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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team



Can someone test it and post the experience. This is exciting.

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Is there anyway to add tags in HCL ?



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Posted (edited)

Hi! can somebody help, I'm following the procedure I've got the log : [DEBUG] 12:07:01: [{"name":"","id":0,"status":"Available"},{"name":"","id":1,"status":"Available"},{"name":"","id":2,"status":"Available" ........  but I still have this message [16:51:52] ID 1636: locked by user 2 and 16:37:34] ID 1636: Unregistered code [143,248,177,88,1,32,2,128,6,5]  when I'm using my tag after executing :


local ID = 1636 -- RFID Reader ID 

fibaro:call(ID, "setUserCodeDec", "2", "143,248,177,88,1,32,2,128,6,5", "name_arg_is_optional"); 
and waking up the device. If someone have an idea.
Thank you
Edited by Tony270570
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I had similar when it got into a funny state and the fob had to be re-registered (unallocate and allocate again). Make sure you wake the keypad each time you run a command.



Setting slot 2 available:

Please login or register to see this code.

Wake up the device by pressing Home or Away and presenting a fob.


Re-allocate the fob:

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Wake it again by pressing Home or Away and presenting the fob.


Next switch of Home or Away and fob should then register properly. 

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Camelon, thank you very much for your help, I'll give a try later on tonight and keep you informed.

Thank you again, really appreciate !!

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Cameleon, I just want to tell you that your trick works like a charme! thank you very much for your help!

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No problem, took me a while to crack it, so happy to help others that have the same problem

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2. BinarySwitch - allows to queue a turnOn action for Notification Sound (build-in beeper)


I can read the words, but I have no idea what above means..


queue a turnOn action? Could someone please explain to me a use case for this switch?

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Posted (edited)

I can read the words, but I have no idea what above means..


queue a turnOn action? Could someone please explain to me a use case for this switch?

My understanding is that Zipato's intention for this is to use it to signal an alarm has been armed or disarmed. For example, you want the keypad to arm your home alarm. By default, the keypad just accepts or rejects tokens, you get no feedback that the actual alarm has been armed or disarmed. With this, the controlled can signal back to the keypad that the action has been taken. 


I dont know if this is something we as end users can code in lua, or if it requires Fibaro to do more integration to utilise it. I haven't tried turning it on or off in a scene when the keypad has been activated. 


More details can be found in the user manual under "SOUND NOTIFICATION"  - 

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Edited by Cameleon
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Looks like this feature would kill the batteries very quickly!

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It is only active when the keypad is awake. Hence why I think Fibaro may need extra integration to make it work. There is a limited time when it wakes up for the controller to signal back to it. Due to the Z-wave frames that have to be sent, I am not sure we could control it in a scene.

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Some notes after installing Zipato Keypad RFiD
I have just got new unit, HC2 reports version 0.28


1. during installation (adding TAG or Code), when I did step 6 to fast after 4 i got following result:

Please login or register to see this code.

So only user id=0 was available.
When I waited 30sec, I got more users available.


2. it is very pity that device does not show current status. I though it would be possible for example to have its LED on or blink from time to time, when it is armed. I tried to set endless beep with period once per second, and turned it ON on arming. On disarming i just set the Switch to OFF. But it would be better (also for battery) if there were an option to set one beep per 3,4 or 5 sec. It is request to Zipato, I guess.

3. Few times during tests, after I used tag or code, keypad started to blink its LED once per second in endless loop (no beeps). Once per second - based on manual - is RF communciation. During that it was completly not operable. Ignored usage of TAG or code. Only usage of tamper button made it working again. It looks as a keypad problem. Tamper button is normally hidden - so what to do when such case happen during normal operation? Do I have broken device?


4. I made scene (LUA) trigered by state of Keypad (ID 208), where I also set switch to beep (ID 209)

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Scene is triggered well, I see debug ("Away" or "Home") but beeps sometimes works, sometimes not. So it looks as a timeframe where KeyPad accepts change of the switch (when KeyPad waits for notification message after sending wake-up message) is very short (is that value known?), and scene execution takes too much time. I tried to change parameter 3 - it does not help a lot.
It is very bad, as signals are very important for user - to know what happens, if the code was accepted by system and if system executes proper actions. See also point 2, above.


4a. Some moere details and observations for point 4 (I have parameters 3 set to 0). I do following sequence:
- set Home, get beeps. Fine
- set Home again - ignored, scene not triggered, no beeps, Fine
- set Away - scene trigered, but no Beeps. WRONG
- set Away again - scene igonred, but I get beeps (!). Surprise.

it is hard to say where is the problem, but probably at HC2 side


5. I do not see any action or notification for tamper alarm. I understoond from manual, that tamper send same notifications as usage of non existing code or TAG. So action shall be shown at system LOG window (at the top of the screen). Or maybe it is not supported and will be added later.


6. I did Z-wave mesh refresh for Keypad, at the location where I test it. But it still happens, that I get information that user lock/unlock 3-4 times (at the top LOG window). What is worse - when unit starts to beep informing about the state change, it happens that it break beeps flasing LED once per second - what means it communicated with HC2. So instead of 10 beeps I got one only, and 4 messages about unlock.
Update: but after 30minutes of tests such thinks stoped to happens. So maybe it is specific for first minutes after initation and mesh update.


7. Now, there is no way to handle situation, when user enters wrong code. Can we assume, it will be possible inm the future?


8. I see a bug in Keypad manual (v1.4). They write, that when parameter 3 is non-0, and acknowledgement does not come, unit blinks/beeps 8 times. Mine beeps 6 times. It is confusing, because manual also say, that 6 blinks is "RF message send failed indicator light blinks 6 times rapidly" (but this error is without beeps, blinks only)


9. I am not able to set value 2 to parameter 3. Using scrollbar, it change from 1 to 3. (I use Chrome UI). Setting the value manauly (by edit) is also not possible.

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Did someone tried to set own icons for Keypad?

I added two new icons, one for "locked" state, one for "unlocked". But system shows it switched. Unlocked as locked etc.

I added icons again - same.

I added once more, but I switched it on adding, than system started to display it fine.

So it looks as a bug. During test I used 4.092.

So please check it, maybe it is bug of 4.092, maybe it is a bug at Keytab device.


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I've seen another thread from door locks that suggest the icons are reversed, so this may be a 4.092 issue rather than a Zipato implementation issue. Best email support and ask them direct. I haven't change the icons yet, but if you post up your icons, I can try it tonight and report back. 

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On 06/09/2016 at 9:53 PM, boomx said:

Looks like the Workaround for the disarming scene

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/uploads/emoticons/default_wink.png" srcset="https://forum.fibaro.com/uploads/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" /> Surprise... :D


Tested it. Works without any problems... 

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For me it doesn't work.

To be more precise it works in the sense that the RFID tag is indeed marked as "secured" in the HC2 interface (if I set the value on "true") but then, sending a "Home" action from the device, it does not unsecure as expected and I have to push "Away" and then "Home". So this trick is useless and is a real problem.


On the other hand in the API of the device http://<hc2_IP>/api/devices/ID, I notice the following actions:



They should work with the LUA code fibaro:call(ID, "secure") but this doesn't work.


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I've tested it with 4.100 and it works without problems...

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Posted (edited)

My Zipato RFiD KeyPad was added to the system when I had fw 4.092. I upgraded system to 4.100, and because I still had some problems described in above posts, I decided to make soft reconfiguration. When it was finished, I got duplicated child devices, so I had two switches and two doorlocks under the root.

I removed the device (exclude), and included it again to clear it.

And I see it works better now.


Change of the state from LUA works better after exclusion/inclusion.

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These two above still do not change the state.


LUA procedure described above, with setStatus function and using API change the state at HC2 UI. As I see, it also trigger scene that shall be called on status change. That's good.


Till now I though, that KeyPad is stateless, and it just sends Arm/Disarm messages to controller (HC2) and HC2 keep the state. Now I am not sure.

When I ARM from LUA, and want to disarm (HOME) from Keypad, HC2 confirm it at top log, but status scene is not triggered, and icon at the device does not change to unlocked. That is bad.

I have to ARM from KeyPad, so I have to repat what I did at LUA, than I can disarm from KeyPad, and scene is triggered on such disarm etc.

So using LUA to change the state is not recommended, HC2 does not fully support such change. I think we have to wait till Fibaro fully implement update of secure/unsecure properties.

Edited by Albert
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I think the keypad holds the state and only informs the HC2. 

The problem here is the keypad being battery operated, it is in sleep mode most of the time. It will only contact the HC2 when it is woken, mostly by a press of the Home/Away buttons and a keypad entry or RFID token presented. So trying to set the device to secure/unsecure from the HC2, it will only update this status when the device is then woken up. For this reason, I think if you are using the keypad, then you have to only ever read the state from it not try to set its state. This is mostly fine, until you get an issue when it thinks you are home, but actually you are away and you want it to signal home. Then you need to set away before you can set home again. 


Hope that makes sense, I kind of confused myself with some of that! 

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Posted (edited)

Yes, it makes sense.

If KeyPad keeps its state, control/change from HC2 will be limited or not possible.

In case of doorlock, that use same template, state at the device is more obvious. It is locked or unlocked.

But I am still not 100% sure if Zipato Keypad remember his state. If yes - why they did not planned option, to signal it somehow, ex. by the LED - it could blink ex. once per 3 sec when unit is armed. Or at least they could give parameter for that.

I will try to get more information, first from Fibaro, but also maybe from Zipato.

Edited by Albert
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The manual makes mention of how to make the keypad beep to signal armed/disarmed alarm, but I believe it requires some more integration from Fibaro as it uses z-wave messages that we aren't able to generate to do some of the signalling. Basically, when the keypad is woken up with a valid token or pin, it will stay awake for a certain amount of time to receive a signal from the switch that appears as a device in the HC2. However, I am unable to get this to work, I believe because the HC2 is sending the control messages before I can signal to the keypad. 

Take a look in the manual. I believe with a bit of work from Fibaro, we can at least get it to signal alarm arm/disarm from the keypad. 


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Posted (edited)

Yes, I tested it. It is just to signal just after change state HOME/AWAY.  So it is to signal change of the state, and has nothing in common with keeping state by the KeyPad.

When you, at HC2, write scene for state change, you can set the switch ON (switch that is added as second child device when you include KeyPad).

So you have chance to do that only when scene is triggered. When someone enters HOME code, when you are in HOME state, scene at HC2 is not triggered (no change of the state), while you still see the unlock case at the top LOG window in UI.

But in my previous post I rather meant, that KeyPad is not able to inform about its state more permanently (if it really keeps the state).

To be honest, when I bought it, I though that its LED will also show the state, to inform users that it is in AWAY/armed or HOME/disarmed status.


Edited by Albert

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