simply a real pain and I will surely NEVER again buy these, since it is just a huge waste of money. Now, since I cannot simply return this because it has already gone too much time since I bought it (something like a month and a half), I need to know what can I do to be able to connect this to the system since I will not simply have 600€ sitting there wasted in 13 expensive sensors doing nothing... Any help will be obviously appreciated, but I will have to share this experience online with the communities. Thank you. Best regards, Pedro Lima
  5. Hi All, I recently bought 2 Fibaro Homekit enabled single switches. Tried to install one of them behind one wall light switch. The light switch is "ON/OFF" type and contains 2 wires: a live one and a neutral one. I split the neutral one in 2 using a 3 line connector similar to the video in the presentation of socket installation and connected one to the N terminal of Fibaro and the other one to the Q terminal. The Live connector goes to L terminal (next to Q) and the switch itself is connected to the second L and the S1. The pairing is successful with Homekit but the device will switch On the light and the will disconnect quickly. The app shows "connection fault" Any input on this situation?
  6. Minęło kilka miesięcy i pomimo zapewnień Fibaro moje termostaty nadal nie spełniają kilku przydatnych funkcji: 1) wytrzymałości na baterii powyżej trzech tygodni 2) odczytywania temperatury z dokupionego czujnika 3) regulowania temperatury zgodnie z nastawą Aktualizacji oprogramowania, przewidywanego czasu naprawy problemów - brak. W związku z powyższym chciałbym zwrócić dwa termostaty i dwa czujniki - towar nie jest zgodny z umową. Na jaki adres powinienem je wysłać?
  7. Hi guys, I'm going mad with Fibaro GPS scene trigger which refuses to work although my movement traces from my mobile are sucessfully recorded within Fibaro. I have done/checked/tried: create a custom location in localisations panel instead of using my predefined HCL location using a separate variable instead of direct GPS location checked data privacy settings on my IOS and allowed it for Fibaro to collect GPS (otherwise traces would also not be visible in Home Center) Home location: Collected movement traces: Fibaro test scene: What else can it be?!? Note that I can trigger the scene manually and i get the notification. Also I can trigger the scene via IFTTT even location-based! Help much appreciated! Home-Center light is on latest version 4.560.
  8. Hi, i bought the Fibaro Double Switch 2 Gen5 and a Fibaro Single Switch 2 Gen5 to control my hallway light. I created an Association with Fibaro Single Switch to the Fibaro Double Switch so I could control the Fibaro Double Switch S2 switch from the top of the stairs and from the bottom in my hallway. When the Fibaro Single Switch (The Transmitter) is set to toggle switching (Variable 20, 1byte dec, 1) it works ok, but when I change it to Momentary (Variable 20, 1byte dec, 0) switching It does not work (It does not turn light on or off) it's as if the Fibaro Double Switch does not receive the signal sent to it or ignores it? Thanks for any help Colin
  9. Hello, I have several Fibaro devices which are working fine, but I can't get one of the Switch 2 to work and I have opened the device to see if it is burned. Everything looks fine but one of the relay on the board - RELPOL RM40-3021- has a red spot. Is that normal? see photo:I Thanks in advance.
  10. Hey Fibaro family! A user from Singapore here wanting to make his unsmart home a bit smarter. So my dining room lights and stuff are using Philips Hue, no issue there, but my study room light I wanted to go with a ceiling light, and I wasn't willing to pay 400-500USD for a single Philips Hue Ceiling light, so I got a normal ceiling light. Now in Singapore (Not sure about other countries) the light switches at the wall have no neutral wire, and I get that. I'm quite blessed that my ceiling light is quite big and has a cover so I figured why not connect the switch inside the light itself, hidden underneath the cover. My uncle who's a certified electrician did exactly as the YouTube video said, Live wire into L (beside Q), then a new live wire from Q out to the light itself. The neutral (blue) wire from the ceiling goes into a wire connector, split out to 2, one into the light and another into N port of the switch. Now when I switch on my mains, there's a green light that shows on the switch for like 1-2 seconds, and then it switches off. I can't pair the switch via scanning the Homekit code whatsoever. Any suggested solutions as to what I'm doing wrong? Also, is the S1 and other L switch supposed to be in use? Cuz the manual suggests connecting it to the switch, but I'm placing my switch where the light is at the ceiling so.... hmmm.
  11. Hi, I set up a scene to get a mail and push notification when the front door of my house opens. The scene worked fine for 2 days but when I created a new scene to sent me notifications when temperature in room was over 27C, system stop sent me any notifications. I deleted and create again only the door scene, I reboot but I don't get notifications, I created a "debug" variable to check if scene works and it works fine except the mail and push. Can anyone help me understand what went wrong? Kostas P.S. My HCL has the 4.082 firmware and I haven't done any update since I create the scene for mail and push notifications. I have read some other posts I found on this forum and I fix the problem by checking the "Do not allow alarm to stop scene while alarm is running" box in scene. This works for me, I 'll test more on this to be sure.
  12. Dear Fibaro, your device Home Center Lite HCL is clearly not working at it should, and since a lot of time ago. You have confirmed in other topics that you do not have a clear indication of the reason behind. You always state that this topic is sent to your development team. But, if the device does not work at it should, if you do not have any clear indication of the reason, if you don't know how to fix it since more than one year ago, why don't you replace the units sold for working good real money? Do we need to start a massive legal campaign from all users? If the answer is yes we will because that is not correct for the consumers. I am really pissed off from this situation where you are just answering about "team" that is not able to do its main job. Who cares, I paid, change team!! I am really pissed off that you are continue working on new useless implementations when THE MAIN USAGE AND SCOPE OF THE INIT IS NOT FULFILLED. What other device in the market get stuck times a day?? I am pissed off that you are continue selling the HCL on the market, sign that you do not care at all about your customers. Please, start acting in a professional way. The limit between being a good part of the market and being kicked off in a short time is very subtle. Global bad advertisement could result in a big pain for your company. Currently the big pain is only in our houses, are you happy about that? Either you fix it immediately, or you give the money back, or you fully replace it with a working device and you take back that useless piece of plastic. thank you
  13. My HC2 recently crashed and ended up on 503 error so I had to undertake a recovery mode, update to the latest version (4.09) and then do a backup of my configuration. Every since then all of remote access, and local & remote access via (home.fibaro.com) & iphone/iPad apps do no longer work. Access via Chrome browser works fine and everything is functioning as expected. I have another Fibaro HC2 hub at another location and remote access, iphone and ipad apps all work for that location so i know its not the apps or home.fibaro.com. Has anybody experienced this before and what is the remedy? Fibaro, please help i need my ipad screens and iphones screens to function ASAP Many thanks Bret
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