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Home Center Lite scenes camera photos notification
Florian posted a question in Scenes and Interface
Good evening. Please let me know if there is a possibility for the Home Center Lite equipment to make a scene so that when the front door opens a room will send me a photo of who entered or left the house. I mention that at HC2 and HC3 I created this scene and it works. At HCL, even if there is a correctly configured and functional camera in the device, my camera does not appear in the scenarios when I want to configure when opening the door to send a photo by mail. May? how come? Thanks -
I have some device connected to z-wave plugs that can measure the energy consumption and aeon labs plugs are used. Now I would like every month a report how many kWh, all summary of consumption. Best would be to get that report by email. Is something like this possible in the HC3 lite with LUA? Can anybody help me to get started: - how to get all consumption summary - how to send an email - how to run the script only once per month Thanks
When I send the following mail via the HC2, This is line 1. This is line 2. This is line 3. It arrives in this form in the mail client. If I send the same email with the HC3, the email arrives as follows: This is line 1.This is line 2.This is line 1.This is line 3. All CRLF are missing. Tested with 2 different Clients on mobile device and windows. With the HC2 you could also transfer a subject. Now the subject is allways called "Message from Fibaro" Is this the state of development or am I doing something wrong?
The new HC3 LUA sytax for email fibaro.alert('email', users, "xxx") has no room for the subject. The subject is always "Message from FIBARO". Is there a way to change this?
Witam, Od ok. 1 tygodnia nie przychodzą mi na maila ani na telefon powiadomienia z ustawionych scen. Zmieniałem router w tym czasie, ale nie sądzę, aby to miało jakiś wpływ na te funkcjonalności. Telefonu ani adresu maila nie zmieniałem. Próbowałem już: - miękkiej rekonfiguracji, - dodania na nowo sceny, - reinstalacji aplikacji na telefon, - scenę udaje się wyzwolić, ale żadne powiadomienie nie przychodzi. - urządzenia działają prawidłowo, bo pojawiają się monitu w panelu zdarzeń. Wszelkie sugestie mile widziane. ---------------- To ja sam sobie odpowiadam, że wystarczy zwykły reset (sic!) systemu. Czasami rzeczywiście najprostsze rozwiązania są najlepsze...
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- powiadomienia problem
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Dopo un ripristino e sccene non inviano email
LorenzoGrigoletto posted a question in Scenes and Interface
Ciao a tutti, sto cominciando in questi giorni ad utilizzare HC2 con il sensore di movimento. Dopo aver effettuato un ripristino, per poter ripartire da una situazione pulita, non riesco più a far funzionare una semplice scena a blocchi grafici, che a fronte di un cambio di stato del sensore di movimento a "violato" deve inviare una email traamie una notifica. C'è qualcosa che devo aggiungere dopo il ripristino? altro? Saluti. Lorenzo -
Hi. From 2 October (evening hours) the notifications from HC2 control panel with v4.100 system stopped arriving. I also cannot send pictures from the cameras to e-mail addresses. The proposal to update the hc2 software has disappeared. All this happened after fibaro cloud maintnance announced at 2 October. Does anyone with older software have a similar situation - is it the end of support for other than the latest firmware. -------------- Fibaro fixed this problem today on 14 October (after 12 days of waiting) - push through notifications, emails and updates are now available for older firmwares
- 4 replies
- push notification
- update
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Can someone help me. I have been thinking about how the logic would work and cannot come up with the correct Lua code to make this work correctly. Goal: want the door to unlock when I arrive at home and lock when I leave and send a message (push, email etc..) every time. but if I am home/not home I don't want it to keep locking/unlocking and sending me a message *I already have fibaro looking for my phone to see if I'm present. a global variable keeps a number count present =1 not present = 0 so the logic I came up with is like this: Check Present=0 then lock door and send message check present =0 (still not at home) do nothing check present = 1 unlock door and send message check present = 1 (still at home) do nothing etc... let me know if you have questions or suggestions.
Hello everybody, I just bought a second HC2 to be installed in my parents home but as soon as I started wizard I faced the following issue: Of course my wish was to set as superuser the same email account as for the first HC2 since this way I should have been able to control from one email address all the messages. Ok, when I proceed with the wizard in order to assign the email account to the second HC2 the confirmation code does never arrive... My question is: does anybody know if it's possible to assign the same email to superuser for different HC2? Regards, Vincenzo
[SUBMITTED]Send email notification with a subject field
lanceharvie posted a question in Home Center Lite
Hi All, I'm new to this community and the Fibaro products. I recently purchased a Fibaro Lite unit and want to do something very simple. I have two aeotec multisensor 6 units and want to trigger an email notification when the temperature sensor reaches a set value. I need this email to be sent to an defined email address with a specific subject text and body text. In the scene settings I can only send an email to the Fibaro registered user email address and the subject line can not be user defined. Is there any other way this can be achieved ? Alternatively is there anyway I can call run a ifttt command using a URL call like: https://maker.ifttt.com/trigger/Turn-AC-Off/with/key/xxxxxxxx Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you- 6 replies
- fibaro lite
- subject field
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Hello, 1) Does somebody know what the size limit is for the 'message' variable in Lua sendEmail fibaro:call (2, "sendEmail", subject, message) I am sending automatic generated log files to my email but sometimes i receive nothing, after decreasing the number of lines i receive the mail. 2) And can Fibaro Lua return a error (number or text) in a variable using this sendEmail command? Thanks!
it is happening for any scene that I create with variables. I do not get an instant notification but rather hours later or even days then they will populate all together. Fibaro please fix!
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- push
- notifications
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Since the last update and last night Im not receiving any type of notification from my HC2. Its connected to net (accessible from outside), no major changes made in settings except of time adjustment because it was 4 minutes late. Any idea what to check to resolve this issue?
It'd be great to get status of sending email and push (true/false). For example: when there is Internet connection problem. It should be easy to implement for Fibaro team and it'd give us more reliability. local mailSuccess = fibaro:call(2, "sendEmail", "title", "message") local pushSuccess = fibaro:call(2, "sendPush", "message") It'd be used in @AutoFrank SMsgH to queue messages.
Please, can someone tell me the email account the Verification Code is sent from when you follow the wizard to create a Fibaro account. My ISP must be blocking this address and I need to ask them to release. Thanks Brent
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- verification code
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I have some device connected to z-wave plugs that can measure the energy consumption (devolo (Metering Plug MT:2646) and aeon labs (aeotec ZW075 v2) plugs are used). Now I would like every month a report how many kWh each of the plugs counted so far. Best would be to get that report by email. Is something like this possible in the HC2 eg with LUA? Can anybody help me to get started: - how to get the combined kWh from the devices - how to send an email - how to run the script only once per month thanks
Witam, czy ktoś orientuje się, w jaki sposób można zdefiniować wysyłanie przez HC2 powiadomień Email o dowolnej treści - nie chodzi o powiadomienia definiowane wcześniej. Przykład: Wyślij codziennie w południe Email z wartością temperatury i wilgotności z wszystkich 8 czujników Everspring w domu: - Salon: Wilgotność ...%, temperatura ...oC, - Sypialnia: Wilgotność ...%, temperatura ...oC - itd. Z góry dziękuję za pomoc.
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hi, I send a weekly diagnostics report. but I found out that the sendmail has a maximum number of characters .. about 832. 1) is there any other way to send out an email 2) Can I send html email with fibaro? Regards Martijn
HI, Is here a max number of characters that can sent over email I create a log of some data on a daily basis and dump it once per day I notice that sometimes it doesn't get sent but yesterday I triggered it mid morning and it worked, presumably because therer wasnt much text there.. Does anybody know if there is a max or what the most the people have successfully sent via HC2 email Thanks frank
Hi Folks, I have one email scene that seems to be intermittent. I don't think its the email service as I do periodically receive other emails I log events to a user defined global variable and then once per day email it out triggered when I set morning mode. This is the email scene that I call fro morning mode scene I have some extra debug code to see what may be happening and this morning the debug on line was #37 fibaro:debug(LogStr) This executed correctly as I can see the output but the email didn't send after that. BTW - The UpdateEventLog function is a generic function I use in many scenes to log something to the global variable any ideas welcome as to why the email is not executing the send - I am using FW 4.100 Thanks -f --[[ %% properties %% events %% globals --]] -- Configuration - Scene Info sceneName = "Dump and reset Event Log" sceneVersion = "1.0.1" -- Scene Description -- Configuration - Device IDs -- Validate Number of Scene Instance if (fibaro:countScenes()>1) then --fibaro:debug("stop scene") fibaro:abort() end function UpdateEventLog(eventStr) local currDate = (os.date("%b %d - %H:%M")) local updStr = (fibaro:getGlobal("Log_Event") .."".. currDate .." ".. eventStr .." \n") fibaro:setGlobal("Log_Event", updStr) end function SendClearEventLog() UpdateEventLog("\n \n .....closing Event Log.") fibaro:sleep(1000) local currDate = (os.date("%b %d - %H:%M")) local LogStr = fibaro:getGlobal("Log_Event") fibaro:sleep(1000) fibaro:debug(LogStr) fibaro:call(2, "sendEmail","Event Log",LogStr) fibaro:sleep(5000) fibaro:setGlobal("Log_Event", "") UpdateEventLog("\n Event Log started") end SendClearEventLog() -- End of Scene Execution fibaro:debug("Scene, " .. sceneName .. " v" .. sceneVersion .. " completed.")
Hi guys, I bought a Fibaro system (Fibaro lite 4.082, 2 IR sensors, 2 flood sensors) a few weeks ago and was able to set it up after a little bit of tinkering. Unfortunately, I am unable to get the notifications working. The alarm is clearly working on a user interface (red flashing light on screen, pin code to disengage etc) but the next step, notifications just won’t work. No emails or push to my iPad or Galaxy S6. I’ve tried several different email addresses and altered push to my S6 and iPad but I get nothing. I believe my programming is correct and all the notification info is saved before use so the problem must be something else. I’ve read forum and this ( http://forum.fibaro.com/index.php?/topic/18877-hcl-notifications-does-not-work-anymore/) but it seems to relate to different issue. This is a major deal breaker. Any ideas how to get it to work?? Additional question: On a notification scene under a general tab there are two buttons; one to run the scene and one to stop. Should I be able to send alarm notifications to test them just by pressing the ‘run’ button? So far it doesn’t do anything. Additional question2: Is there a way to see if my notification -scene has been activated at all? I read something about "debug" variable ( http://forum.fibaro.com/index.php?/topic/21766-mail-and-push-notification-stop-working/). How can I create one? All help and info will be much appreciated
Hi, trying to send an email with status info, but find that the body gets truncated after a certain length. Is there a way around this limitation? I would hate to split it up and send multiple emails. I'm using; fibaro:call(2, "sendEmail", subject, text); any help is appreciated.
[ERROR] "sendPhotoToEmail" is not working since a few days ...
Armin_P posted a question in Scenes and Interface
I have a IP Cam and trigger an eMail notification with a door/window switch. Since a few days I did not get any eMails to different adresses. Last week "sendPhotoToEmail" was working correct. I made some tests with different eMail adresses, only user based ("2") messages were received. local ipCamId = 176 -- ID of the IP Cam fibaro:call(ipCamId, "sendPhotoToUser", "2") -- IS STILL WORKING fibaro:call(ipCamId, "sendPhotoToEmail", "[email protected]") -- DON'T WORK ANYMORE fibaro:call(ipCamId, "sendPhotoToEmail", "[email protected]") -- DON'T WORK ANYMORE fibaro:call(2, "sendEmail", "Test", "message") -- IS STILL WORKING fibaro:call("2", "sendEmail", "Test", "message") -- IS STILL WORKING I reported an incident at bugtracker: http://bugzilla.fibaro.com/view.php?id=3779-
- sendPhotoToEmail
- (and 4 more)
Feature request #1: This forum should have a defined part of the forum for feature requests Feature request #2: The possibility to include a numerical or string variable in notifications would significantly expand the possibilities. In a simple form it would make it possible to learn from a message in the phone/iPad how many times the phone rang, a door opened etc. In a more extended context it would add the possibilty to fully define the message in the notification from a scene.
- 6 replies
- notifications
- push
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Hi, I don't know how doing an email when my systeme detect a mouvement ? could you help me ? Regards, ef