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All, So I've been trying to use the interactive push notification in a simple block scene. The block triggers and does send a notification to my phone but there are no buttons on the notification.. I'm using the YES_NO choice for the buttons and have assigned a scene that is enabled for the result but - no buttons! Any thoughts?
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- yubii
- interactive
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Any one have an idea how I can make a scene that sends me a push or e-mail on a specific time with the temperature reading from one of my outdoor sensors?
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Czy ktoś może podpowiedzieć jak stworzyć scenę w której z określonym interwałem czasowym centrala wyśle powiadomienie push z informacją o aktualnej wartości czujnika? Chciałbym aby klient raz na dzień dostawał info jaka jest wilgotność powietrza, ponieważ jest to ważne dla odpowiedniego utrzymania jego drewnianej podłogi. ____________ Can anyone suggest how to create a scene in which, with a specific time interval, HC3 will send a push notification with information about the current sensor value? I would like to receive information about the air humidity once a day, because it is important for the proper maintenance of client wooden floor.
Please help! I added a scene a while back to test push notifications to a mobile phone. Long story but basically I left it running and now theres 999+ notifications on my Android app (see screenshot). Does anyone know how to clear the "Current" notifications? There's too many to clear individually. I tried deleting the mobile device in HC2 and re-adding it. Also tried deleting the Android app data. Thanks, Elton,
Hi, Anyone knows the correct form for the interactive push notification on HC3 please? I have tried local body = { type = "MobilePopupNotification", priority = "info", data = { title = "sampleTitle", text = "sampleText", button = { buttonId = "1", type = "CANCEL", caption = "ON" } } } local response, code = fibaro.homeCenter.notificationService.publish(body) But it doesn't do anything apart from showing a new notification in the UI with nothing in it and nothing on the mobile devices. Thank you
Dear Community. I was wondering if any of you experience the same issue… since a few days I stopped receiving Push notifications on all my iPhones. However, on an Android phone and also on my iPad they work fine. I already updated HC2 to 4.5.81, deleted the Fibaro App on all devices, deleted the phones from HC2 (Access Control -> Mobile devices list), rebooted HC2, reinstalled Fibaro App, read new device IDs from http://<IP>/api/devices... but no success. Same picture as before. I also checked iPhone notification settings for the Fibaro app, they are all turned on just like for the iPad. Any idea? iPhone 7, iOS 13.4.1 -> not OK iPhone 7, iOS 13.4.1 -> not OK iPad Air, iOS 12.4.6 -> OK Samsung SM-G930F -> OK Fibaro HC2, 4.5.81 Thanks for your help. Kind regards, Martin PS: here's what I see in /api/devices - only difference is "sendPush": 0 under "actions" for iPhone vs. iPad which has value 1 there ... but the working Android phone also has "sendPush": 0. And the DeviceToken looks different on the iPhones (starting with a length indicator and two values connected by ... --------------------------- NOT working iPhone ----------------------------- { "id": 353, "name": "MatzPhone", "roomID": 0, "type": "iOS_device", "baseType": "", "enabled": true, "visible": true, "isPlugin": false, "parentId": 0, "remoteGatewayId": 0, "viewXml": false, "configXml": false, "interfaces": [], "properties": { "DeviceToken": "{length=32,bytes=<cleared out>...<cleared out>}", "DeviceUID": "<cleared out>", "Push": "true", "deviceIcon": "91", "lastLoggedUser": "321" }, "actions": { "sendDefinedPushNotification": 1, "sendPush": 0 }, "created": 1587293983, "modified": 1587293983, "sortOrder": 266 }, --------------------------- working iPad ----------------------------- { "id": 327, "name": "MatzPad", "roomID": 0, "type": "iOS_device", "baseType": "", "enabled": true, "visible": true, "isPlugin": false, "parentId": 0, "remoteGatewayId": 0, "viewXml": false, "configXml": false, "interfaces": [], "properties": { "DeviceToken": "<cleared out>", "DeviceUID": "<cleared out>", "Push": "true", "deviceIcon": "91", "lastLoggedUser": "2" }, "actions": { "sendDefinedPushNotification": 1, "sendPush": 1 }, "created": 1587293658, "modified": 1587293658, "sortOrder": 241 }, --------------------------- working Samsung ----------------------------- { "id": 355, "name": "samsung SM-G930F", "roomID": 0, "type": "iOS_device", "baseType": "", "enabled": true, "visible": true, "isPlugin": false, "parentId": 0, "remoteGatewayId": 0, "viewXml": false, "configXml": false, "interfaces": [], "properties": { "DeviceToken": "<cleared out>", "DeviceUID": "<cleared out>", "Push": "true", "deviceIcon": "91", "lastLoggedUser": "77" }, "actions": { "sendDefinedPushNotification": 1, "sendPush": 0 }, "created": 1587294378, "modified": 1587294378, "sortOrder": 268 }
Version 0.0.1
Get a notification/push when IDLock is unlocked by code or RFID Other possibilites Instead of having default value for name (example ->> "name":"User 60") you can easily change from User 60 to a real name instead. In a new scene add this lines and Press Start to set the name local ID = 1067 -- IDLock ID fibaro:call(ID, "setUserName",60, "Jonny") 60 is the slotID you want to change.-
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- idlock150
- notification
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Witam. Ja z takim pytaniem odnośnie powiadomień push - czy spotkał się ktoś z taka sytuacja ze oprócz zaplanowanych powiadomień jak np. o alarmie dostaje masę innych pustych wiadomości na telefon? Sprawa ma się tak ze powiadomienia które sa zaplanowane działają bez zarzutu natomiast oprócz tego na telefon przychodzi w ciągu dnia i NOCY cała masa pustych powiadomień - i nie wiadomo skąd i dlaczego? Jest to uciążliwe gdyż zdarza się kilka do kilkunastu razy na dobę! Dodam tylko ze problem występuje tylko i wyłącznie na telefonach z Androidem (S6 i S4) a na pozostałych urządzeniach z iOS problemu nie ma. Sprawdziłem konfiguracje kilka razy, przejrzałem już chyba wszytko, zrobiłem restart centrali a nawet i twardy reset do ustawień fabrycznych po czym skonfigurowałem wszystko na nowo i problem jak był - tak jest nadal. I tylko na szajsungach- na jabłku działa jak należy. spotkal się ktoś z czymś takim u siebie?- jakieś pomysły co może być nie tak lub gdzie szukać problemu?? ponizej dwa zrzuty ekranu - puste powiadomienie o 21.18 i zaraz o 22.00 ponownie następne - także puste. I tak dzień w dzień po kilka razy. POMOCY....
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- push
- notification
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Witam, Poszukuję podpowiedzi ponieważ zrobiłem przy użyciu micro-styku i universal sensor "urządzenie", które powiadamia mnie o tym, że drzwi nie zostały zamknięte na zamek przez co najmniej 5 minut. Zbudowałem do tego scenę, która powiadamia mnie o tym fakcie. Jednak push który pokazuje się na Ipad Air nie wydaje dźwięku. Chciałbym aby push pojawiał się z dźwiękiem. (np takim jak po wykryciu ruchu - alarm). Jak to zrobić? Z góry dziękuje za pomoc. Oto jak wygląda moja scena: --[[ %% properties %% globals --]] a -- zmien) local imgUrl = '' fibaro:call(100, "sendDefinedPushNotification", "1"); HomeCenter.PopupService.publish({ title = 'Drzwi niezamknięte', subtitle = os.date("%I:%M:%S %p | %B %d, %Y"), contentTitle = 'DRZWI NIEZAMKNIĘTE!', -- Nagłówek zawartości popupu (opcjonalny) contentBody = 'Czy drzwi mają pozostać otwarte?', -- Część właściwa powiadomienia (pole wymagane) img = imgUrl, type = 'Critical', -- typ powiadomienia: 'Info' - kolor niebieski, 'Success' - kolor zielony, 'Warning' - kolor żółty, 'Critical' - kolor czerwony -- definicja przycisków, 'caption' - tekst, sceneId - Id Sceny, która powinna zostać odpalona po wciśnięciu przycisku (0 to brak sceny) -- maksymalnie można zdefiniować 3 przyciski, nie trzeba definiować żadnego - domyślnie pojawi się jeden z tekstem 'Ok' buttons = { { caption = 'Yes', sceneId = 0 }, { caption = 'No', sceneId = 0 } } })
Can someone help me. I have been thinking about how the logic would work and cannot come up with the correct Lua code to make this work correctly. Goal: want the door to unlock when I arrive at home and lock when I leave and send a message (push, email etc..) every time. but if I am home/not home I don't want it to keep locking/unlocking and sending me a message *I already have fibaro looking for my phone to see if I'm present. a global variable keeps a number count present =1 not present = 0 so the logic I came up with is like this: Check Present=0 then lock door and send message check present =0 (still not at home) do nothing check present = 1 unlock door and send message check present = 1 (still at home) do nothing etc... let me know if you have questions or suggestions.
Chciałem zgłosić problem z aktualizacją przypisania telefonów i urządzeń mobilnych do użytkowników. W momencie np. zmiany telefonu dla danego użytkownika jest spory problem z aktualizacją powiadomień. I to nie chodzi o zmianę karty sim a tylko o zmianę aparatu. Powiadomienia w scenach są przypisane do telefonów a nie użytkowników w związku z tym przy zmianie telefonu trzeba przepisywać wszystkie sceny gdzie te powiadomienia są używane. Jeżeli mamy takich powiadomień sporo to jest to problem. Jak sobie z tym radzicie? Czy nie można by tego zmienić na poziomie oprogramowania centrali?
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- użytkownik
- push
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W niedzielę nie działały powiadomienia PUSH. Wczoraj naprawili po interwencji i dzisiaj znów nie działają.
First of all I have to say, that I’m using Fibaro for more than 3 years intensively for myself and some of my customers. So far didn’t find better solution for all use cases I have, but I think its time to start to look more intensively for alternatives. Why? Here are the most critical reasons: Remote system access – each time I do connect to HC from outside, I’m getting little bit nervous whether I do succeed. Its cause mostly by Fibaros issues in past with remote access. Unfortunately its back these days. This unreliability will most probably persist because of past experience. No imagine, what are the all sexy use cases for, when you can’t access this system remotely. I can’t arm/disarm the alarm when housekeeper comes to my house, neither to change the heating system setting, or extra irrigate a garden. Suddenly you lose control and comfort, just because Fibaro can’t provide reliable service. It’s a pity that 20€ IP camera from China is more reliable with remote access than 600€ Fibaro system! I didn’t have any issue connecting to those Chinese IP cams ever (I’m not touching security issue here). Push and email notifications – problem of past days that persist from Sunday till now (Wednesday). Imagine that you won’t receive notifications from your bank about transaction for such a long time? In my case, notification take very critical part in the system. Im being notified when Solar system start/stop to produce electricity (to fine-tune the system), alarm notifications including snapshots from cameras, smoke or flood notifications to ensure that everything is OK. Can I relay on such a system now? Maybe my house is on fire at this moment I’m writing this article… Bugs and bugs and bugs – every new update I’m getting excited about new features and bugs fixed. However on the other side, every new update I’m scared of new bugs that appear in system. Its kind of Fibaros best practice, fix one think and “develop” some new bugs on already working features (e.g. weather trigger issue, VD icons issue, VD stops working issue etc…) Support – and last but not least, Fibaro support, for such a critical system as a home automation is, should be much better and 24/7. Come on guys, the fact that there is a holiday in Poland, doesn’t mean that all home automation owners across the world can wait for several days for your help! Not mentioning the fact, that “Missing template” for Aeon micro switch is persisiting in my system since the very beginning (3 years!) without any option to remove it. Downloaded template provided to fibaro support for a few times in the past… Development of user requested features – there are tons of requests on Fibaro forum, asking Fibaro to fix or develop small features that would significantly improve user experience. One of the examples is “low battery notification” being send by email every half an hour!!! That represent 96 emails if I’m away from a home for a weekend!!! So to conclude, I’m staying with Fibaro, but only until a time I do find a suitable alternative for my use cases. Then, good bye Fibaro.
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Hello I have noticed that you can not choose which time to start with interactive push in block scenes. Just choose the top one. However, one can save another scene but nothing happens.
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- interactive
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A couple of days ago my push and email notifications stopped working. I haven't touched the system nothing has changed. I deleted and re-added my iPhone 8, uninstalled and re-installed the app, but still no luck
Hi, I think there is an issue with PIN protected scenes that are triggered from LUA configured popup or interactive push notifications. Scenes that should be PIN protected run straightforward when triggered from "YES" button on such notifications. Here are tutorials for setting such notifications up - courtesy of @Sankotronic: - popup notifications: - interactive push: Best regards, Andrzej
it is happening for any scene that I create with variables. I do not get an instant notification but rather hours later or even days then they will populate all together. Fibaro please fix!
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- push
- notifications
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Since the last update and last night Im not receiving any type of notification from my HC2. Its connected to net (accessible from outside), no major changes made in settings except of time adjustment because it was 4 minutes late. Any idea what to check to resolve this issue?
Hi, I set up a scene to get a mail and push notification when the front door of my house opens. The scene worked fine for 2 days but when I created a new scene to sent me notifications when temperature in room was over 27C, system stop sent me any notifications. I deleted and create again only the door scene, I reboot but I don't get notifications, I created a "debug" variable to check if scene works and it works fine except the mail and push. Can anyone help me understand what went wrong? Kostas P.S. My HCL has the 4.082 firmware and I haven't done any update since I create the scene for mail and push notifications. I have read some other posts I found on this forum and I fix the problem by checking the "Do not allow alarm to stop scene while alarm is running" box in scene. This works for me, I 'll test more on this to be sure.
Does anyone know if HC2 can send a notification to your phone on which user (person) unlocks the door?
It'd be great to get status of sending email and push (true/false). For example: when there is Internet connection problem. It should be easy to implement for Fibaro team and it'd give us more reliability. local mailSuccess = fibaro:call(2, "sendEmail", "title", "message") local pushSuccess = fibaro:call(2, "sendPush", "message") It'd be used in @AutoFrank SMsgH to queue messages.
Hi, well beyond my capability and I have no idea how easy or difficult it is to do but I would like to get information from owl intuition PV energy monitor and display it in the HC2. The owl intuition has an api and can push data via multicast or UDP, information attached. I have also attached a PC program that displays the data from the network owl. There is an explanation of how this works here: https://theowl.zendesk.com/hc/en-gb/articles/201284603-Multicast-UDP-API-Information along with some other programs. If anyone is interested in a little project, I would be very happy to test Thanks Network OWL API [Public].pdf Network OWL Multicast.pdf intuition-listener-windows.zip
Witam, chciałem zdefiniować notyfikacje, która jest wysyłana via PUSH podczas gdy Alarm jest uzbrojony. Zadaniem tej notyfikacji jest poinformowanie mnie o wykrytym ruchu przez którąkolwiek z uzbrojonych czujek ruchu, gdy zostanie aktywowana. Czy mogę w panelu notyfikacji pobrać nazwę czujnika który zgłosił 'breach' ? Docelowo tekst wysylany na telefon powinien mowic: WYKRYTO RUCH NA CZUJNIKU xxxx I tu pytanie, czy ten xxx można jakoś globalnie pobrać?
as some of you maybe already recognized, Fibaro push messages does not contains anymore the HCx serial but the HCx name set in the Wizard. I think most people set there just the default "home", but sometimes it does make sense to have different name. To change the name (i could swear there was something in the UI already, but can't find it anymore) simply call the Wizard again: http://HC-IP/fibaro/en/wizard/?steps=hcname and set the name you wish to see in push messages