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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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    UHAS version will be provided when UHAS is released. I'm working hard to get release date before end of this year.

    Standalone version is not done yet. 



    • Like 1
    1 minute ago, Sankotronic said:

    end of this year.


    Wait for Christmas :) Thank you

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    Big HELLO  to all dear friends of Fibaro all around the world! ❤️


    I have updated my first post in this thread with some news and picture of my complete current setup and short description. I hope you like it.


    I can see that some of you are patiently waiting for UHAS to be released. I know that UHAS development is taking long time and that release date is continuously postponed. There are several reasons for that and I will share them here with you:

    1. First and most important reason is that I'm still learning and finding better solutions which leads to constant improving of code. What was yesterday good for me, today is obsolete because I found much better solution and all that is because of ultimate goal of UHAS, to be simple for setup but yet powerful and provide users with satisfaction and joy.
    2. Second reason is my constant search for perfection. When I was working as application developer in one small firm here in Croatia, my boss biggest complaint to me was that I'm loosing so much time in not only recoding already good code, but also working on looks and feel of the application. After so many years some of our clients still use apps developed by me in that time (1994-1998) but bosses main goal is to spent less and earn more :-) So, yes, I admit I'm freak, weirdie, sicko or whatever is a proper name for somebody that is polishing polished :-D 
    3. Third reason is lack of information from Fibaro, so many things I have learned hard way, by either trial and error, or too late what forced me to change code over and over again.
    4. Fourth reason is that I work for an offshore oil company on schedule 5 weeks onboard and 5 weeks at home. This is the job that is giving my family nice presence and hope for better future, so when I'm onboard I'm 100% in that job and there is no time for anything else. As you can see that leaves me less than half of the year to work on UHAS. Less than half because days when I'm at home I have to have some quality time with my family.

    I'm writing this not to justify myself constantly postponing UHAS release date, but just to give you picture under what circumstances UHAS is developed.


    Yesterday I finally replaced all old UHAS components on my main HC2 (we call Angelina) with latest ones and upgraded firmware to 4.560. Testing UHAS in real life is very important to me and it is the only way to see if I'm going in the right direction. I'm must say that I'm very pleased whit this latest 4.560. Upgrade went very smooth and my Angelina seems to fly with ease after this upgrade. Of course some credits for this big improvement in CPU utilization are going to new UHAS :-) 


    I believe that I have to write few things about UHAS BETA TESTING program that is at the moment on hold.


    As soon as I finish few more important modules I will revive UHAS testing, but we will skip beta and go directly for RC (release candidate). Reason that beta testing is on hold is that I need time to prepare for it, and then also invest some time for beta testers, but at this point I want to invest all my available time just in UHAS development.


    Thank you all for believing in UHAS



    • Like 7

    When i saw that picture, now i'm believer :-D


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    Like others here I'll be spending some time on google translate to get inspiration of what can be done?


    Missing WeatherFlow :-)


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    can't installl PDF file attached at the post header as UHAS for HC2.

    so. I have download [(click to download):   UHAS presentation 3rd edition.pdf 6.51 MB · 408 downloads]

    and now i want to setup UHAS on my HC2.



    Me too !!!


    Wow!!!? It's getting beter and beter, can't wait for the release.


    Luckily a lot of the modules are already available on the forum so we can use these great tools. I'm very happy with these so I can't wait for the complete package (UHAS).

    I'm very curious about the swimming pool module, especially about monitoring chemicals levels. What device is needed for this so that it can be used with UHAS and Fibaro HC?


    Many thanks already for the great programming and all of your spare time to develop UHAS.




    @Sankotronic :luv: you want me to release candidate +1 Many Thanks & Best Regards Danieldb


    Hi @Sankotronic I went out and bought a 85” screen to fully see your picture ?

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    9 hours ago, Sjekke said:

    Hi @Sankotronic I went out and bought a 85” screen to fully see your picture ?


    ? ?


    What to say, even Safari and Snagit in latest version had problem to make that long picture of home page.


    @Sankotronic you want me to RC +1 - I'm back in Fibaro just to try your creation !! Many Thanks !! 


    @Sankotronic Would you be able to make integrations for Heatmiser products as its largely used product for UFH and hot water control. 





    1st I would like to thank you for all your hard work and efforts... thank you and ?
    (I am currently using your WS & WF VD's)


    I am currently busy to integrate my Victron solar system into Fibaro HC.
    ( I am completely "OFF grid")


    So far I have created some virtual devices to access this system via Modbus TCP.
    I have created readout VD's for:
    1.Venus GX
    2.Smart MPPT
    3 Quattro inverter
    and a VD to switch off the "AC2 Output"  ( which I use as "NON essential" supply)
    If you are interested in these I am more than willing to share!!


    I do have underfloor "heat stores" and "air cons" which are completely powered by the solar system during daytime ONLY.
    To not overload the inverter and to automate heating and cooling, I need accurate info on how much solar power is currently available!!


    Therefore I have just got a WeatherFlow station.
    Mainly to read out the current:  "solar power per m^2"

    ( which by the way currently maxes at about 1300W/m^2 and is still not summer ;-) ) 


    I should then be able to calculate the max power output that can be expected from the solar panels.

    I was about to start to integrate the WeatherFlow (hub/sky/air) stations and read
    that you have already integrated them into UHAS....GREAT!! 

    I read on how to read out the WeatherFlow devices and if I understand correctly, readout can be done 
    a) via the REST API
    b)via the HUB hub broadcasting UDP messages over port 50222 on the local network.

    As it is on the local network I guess to the UPD broadcast will be the way to go, right?


    Now comes my question:

    Could you please point me into the right direction and help on how to do this correctly?
    I have found the sources from UDP docs from WeatherFlow @

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    Could you maybe provide some lua code on how to intercept and parse/decode the UDP meassages from the HC2?


    I am also more than willing to help where ever I can!!


    Thanks and best regards for ANY help from Namibia

    • 2 weeks later...

    When dies it home out?? Cannot longer wait!

    Big thx for you gear work


    I published everything I have done so far,

    Virtual device and Lua sources in the download section of the forum.

    right here 

    Please login or register to see this link.



    I tried to put in a lot of comments and debug stuff so one should be able to adopt it into another setup.

    I f you have any questions about them, please feel free to ask an I will be happy to help.


    PS: I am still new to LUA and I only got started by reading a lot and learning from other users here.

    So thanks to all of them!!  

    • 2 months later...
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    Hi ALL!


    Just to inform you that I'm working on UHAS as much as I can, but to be honest I haven't manage to make new line of code in last 11 weeks due to my work. First I was 5 weeks on my work and then only 3 weeks at home in which time I also had some family matters to do and then again 3 weeks on my work.


    I was hoping to be more at home for last three months, but it didn't happen and that is why UHAS release candidate is still not ready for beta testing not to mention public release. Despite all this delays I'm going to finish UHAS and deliver it eventually.


    I'm finally at home and at this moment I'm struggling to make UHAS notification module that will be easy to setup by users and used by whole system. It would be easy if it is only for one language, but it needs to support UHAS 27 different languages which greatly complicates solution. There are so many notifications that UHAS will provide and there is no way I can do translations for all of them in any reasonable time. So I have to make it simple for users to be able to do translations on the go. You know that HC interface does not support simple and effective way for users to enter text so I have to make one just to avoid any need for users to fiddle with UHAS code directly. Many users know how difficult can be to setup VSL scene as one example. This still doesn't solve problem for dynamically generated notifications where some measurements need to be inserted for example: "Temperature outside is (10) degrees (Celsius) and humidity is (90) percent". Words in parenthesis () are dynamic ones that needs to be inserted just before notification is sent.


    And then besides above problems, I still need to provide users to select for each notification to whom and using which service TTS, push, popup, e-mail, Pushover, Telegram, LaMetric etc. will be sent.


    I hope when I finally solve this problem with notification module everything else will go much faster. Any ideas regarding notification module are mostly welcomed!


    Thank you for all your support and patience


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    • Thanks 8

    you will make it!!!!

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