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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

Home Center 2

Pytania, dyskusje. problemy i opinie tylko o FIBARO Z-Wave Home Center 2.

Zasady i wytyczne

Upewnij się, że znasz instrukcję obsługi tego urządzenia: https://manuals.fibaro.com/home-center-2/


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5. Uważaj na słownictwo!

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  1. 0 votes
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  2. Sceny w LUA drobne

    Asked by gomark1,

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  3. PUT /virtualDevices

    Asked by Aderos,

    0 votes
    0 answers
  4. Znikające urzędzenie z-wave

    Asked by kozer_87,

    0 votes
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  5. Znikające urzędzenie z-wave

    Asked by kozer_87,

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385 questions in this forum

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  7. 0 votes
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  8. 0 votes
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  9. Zamek Tedee

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    7 answers
  10. HC2 Nie świeci żadna dioda

    0 votes
    5 answers
  11. Pobór prądu zbyt wysoki

    0 votes
    2 answers
  12. HC2 dzisiaj umarła?

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  13. Sceny w LUA drobne

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  14. HC2 nie jest glownym kontrolerem

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  15. 0 votes
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  16. 0 votes
    24 answers
  17. 0 votes
    8 answers
  18. bramka euLINK 2G & Fibaro

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  19. Znikające urzędzenie z-wave

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  20. 0 votes
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  21. 0 votes
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  22. 0 votes
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  23. 0 votes
    2 answers
  24. 0 votes
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  25. 0 votes
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  26. DO NOT UPDATE yrWeather

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