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  1. This QuickApp gives access to real-time pollen count and risk category for grass pollen, weed pollen and tree pollen of any location from Tomorrow.io Pollen is a fine powder produced by trees and plants Pollen can severely affect people, especially those with different ailments such as asthma and respiratory issues. Version 0.1 (15th August 2021) Initial working version Pollen: Grass Pollen: Pollen grains from grasses Weed Pollen: Weeds are annual and perennial herbs and shrubs. A single plant may produce about a billion grains of pollen per season. Tree Pollen: Pollen from trees such as Birch and Oak Risk: 0: None 1: Very low 2: Low 3: Medium 4: High 5: Very High IMPORTANT You need an API key from https://app.tomorrow.io The API is free up to 500 calls / per day, 25 calls / per hour, 3 calls / per second (Pollen is 5% of rate limit) You need to create your location in https://app.tomorrow.io/locations to get a location ID and copy it to the QuickApp variable Variables (mandatory): Variables (mandatory): apiKey = Get your free API key from Tomorrow.io location = Tomorrow.io location ID (created in https://app.tomorrow.io/locations) interval = [number] in seconds time to get the data from the API timeout = [number] in seconds for http timeout debugLevel = Number (1=some, 2=few, 3=all, 4=simulation mode) (default = 1) icon = [numbber] User defined icon number (add the icon via an other device and lookup the number) Download the QuickApp here (download the file and un-zip): https://github.com/GitHub4Eddy/Tomorrow.io_Pollen/archive/refs/tags/tomorrow_io_pollen-01.zip How to install: Open the Configuration Interface Go to Settings > Devices Click + Choose Other Device Choose Upload File Choose file from your computer with .fqa
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