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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

how is the weather today? is it working for you?


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Looks like I'll have to wait for the fix as you can't import LUA code into an HCL

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This is insane. Its like showing the middle finger to the fibaro customers with this kind of support. Its being 1,5 month that fibaro cant solve this bug in its standard SW that was the device sold with. Can this be the reason to return the device to retailer? 

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This one is funny.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I kinda wonder why they did not release YR weather as hotfix but instead tie it to 8.082Beta. Sure in some cases it reportidly dose cause some problems that are left unexplained but it is something that works for most people and i rather take something that works most of the time than user powered hotfixes or currently completly usless Y! weather. (not Yahoo!'s fault i know).

I uspect that YR is what everyone is getting next stable release or whenever they renname 4.082Beta to just 4.082.

unless we get a diffrent service before than (OpenWeather map is offten mentioned)

4.083 presents no change in weather provider (as of 28.6.2'016 annyways)

Edited by Kuba13
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I noticed, that also YR weather in 4,082 beta is not working correctly. It not updating and showing wrong readings different from the YR website. I think I will stick to the VD weather workaround.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I still use VD weather workaround but greatly modified since I have Netatmo weather station. I also made VD for reading wind and rain sensor since there is still no support for wind sensor and for rain is not really good enough. Here are some pictures:


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Also using TTS so we can hear weather forecast on our Sonos speakers in three languages Croatian, Italian and English depending on the choice made with VD.

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/emoticons/default_smile.png" srcset="https://forum.fibaro.com/uploads/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" />

Edited by Sankotronic
Quota filled up / deleting old stuff sorry :-(
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I still use VD weather workaround but greatly modified since I have Netatmo weather station. I also made VD for reading wind and rain sensor since there is still no support for wind sensor and for rain is not really good enough. Here are some pictures:


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Also using TTS so we can hear weather forecast on our Sonos speakers in three languages Croatian, Italian and English depending on the choice made with VD. :)

Nice, please share the info how did you make those VD's :-D

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In all honesty, no matter how much I like the workaround (thanks!), I think it's just insane how FIbaro has failed to come with a fix for over 3 months already for such a simple looking change in Yahoo's API..

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  • In all honesty, no matter how much I like the workaround (thanks!), I think it's just insane how FIbaro has failed to come with a fix for over 3 months already

    they not, there is fix, install 4.083


    such a simple looking change in Yahoo's API..

    "such simple" ? actually not that simple, one have (to not void yahoo service agreement) to use per-user key.

    Sure Fibaro could implement that, but this is not user-friendly when forcing end-user to register somewhere to get API key, etc.

    They provided working solution, so what?


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    • 1 month later...

    Here is modified VD for weather. I added icons and change of them according to weather status:


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    /public/style_images/master/attachicon.gif" alt="attachicon.gif" />

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    Also here are icons that I used:


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    /public/style_images/master/attachicon.gif" alt="attachicon.gif" />

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    All needed explanation is inside LUA code. Enjoy! :-)


    I have modify your great VD to also show the next day forecast and min/max temperature.


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    jompa68 you did great job! Since I'm not at home at the moment I can't play with it, but here is some more code from me to check and play with! Following code is still in development and need some more optimization.


    So first here is code for scene that reads data from Netatmo weather station rain and wind sensors. Original code was written by BOOMIX and published on SIIO.com. I change it a bit to suit my way of thinking

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    /emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="https://forum.fibaro.com/uploads/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> All explanation can be found in code:

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    Next code is for Weather VD. I played a bit and did some more changes. This code requires you to have Netatmo plugin or to change code to get temperature, humidity and pressure from openweathermap.org. Everything else is explained in code:

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    For rainfall I hid original plugin and made my own VD to show rainfall for last hour, a day, a week and a month period. It is updateing much better than original one and is more informative. Code is for Refresh button so no Main loop code:

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    Same is for wind VD:

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    There is also scene that will speak weather forecast using TTS on Sonos speakers in four different languages but at the moment is complete mess and before I post it here I need to clean code.

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    /emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="https://forum.fibaro.com/uploads/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

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    Looking forward for the TTS 

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    • 5 weeks later...

    Looking forward for the TTS 

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