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"Fibaro Home Center with UHAS will boldly go where no one has gone before!" PUBLISHED! Please check here: Download UHAS UHAS UPDATE INFO on 06.10.2022. CURRENTLY WORKING ON UHAS is published and available on link provided above! UHAS INCLUDED INTEGRATIONS Netatmo Weather Station Netatmo Public Weather Station Netatmo Coach (air quality modules) Netatmo Welcome and presence cameras WeatherFlow 1st gen weather station WeatherFlow Tempest weather station Ambience Weather stations Hydrawise irrigation station Philips HUE lighting API v1 Philips HUE lighting API v2 Nanoleaf Aurora light panels Nanoleaf Canvas light panels Nanoleaf Shapes light panels Nanoleaf Elements Nanoleaf Lines LIFX color and white WiFi lights LaMetric smart alarm clock fully supported by UHAS ANC Sonos speakers Twinkly Christmas lights (NOTE latest firmware update breaks integration!) Smarter Coffee 1st gen Advanced Notification Center (ANC) works with following notification services: Fibaro e-mail Fibaro push Fibaro popup Pushover Telegram GroupMe WhatsApp Signal Sonos ARC Player TTS Sonos API Player TTS PROGRESS UPDATES UPDATE (06.10.2022) - UHAS is published and availalbe for download from the link above! I started to develop UHAS back in 2016. I know that it seems like a very long time to make 86 Virtual Devices and 48 scenes, but in reality I invested about 1 year and a half to make it. The rest of the time I was either working on ships away from home or was having good times with my family and friends. I also realize that UHAS came out for HC2 that is almost at the end of its journey with us. Still if UHAS can just a little bit more extend life time of this very nice controller then I will be happy and satisfied. I want to thank many of you helping me making this possible ?. There will be a quite a list fo names to mention and please forgive me if I don't do that here. THANK YOU!!!! ❤️ UPDATE (18.09.2022) - Sorry for long silence. I was really, really busy working on remaining unfinished modules and fiercely writing Installation and user manual. I have added Christmas indoor & outdoor scenes which are compatible with ALC. Simple to setup and use. To have Christmas lights working only what is needed to enable Christmas lights with tap button on ALC Sidekick VD and use ALC Config VD to setup some lights inside and outside, then add two lines in Main scene FTBE and enjoy Christmas times. I have also finished Very Smart Blinds scene and VD and they use same philosophy as ALC. Install VSB scenes to rooms where you have blinds, Venetian blinds and curtains and one instance of VSB Config VD do some settings from your sofa and let the rest to the HC2 to take care. Writing manual is a bit more demanding, but I will do everything I can to publish compete system before end of this month. Waiting is finally over. Will not update screenshots of UHAS this time and there is a lot of new stuff and changes to the existing ones. Burglar alarm and manual is what is left to be finished before publishing. Still will invest most of my time now in manual since what ever will be missing from UHAS at the time of publishing can be added later. ? UPDATE (09.08.2022) - UHAS is now installed on another HC2. During installation cleaned more bugs. Sonos ARC Player VD now has companion VD's Sonos ARC Setup VD and Sonos ARC News VD. Auto volume scene is updated to support both API and ARC Players, also ANC TTS scene corrected some bugs for better support for ARC Player. Also made scenes for Fibaro Button and Doorbell scene. Still have to do support for Fibaro swipe. For now I have removed Netatmo thermostat from the list since Netatmo plans to kill Client Credentials grant type authentication. This will make all solutions made until now to STOP working. Of course they didn't provide any other simple and yet safe solution for integration to home automation. I'm currently looking for another solution, but it might take some time before I manage to update all my solutions for Netatmo integrations. Hope to finish remaining "in progress" parts and start writing installation and setup manual as soon as possible. UPDATE (27.07.2022) - As I wrote before I was away from home on my new job from 13.04. till 14.07. and during that time I was unable to do any progress on UHAS. When I return home and turned on my HC2 with UHAS in development it failed I invested one day trying to revive it, but not possible since USB drive failed and it is not easy replaceable. So, I had to install complete UHAS on my other HC2 and it took me few days to get it all installed and ready for me to continue work. I will mostly invest time to clean various bugs as much as possible and to finish remaining few solutions and then write user manual. Hope to do all that in next month time. Fingers crossed ? UPDATE (05.04.2022) - UHAS lights module DONE. Will do some more testing of new HUE2 and try to catch some bugs if show up. I have also to thanks @clowg for checking and correcting English translation, @MarcoTorino71 for doing Italian translations and @Bodyart for Slovak, Czech, Dutch and German translations. THANK YOU! ? UPDATE (03.04.2022) - Philips HUE VD+scene suite for HUE API v2 that works with new introduced HUE API on HUE bridge v2 with firmware 1950111030 and up is finished. Have to do some more testing, but testing will be done during upgrading ALC suite to work with this new HUE integration. Effects are still not implemented by Philips, but according to API documentation will be in some of next releases. I have added effect and code is working, but HUE bridge for now only turns on light without effect. Today is Sunday, usually day for leisure. I will start with upgrading ALC tomorrow and today I'm busy with cleaning some bugs noticed during last two weeks of using new UHAS. Also have to spend some quality time with my family and to rest my eyes a bit from all day work. ANC (Advanced Notification Center) I see that there are users using different types of TTS like Android TTS and Voice Monkey etc. Currently UHAS ANC supports Sonos TTS, but will see how to add other types without needing to do much work. Stay tuned UPDATE (29.03.2022) - GOOD NEWS! I have found and adopted functions to calculate colors from HSV to XY and vice versa. I have already working HUE2 Preview VD and scene that can control individual bulbs and groups with color, color temperature and static and dynamic scenes Thanks to the color calculation functions I can keep Hue and Saturation sliders. Of course behavior of this sliders is a bit different than with the old HUE API, because HSV is now recalculated from XY on each status update and for bulbs that have smaller gamut triangle like LCT001 will change position to the nearest possible color after user selection. This is expected behavior since Philips original mobile app does the same on the color wheel when user select color that is outside of the color triangle for the controlled bulb. I still have to add ALERT code and also code to change speed of the selected dynamic scene. I will also need few days to complete HUE2 VD family same as I have for old HUE API. After that at least a week to update ALC (Advanced Lighting Control) to work with HUE2. This is of course my estimate of time needed which is until now proven not to be correct, but bare in mind that besides coding I do have some other obligations that can't be ignored and also writing code is not a problem, but testing and cleaning of bugs can't be done faster since many scenarios must be checked. Faster is only not to test and release code full of bugs. UPDATE (26.03.2022) - Since Philips has removed HS (Hue + Saturation) control from new API and left only Gamut XY and color temperature CT, it is necessary now to have some functions to calculate HSV to RGB and RGB to XY values. There is some code for color conversion available on their website, but it is not directly suitable to use on Fibaro Home Center. I have translated their code written in C++ to LUA and now I'm doing some testing together with RGB to XY conversion functions that I have found on my HC2 inside the Philips HUE plugin. To keep Hue and Saturation sliders to control color two conversions needs to be made, first HSV to RGB and then RGB to XY. Since different bulbs have different Gamut properties and cover different range of colors, Philips has provided gamut information for selected bulb in format gamut = {["blue"]={["x"]=0,["y"]=0},["green"]={["x"]=0,["y"]=1},["red"]={["x"]=1,["y"]=0}} in new API. These are actually corners of the triangle that defines which colors can be addressed by specific bulb. These points can be used then to more accurately calculate XY from RGB values. Preliminary tests of this calculations are looking good. I hope to have working HUE solution in few more days of hard coding and then I can make modifications to ALC to support this new HUE solution. fingers crossed ? UPDATE (24.03.2022) - 3 months later I'm still busy with UHAS. Problems with memory optimization are solved by changing code of all VD's and scenes. UHAS has now also universal scenes for Fibaro dimmer 2 scene activation, Fibaro KeyFob central scene events and Remotec remote panel. All necessary code including support for UHAS ANC is already there. User only need to add own action code. Philips HUE control: Currently working on Philips HUE API v2 integration. Since Philips is also still working on their new API changing and adding new features, I also have to to change already tested code. With latest HUE bridge firmware update 1950111030 released on 14 March they added full control to grouped lights and also changed JSON format for rooms. Effects like "candle" and "fire" still not working, but I hope they will bring this effects with next firmware release. ANC (Advanced Notification Center): Besides Pushover, Telegram and Group me, ALC is now also supporting WhatsApp and Signal over the CallMeBot API. There is a lot of other work done in last 3 months. I have removed COVID-19 VD and Sonos API Master VD from the list. Since there is no more COVID-19 useful free API available I have removed COVID-19 stats VD from the list. Also Sonos API Master VD is removed for now from the list since for many actions it is easier to have Sonos VD for each speaker available. Since I had to change code in all VD's and scenes to improve memory usage handling I have also removed need for Emoji VD. There are also some NEW VD's and scenes added to the list. Please check list below. UPDATE (31.12.2021) - Today is the last day of this year. I'm again behind the schedule It took me almost 4 weeks to further optimize code of 80 VD's and 32 scenes, but it was worth it. UHAS is now running stable and responses are fast on system with 106 z-wave devices, 102 VD's and 49 scenes, but also extended RAM memory to 2Gb. I still have to test it on original setup with 1Gb of RAM. I was also busy with Philips HUE new API. What they did with new API is first removed support for HS (hue/saturation) so now we have only XY color space and MIREK or color temperature. Then they also removed "effects" and only existing "colorloop" and replace it with "gradient" that refuses to work with my color bulbs, most probably because I still don't understand how to use it ?. Anyway, I managed to find out how to work with single bulbs and also with scenes on group of lights. On the old API when requested to send all settings, response JSON was nicely sorted with lights, scenes, groups, sensors parts. New API is now just a big bunch of unsorted data and to get something from it you have to loop through that very big JSON and try to find what you really need. So, best way to get soehting from bridge is to do several requests separated for lights, rooms, scenes etc. Not to bother you further with this, Philips new API is just a big mess of everything and some things that were missing on old API, are still missing on new one. It is as they admitted, not a finished yet. I should have soon a working set of VD's and scenes to control HUE lights, but I will not bother for now with sensors, buttons and other devices. UPDATE (10.12.2021) - Yesterday 09.12. I started with moving new UHAS from developing HC2 to my working HC2 so I can do final testing in real life and also finish some parts that I can't do on developing HC2 due to lack of various devices. This is also needed to clean all bugs related to installation of UHAS. Even I can see the finish line now I still can't tell you the exact release date because in the meantime Philips decided to replace their HUE API v1 with v2 which is major upgrade and will discard the old API. I have done some preliminary testing of HUE API v2 and I have to completely rewrite HUE for HC2 and do SMART combination of VD's and scenes so that it just works and works fast and that users do not have to do anything inside code to make it work after installation. All this is because HUE API v2 will not support HTTP calls any more which forces me to use scenes to communicate with HUE bridge. Also what is left to be finished is translations and installation and user manual. UHAS is opened for future expansion and users will be able to add their own solutions, but to be able to do that I have to provide some information on how to do that. I have also made UHAS SDK that contains all necessary code snippets and functions that can make any solution UHAS compatible. So keep fingers crossed ? because finish line is definitely close! Will keep you informed and thank you for the support! UPDATE (07.12.2021) - Flood and Fire alarms done. Automatic search and setup of flood and smoke sensors immediately after installation. Possible add additional sirens and also valve control. Will close added valve(s) for water in case of flooding. Fire alarm can close gas or fuel valves in case of fire. User can also add other actions as needed. Also alarm notifications can be sent to all UHAS available services (TTS, LaMetric, push, popup, e-mail, pushover, telegram, groupme...) Since Philips decided to upgrade HUE API, now working on upgrading UHAS ALC module to support this. Since HC2 VD does not support HTTPS calls have to use scenes to communicate with HUE bridge, so now testing several solutions to have smooth control and also feedback. I was really hoping to release UHAS this week, but due to some problems and this Philips HUE API changes have to postpone for few weeks Primary problem was with global variables that keep translations to 20 different languages. Since they grew beyond Fibaro HC2 limits first I have reduced number of languages form 27 to 20. After finishing ANC and adding all new notifications this appeared not to be enough. So now I have modified system in the way that users will have to request what languages like to have and then will provide only requested languages. This solution now also enables UHAS to be translated to any language on request. I have added few new pictures for Flood and Fire alarms. I should actually update all pictures since most of the VD's are in the meantime upgraded and enhanced primarily for better functionality, but also visually. UPDATE (07.11.2021) - WOW, time is really passing quickly when I'm busy. In past few weeks I was mostly busy studying to pass exam and get yet another certificate for my next job which I successfully done. This week I'm completely devoted to coding UHAS. Mostly I was correcting or improving some of the modules. Today I'm also finishing Sonos API Master VD that can replace few Sonos API Players for Sonos speakers that are mostly always joined. Also finishing Sonos API Setup VD that will simplify setting up some default settings, like volumes for different times of day, also volumes for TTS, changing radio stations or playlists and even timer to set news radio station for news broadcast and then go back to previous music. Then continue on working alarms and appliances monitoring. UHAS must be ready for publishing at least 2 weeks before Christmas and will do my best that this happens even if some things will still not be ready. The rest can be always added later. Fingers crossed ? UPDATE (04.10.2021) - Advanced Lighting Control (ALC) is finally done I still have to do more testing for different situations, different types of lights and configurations, maybe improve few things, but it is now already working nicely. The biggest advantage of the ALC over VSL is that users can now easily setup lights without needing to see a line of LUA code except for setting motion and lux devices. But once motion and lux devices are setup, all other settings can be done with Mobile app. User can use ALC Configuration VD to setup all lighting for the selected room. ALC suite has now also included ALC Mimic VD which is responsible to learn and then control lighting while users are away from home. With learning mode enabled it will record lights events for 24/7 period and then use this recording to mimic lights when needed. Even recording of lights events should be sufficient it is still possible to add events manually. I will soon provide more information on ALC features. Please check pictures below. UPDATE (15.09.2021) - Sun Calc. VD + Moon Calc. VD + scene is added to the UHAS family. Please find more information below. Also picture is provided under the UHAS Schedule module UPDATE (07.09.2021) - Alarm Clock (VD + scene) is DONE. Please find more information below. Also picture is provided under the UHAS Schedule module UPDATE (01.09.2021) - Watchdog (VD + scene) is DONE. Please find more information under the OVERVIEW OF UHAS MODULES. Also added picture. UPDATE (28.08.2021) - UHAS all existing components are now updated to the latest integration specs. Many components are upgraded to update global variables that can be used as triggers in user specific action scenes, especially climate components like Netatmo, WeatherFlow and Ambience weather stations. ANC (Advanced Notification Center) Has now new ANC Message Queue VD which can be used to check all queued notifications and reason why where not sent (Sleep, error sending, internet down), but instead saved in queue. All messages in queue can be then listened on speaker or resend. List of done changes, corrections and new stuff is long to publish here. UHAS at this moment has 63 virtual devices and 27 scenes ready for distribution. I still have to made few more to cover all must have automation. Please check table bellow with current status of the UHAS components. Once it is finished it will be possible on users request to add more integrations that will be easy integrated to UHAS thanks to UHAS SDK that I have made during work on UHAS. UPDATE (23.05.2021) - Advanced Lighting Control (ALC) - Currently rewriting Philips HUE, Nanoleaf and LIFX code for better integration with ALC. Also to support Advanced Notification Center notifications. Basic learning code is done, but needs comprehensive testing under different situations. Irrigation Control - Also working on Irrigation Control that will work and solve some deficiencies of HC2 Sprinkler panel like limitation of only 15 minutes watering duration and also overlapping of zones watering when watering adjustment is applied. Advanced Notification Center (ANC) - is finished and in process of testing and improving. Also lots of translations of notifications still needs to be done. With new Sonos API Player and ANC it will be possible to send TTS notifications in different languages than the one set for HC2 and UHAS. Also LaMetric smart clock is completely integrated with notifications, radio and alarm clock. Weather State & Forecast and Netatmo Weather Station modules are also updated when their standalone version are updated to support new weather services. Sonos API Player is upgraded to support doorbell and security alarm sounds. Also handling of TTS notifications is modified for multi language support. Lithe Audio Player is now also integrated to UHAS and now working on adding doorbell and security alarm compatibility in parallel with work on QA version. Also hope to do some better handling of supported music sources. UPDATE (29/12/2020) - UHAS is completely reorganized and I have reduced number of modules. This does not mean that UHAS final version is reduced and it will still have all planned components. More about reorganization you can see below in Overview of UHAS modules. I also had to reorganize Translation module and move translations from individual VD's to scenes for easier maintenance. During testing I have also realized that I have to improve stability and reliability of VD's main loops since in some cases they where stop running when global variables where damaged or even deleted. This are last changes that I had to do. Translation module is done only some translations still have to be made. System module is also done regarding stability changes, but now I'm adding last needed parts. Automatic backup is finished that includes one VD and one scene. Users will be able to manipulate backups from mobile apps, setup automatic backup and manually delete or create backups. Automatic backup to cloud takes care of free space and in case there is not enough space for new backup it will automatically delete oldest backup without needing user intervention. System Watchdog and Event Viewer I'm now working on. System Watchdog purpose is to monitor UHAS and restart any VD main loop or scene if found stopped running. With latest stability improvements that might seem as unnecessary, but I also found main loops and scenes to stop running without any errors if are making HTTP and HTTPS calls. System Status VD is checking internet connection and Network Scan VD is checking local network selected devices connection and prevents this calls in case connection is lost, but still it can happen in some rare cases. ANC (Advanced Notification center) is still not completely finished. I'm still now adding ANC support to all other UHAS components and testing. ANC is also one of the reasons I had to do changes to Translation module to have translations for notifications on one place. System Control VD can now restart UHAS and reboot HC2 in the controlled manner and also reboot router if connected to z-wave smart plug or any other plug that is controlled with VD. There are other numerous improvements done to UHAS that will not mention here. Main scene FTBE separated timers and scheduling part. Scheduling part improved to be able to control more different devices. Timers part will be moved from scene to Sunrise & Sunset VD to keep only one scene always running. There is a long list of other improvements made in last few months, but it would take too much time to put it here. UPDATE (29/11/2020) - Twinkly Lights VD - finished both versions for UHAS and standalone. Ambient Weather VD - updated to support more stations thanks to @gklurker providing me access to his station. ANC module - have to do some changes to the initial setup, so now adjusting other modules to use this new setup. UHAS all modules - done some changes to the debug part. Added current date to be also displayed for easier understanding when events occurred. ALC module LIFX VD - updated global variable for better usage with learning mode. Presence module - Added solution with mobile apps like Geofency, Locative and similar. Still working on tuning up and adding notifications. Sonos API Player VD - added possibility to get playlists from My Sonos and also select and start playing, same as for favorites. See picture of new VD under Multimedia module. System Status VD - Now added checking of router VLAN IP address and it is shown on VD label together with time of last change. Also if setup VD will send notification whenever VLAN IP is changed. UPDATED (12/11/2020) - Improved Sonos API Player VD - that now can control group/ungroup speakers and gets favorites from Sonos app. Twinkly LED lights VD/scene - for now can turn on lights with last selected scene and turn off. API is still not made public so there are some setbacks COVID-19 Stats VD/scene - updated to work with new endpoints and API key. Weather & Forecast VD/scene - corrected some bugs and looking for additional weather services UPDATED (03/04/2020) - Added support for Netatmo presence outdoor camera. Upgraded all currrent UHAS modules to support new Advanced Notification Center and LaMetric clock. Not to list all changes and improvements see list and pictures below UPDATED (28/12/2019) - - Added support for Netatmo Air Quality monitor (Coach). New scene and VD's support any number of the Coaches installed in users home. Completely made new sets of Philips HUE VD. HUE Group VD now supports HUE scenes. User can select and activate any of the available scenes that are added using Philips HUE original mobile app, check spoiler for picture. AIO VD is now replaced with set of VD's that are suitable for use with bulb type. For example, dimmable bulbs have only brightness and transition speed sliders, while full color bulbs have sliders for brightness, hue, saturation, color temperature and transition speed. UPDATED (24/06/2019) - Added logo and new MOTO UPDATED (19/06/2019) - New added to UHAS is integration of Weatherflow station and LIFX Color light! LIFX integration was demanding since LIFX LAN protocol utilizes UDP/IP communication with binary packets of data in little endian. First version of LIFX Color VD will not include effects support since effects are not available yet as programs, plugins or chunks of data available through API so have to be builded on software platform in this case as part of the LIFX Color VD. Weatherflow station becomes more and more popular for its possibilities and open API so UHAS integration is done. For now Weatherflow Air and Sky modules are supported fully! I'm also working on integration of Moodo scent machine and Sensibo Sky AC smart controller! Due to some new exciting development with UHAS project there will be no time to make stand alone versions of this latest integrations except if there will be really great demand for that OVERVIEW OF UHAS MODULES TRANSLATION MODULE Global translation scene - Translation of VD's and predefined global variables to 27 languages. (DONE) System translation scene - Translations of UHAS system module to 27 languages. Scene is constantly updated as other components are changed or added (DONE) Climate translation scene - Translations of UHAS climate and ambient modules to 27 languages. Scene is constantly updated as other components are changed or added (DONE) Notifications translation scene - Translation of notifications to 27 languages. Scene is constantly updated as other components are changed or added (DONE) TTS translation scene - Translation of text to speech notifications to 27 languages. Scene is constantly updated as other components are changed or added (DONE) Select language VD - Scene companion to select desired language. (DONE) SYSTEM MODULE System Control VD - Start/stop running selected UHAS module or complete UHAS for software and hardware upgrades. Now can also restart UHAS and reboot HC2 in controlled manner. Can also reboot internet router that is connected to z-wave smart plug or any other plug controlled by VD. (DONE) Reboot scene - Controlled reboot or shutdown of the HC2. Works with System Control VD. (DONE) Remote Reboot scene - Scene that works with interactive push notification. If user gets notification that system needs to be rebooted can do that from smart watch or mobile phone form anywhere in the world. (DONE) System Backup (VD+scene) - Automatic backups and backup manipulation. Never again forget to make regular backups. (DONE) System Status VD - Shows current status of the complete system. Supervision of internet connection and available system updates. (DONE) System debug VD - Selection of what will be shown in debug windows of VD's and scenes and in what color compbination. (DONE) System Watchdog (VD + scene) - Watchdog is responsible to monitor all continuously running scenes and VD's main loops. In case that scene or VD main loop stops running for some reason it will try to restart them and will notify user. Thanks to UHAS advanced notification center (ANC) user can select how to be notified. Also Event Recorder if activated for Watchdog will record all this events for later checks. While Watchdog scene is monitoring other scenes and VD's, Watchdog VD is monitoring its companion scene for higher security. User can check with mobile app current status of the watchdog and control it. (DONE) Icon Preview VD - Setting up of icons for VD's. Simplifies and speeds up setting up of icons for VD's with multiple icons. (DONE) Advanced Battery Check VD - Supervision of battery levels for battery operated devices and sending notifications for replacement. It comes with list of most used battery operated devices, but user can add other devices as needed. It is possible to set type of the battery for each device and also price of the batteries. User can also reset date of the device battery last replacement for easy monitoring. (DONE) Battery Check scene - This simple and yet powerful scene will check battery levels for battery operated devices and send notifications for replacement as needed. (DONE) Network scan VD - Scans local network for devices used with UHAS automation and if found off line sending notification to check device. (DONE) SCHEDULE MODULE Main scene FTBE - Beating heart of UHAS. Scene takes care of all user specific scheduled and repeating actions. (DONE) Main Timers scene - Take care that HC2 always knows what is time of day, season, weekday etc. (DONE) Sunrise & Sunset VD - Gives complete control over the time of day changes which influence lighting behavior and many other features. It will use sunrise and sunset times from Sun Calc VD if installed which is more correct than HC2 . (DONE) Sun Calc VD + Moon Calc VD + scene - This suite provides more information about movement and position of Sun and Moon. Sun Calc. besides sunrise/sunset time it also provides length of the day, solar noon and sun position. Also Moon Calc VD provides moon rise, moon set and moon phases. If installed then UHAS will use sunrise/sunset times from this suite (DONE) Home Timers VD - Shows current status of the most important timers. (DONE) Alarm Clock suite (VD+scene) - Fully configurable alarm clock with multiple wake up settings including control of lighting, music, blinds etc. User can setup any number of alarms with different time settings with any weekdays settings. It is easy to activate/deactivate selected alarm or all alarms at once. Alarm Clock will also find LaMetric Alarm VD if installed and enable control of this smart clock. It will depending on alarm settings automatically activate or deactivate alarm on LaMetric. Alarm Clock VD can be used as single device or can be installed each VD for each bedroom to give more flexibility to family members to wake up at different times. (DONE) LaMetric Alarm clock VD - Complete control of the nice informative alarm clock LaMetric. (DONE) Good Night scene - user can define complete house behavior when set to sleep. Depending on other modules installation can provide calm music on selected speakers with sleep timer. Also control of lighting, alarms, notifications etc. (DONE) NOTIFICATION MODULE ANC (Advanced Notification Center) VD - Scans for all scenes and VD's that sends notifications and gives users easy way to setup what messages will be sent to which user and service HCpush, HCpopup, e-mail, Pushover, Telegram, GroupMe, WhatsApp and/or Signal or just saved to message queue. (DONE) ANC (Advanced Notification Center) scene - scene is responsible to send messages or save them to queue and is part of the ANC VD. If TTS and/or LaMetric ANC part is installed then will also trigger those scenes to send notifications. (DONE) ANC TTS VD - Support for Sonos ARC Player and Sonos API Player to send TTS messages to selected speakers. (DONE) ANC TTS scene - Support for Sonos ARC Player and Sonos API Player to send TTS messages to selected speakers. (DONE) ANC LaMetric VD - Support for LaMetric Clock to receive and show notifications selected by user. (DONE) ANC LaMetric scene - Support for ANC LaMetric VD to send notifications to selected LaMetric clocks. (DONE) ANC Message Queue VD - VD to handle all queued messages, resend or listen queued messages on TTS speaker. (DONE) LaMetric Icons VD - Enables users to download list of LaMetric icons from server and then select from that list favorite icons to use in own notifications. user can easily find favorite icon code, but can be used only with browsers to show icons. Icons can't be seen on mobile apps. (DONE) LaMetric Icons scene - support for LaMetric Icons VD to get icons from internet. (DONE) REPORTS MODULE Event Recorder VD - User can start/stop events recording for any UHAS component and preview/delete events as needed. (DONE) CLIMATE MODULE Weather State and Forecast (VD's+scene) - Get weather state and forecast from most popular weather services like Open Weather, WeatherBIT, WeatherHERE, WeatherAPI, Weather Unlocked and Weather Underground. (DONE) Netatmo Weather Station suite (VD's+scene) - Supports more than one Weather station with support for all available modules including rain and wind sensors. (DONE) (API change required) Netatmo Public Weather Station suite (VD+scene) - For users that do not have their own weather station can install this suite and have more accurate data for precipitation, wind, temperature and humidity for their location. (DONE) (API change required) WeatherFlow Station suite (VD+scene) - Supports AIR and SKY modules. (DONE) Tempest Weather station suite (VD's+scene) - Integration to UHAS is done and tested. (DONE) Ambient Weather station VD - Access an Ambient Weather user's weather station data programmatically using REST API. (DONE) LIGHTS MODULE ALC (Advanced Lighting Control) suite (VD's + scenes) - This should be most advanced lighting control ever made. ALC Config VD - It will give users complete control over the lighting for each room and complete home. Possibility to use predefined lighting scenes (27 scenes available in total). Any of this scenes can be either setup as ? Automatic - Uses trigger by sensor or global variable to turn on lights and timer to turn off lights. if any light is manually turned on before trigger is activated then scene is set to manual mode and timer to turn off lights is disabled temporarily for that trigger only. ✋ Manual - lights are turned on by sensor or global variable trigger and turned off when one of the controlled light is turned off. ⛔️ Deactivated scene will be ignored by ALC and not used. ⏲ Timer - light scene that will turn on or off lights according to the timer settings. Multiple timers can be setup for turning on/off lights during the 24 hours of the day. ALC ?? Learning mode simplifies setting up light scenes with any number and type of lights. When learning mode is enabled then user can select any of the 27 light scenes available first. After that can manually adjust all lights for that scene like brightness and color. When happy with the lights settings just press ? ▶︎ (save lights on) button to save. After that can adjust lights for lights off state by either turning off some of the lights and some just dimm and then press ? ◼︎ (save lights off) button to save. After saving light settings for ON and OFF state it is possible to check them by turning them on/off with buttons on ALC Config. VD. When all scenes are setup, disable ?? learning mode and ALC will continue working normally. Currently adding support for HUE API v2 (DONE) ALC scene - After lights are setup with ALC Config VD scene is taking control of the lights. ALC supports common light states same as VSL scene (can be enabled), but has also its own 20 different light scenes. ALC is compatible with most of the light types: switch or relay or plug, dimmer 2, RGBW modules and of course all UHAS light integrations: Philips, Nanoleaf and LIFX. This scene is excellent choice for rooms with lots of lights, mood lights and need for more complex light scenes. Currently adding support for HUE API v2 (DONE) ALC Mimic VD - ALC suite can be setup to record lights turning ON/OFF times during a week time or this times can be manually setup using this VD. This recording then can be used to mimic lights when nobody is at home for a longer period of time. (DONE) CHRISTMAS indoor & outdoor scenes - One scene for outside and one for inside Christmas lights and easy setup with ALC Config VD. Once setup all it is needed is to tap button on ALC Sidekick VD to enable/disable Christmas lights. Full automatization, no need to worry. Also if for some reason user has updated Twinkly LED lights it is still possible to control them with smart plug. When turned on with plug they will continue run previously selected effects (DONE)(NEW) Philips HUE VD family for HUE API v1 (Is included for users that still have HUE bridge v1) Philips HUE Preview VD - Philips HUE lighting control using API v1. It supports multiple HUE bridges and most of the available types of bulbs. It also supports HUE scenes for group of bulbs that are made with HUE mobile app and HUE Group VD can use those scenes to control lighting. (DONE) Philips HUE Group VD - Control of HUE group of bulbs (uses HUE API v1) (grouped in one room) and now also with HUE scenes, default like "Energize", "Reading" and also user made. (DONE) Philips HUE Color ambience VD - Control of individual HUE color bulbs over HUE API v1. (DONE) Philips HUE White ambience VD - Control of individual HUE white ambience bulbs over HUE API v1. (DONE) Philips HUE Dimmable VD - Control of individual or group of HUE white dimmable only bulbs over HUE API v1. (DONE) Philips HUE wall plug VD - Control of HUE and some other compatible smart wall plugs over HUE API v1. (DONE) Philips HUE VD+scene suite for HUE API v2 (works with new introduced HUE API on HUE bridge v2 with firmware 1950111030 and up) Philips HUE2 Preview VD - Philips HUE lighting control using new API v2. It supports multiple HUE bridges and most of the available types of bulbs. It also supports HUE scenes (static and dynamic) for group of bulbs that are made with HUE mobile app and HUE Group VD can use those scenes to control lighting. (DONE) Philips HUE2 Preview scene - Takes care of all communication between HC2 and HUE bridge since HC2 VD does not support HTTPS (DONE) Philips HUE2 Group VD - Control of HUE group of bulbs (grouped in one room) and now also with HUE scenes, default like "Energize", "Reading" and also user made. Supports both static and dynamic scenes (DONE) Philips HUE2 Color ambience VD - Control of individual HUE color bulbs. (DONE) Philips HUE2 White ambience VD - Control of individual HUE white ambience bulbs. (DONE) Philips HUE2 Dimmable VD - Control of individual or group of HUE white dimmable only bulbs. (DONE) Philips HUE2 wall plug VD - Control of HUE and some other compatible smart wall plugs. (DONE) Nanoleaf Aurora VD - Control of Nanoleaf Aurora light panels including Rhythm module if added. (DONE) Nanoleaf Shapes VD - Control of Nanoleaf Canvas, Shapes and Lines light panels. (DONE) LIFX Color VD - Control of individual LIFX Color WiFi bulbs. (DONE) LIFX White VD - Control of individual LIFX white dimmable only WiFi bulbs. (DONE) Twinkly LED light VD - Done integration. Tested with Twinkly 2nd gen 250 LED strings and Twinkly 2nd gen 190 LED icicle. NOTE: Last Twinkly firmware upgrade breaks integration for HC2! For those that still didn't upgrade to last firmware is OK, for those who already upgraded can still use smart plug to control them. (DONE) BLINDS MODULE VSB (very Smart Blinds control) suite (VD+scene) - User can setup how blinds will be controlled, same as for lights in ALC suite. Just grab your phone sit in couch and use VSB Config VD to setup your blinds, Venetian blinds and curtains. It supports also VD's that only need some adjustments to work with UHAS. (DONE)(NEW) SECURITY MODULE HC User Setup VD - Expansion of HC2 user and mobile devices setup. (DONE) Home Status VD - Shows current status of the home (DONE) Burglar Alarm suite (VD+scenes) - User will have complete control over arming, disarming alarm depending on different situations, work, vacation, sleep including pets whereabouts. (IN PROGRESS) Netatmo Cameras suite (VD+scene) - Support for Netatmo welcome and presence cameras with possibility to suspend/reactivate monitoring of all cameras at once or only for selected camera. With geofencing turned on can be used for presence control (away/home) with personal welcome actions thanks to face recognition. (DONE) (API change required) Netatmo Cameras finder scene - help with integration of Netatmo cameras with HC2 by finding all cameras and showing their link to the video stream. (DONE) (API change required) Presence VD - Installed for each user of HC2 and can be used manually to change present state or remotely by mobile app such are Geofency or Locative using direct webhook and special user that is only allowed to access this VD(s). Can also send notifications when user presence is changed. There are also added several more locations of interest like: at school, at work, at family, in shopping and on holidays. (DONE) Presence simple VD - Same as Presence VD but without additional buttons for locations of interest. (DONE) Guest presence VD - Automates and simplifies actions when guests are present (lights, music, mood etc.) (DONE) SAFETY MODULE Fire Alarm VD+scene - Monitoring and notifying if any of the sensors are breached plus additional actions. (DONE) Flood Alarm VD+scene - Monitoring and notifying if any of the sensors are breached plus additional actions. (DONE) Advanced Radiation Monitor VD - Shows nearest 5 radiation monitoring stations and one with the highest measurements. (DONE) (REQUIRE UPDATE due to map changes) Air Quality VD - This VD uses API that is provided by the World Air Quality Index project. It uses China mainland air quality index and shows user nearest station measurement. (DONE) AMBIENCE MODULE Netatmo Air Quality Monitor (Coach) suite (VD+scene) - Support for any number of Netatmo Coaches. (DONE) APPLIANCES MODULE Home Energy suite (VD+scene) - Monitoring of complete home consumption (with tariff) with notifications and possible control over the biggest consumers. (tariff part collecting information). (DONE) Appliance Monitoring scene - Simple monitoring of the home appliances with notifications. (DONE) Smarter Coffee (1st gen) VD - Complete control over the 1st gen coffee machine (working on next generation, but since Smarter is still hiding API more time is needed to investigate. Any help with this one is greatly appreciated). (DONE) MULTIMEDIA MODULE iTach TV remote control VD - Requires iTach IP2IR and can control any TV set after learning TV remote IR codes. (DONE) iTach IP TV remote control VD - Requires iTach IP2IR and can control any IP TV set after learning IP remote IR codes. (DONE) iTach Soundbar remote control VD - Requires iTach IP2IR and can control any soundbar set after learning soundbar remote IR codes. (DONE) Sonos ARC Player VD - With the permission of author @Krikroff VD modified to work with UHAS system and also changed favorites handling. Supported VoiceRSS and Google TTS services (DONE) Sonos API Player VD - Requires Raspberry PI or any other computer to run jishi node-sonos-http-api to work. Latest version includes better handling of favorites, playlists and ability to group/ungroup Sonos spekares. (DONE) Sonos API Setup VD - Requires Raspberry PI or any other computer to run jishi node-sonos-http-api to work. Easy setup some default settings like volumes for different times of day, changing radio stations or playlists. Requires Auto volume scene (DONE) Sonos ARC Setup VD - Works with Sonos ARC Player VD. Easy setup some default settings like volumes for different times of day, changing radio stations or playlists. Requires Auto volume scene (DONE) Sonos API News VD - Requires Raspberry PI or any other computer to run jishi node-sonos-http-api to work. Never miss news station again. Setup timer to change currently playing music to news station to play on selected speakers and then when news are finished go back to previously playing music. During news, TTS is directed to Notifications queue and can be listened after news are done. It supports multiple timers with selected days of the week. Timer will be disabled if home is set to sleep mode. Also different speaker volume can be setup for news. (DONE) Sonos ARC News VD - Works with Sonos ARC Player VD. Never miss news station again. Setup timer to change currently playing music to news station to play on selected speakers and then when news are finished go back to previously playing music. During news, TTS is directed to Notifications queue and can be listened after news are done. It supports multiple timers with selected days of the week. Timer will be disabled if home is set to sleep mode. Also different speaker volume can be setup for news. (DONE) Auto volume scene - Sonos API and Sonos ARC Setup VD companion scene that automatically adjusts volume and changes playing station or play list according to the settings made by these VD's. (DONE) LaMetric Radio VD - It allows users to start/stop playing last selected radio station and also to select radio stations that where setup with mobile app as favorites. It also includes timer when to start playing radio and stop. Nice feature not to miss latest radio news. (DONE) Watch TV VD - programmable VD to start/end watching TV. Does all necessary steps, either preprogrammed or user additional like change lighting scene, lower blinds (during day), stops music, selects desired TV channel or just activates other video source. (DONE) ACCESSORIES MODULE Irrigation Control VD - Brings complete control and overview over the Sprinklers panel. Solves problem with 15 minute watering duration limitation and also with zone watering overlapping when watering adjustment is applied. Works nicely with Weather State & Forecast and Netatmo weather station to automatically adjust or delay watering depending on current and forecast rain precipitation. Control your irrigation from any location with mobile app. (DONE) Irrigation History VD - Irrigation Control VD companion which provides history on times and duration of past watering cycles and weather state. Default history is set to past 7 days, but can be setup by users to any number of days. (DONE) Hydrawise Control VD - Integration of Hydrawise irrigation controllers with HC2. Have current status of controller in HC2 and control watering on the go. VD can delay watering depending on current and forecast rain precipitation (requires Weather State & Forecast suite + either Netatmo Weather station or Netatmo Public Weather station suite). (DONE) Swimming Pool Control VD - Complete control of the swimming pool over the pump, water temperature and chemical levels. (DONE) OTHER MODULE Fibaro Dimmer 2 scene - Universal scene to use with dimmer 2 scene activation. All types of activation are supported (momentary, toggle and roller blinds switches) and ready for users just to add their own code. Code for ANC messages including TTS is added for simple messaging. (DONE) Remotec Panel scene - Universal scene to use with Remotec remote panels (tested with ZRC90). User can add own code for each button and can also easily add sending any of the UHAS supported messages types including TTS since all code for ANC is included. (DONE) Fibaro KeyFob scene - Universal scene to use with KeyFob central scene activation. All types of activation are included and ready for users to add their own action code. Code for ANC messages including TTS is added for simple messaging. (DONE) Fibaro Swipe scene - Universal scene to use with Fibaro swipe and it supports all possible swipes, users just need to add their own code for desired actions. Scene support ANC messages so it can be easily setup to send message or tell user (TTS) how action was done. (DONE)(NEW) Fibaro Button scene - Universal scene to use with Fibaro button central scene activation. All types of activation are included and ready for users to add their own action code. Includes support for ANC messages with TTS. (DONE) Doorbell scene - Universal scene to use with doorbell switch with support for ANC messages including TTS. (DONE) Get Geolocation scene - Scene that can be called from other scenes or VD's to get address (street, county, city, country) data by providing longitude and latitude. It uses developer HERE reverse geolocation service and requires free account with API_KEY, same one that is needed for WeatherHERE service in Weather State & Forecast suite. (DONE) Home Table scene - All necessary code is already there and user just needs to build his owh table of devices and scenes. Once done, if any of the devices needs to be reconfigured or replaced all you have to change is this scene and everything else will continue to work. (DONE) UHAS IN PICTURES UHAS Translation module: UHAS System module: UHAS Schedule module: UHAS Notifications module: UHAS Reports module: UHAS Climate module: UHAS Lights module: UHAS Security module: UHAS Safety module: UHAS Ambience module: UHAS Appliances module: UHAS Multimedia module: UHAS Accessories module: UHAS IN USE UPDATED 04/10/2021 Here is the picture of complete UHAS with finished components: UPDATED 01/09/2021 Here is a picture of complete UHAS updated components: UPDATE (04/10/2021) I have added latest picture with all UHAS components finished. This is still picture from the development HC2. I still need to finish few more things and then will start first installing UHAS on another testing HC2 to solve any possible problems that can show up during installation and then will go to my main HC2 replacing old solution. UPDATE (01/09/2021) I have removed my working system picture since it is still running older version of UHAS and I added picture of the latest UHAS that is now still running on my development HC2. In next several days I will first install new UHAS on another HC2 which is prepared for this final testing. I need to check and solve any possible problems that can occur during clean installation. During this clean installation and setup will do my best to make as more pictures and videos as possible. Final test then will be then installation of UHAS on my working HC2. Some UHAS components I will be able to finish on my working HC2 since there I have all needed devices included. On development HC2 I have just few devices included that I still haven't include on my working system. UPDATE (12/11/2020) My system at time of writing update: 29 rooms in 3 sections; 110 z-wave devices; 83 virtual devices; 67 scenes; 8 cameras Unfortunately, previous plan about date of publishing UHAS has changed due to COVID-19 pandemic and my work. I was not able to work on UHAS from 25th April till 22nd October this year. Even I'm now investing most of my time to work on UHAS, there is a little chance that it will be ready for publishing as previously planned. Most likely it will be ready for publishing in first or even second quarter of 2021. Wiil do my best to be as earlier as possible, but there are some things that just can't be predicted and that can influence my work on UHAS. UPDATE (19.01.2020) My system at time of writing update: 28 rooms in 3 sections; 109 z-wave devices; 80 virtual devices; 67 scenes; 7 cameras I started building my system in December 2015. UHAS idea was born in 2016 when I started sharing some of my work here on forum. Each script I wanted to share, first I had to change to suit other users so I started thinking why not write code that is universal. Serious work on UHAS started in 2017. In that time I was really optimistic that I can make it till the end of 2018. Unfortunately due to my job to which I have to give more than half of my life and also some setbacks either caused by Fibaro new releases or me and my lack of knowledge we are now looking at the end of this year, but more likely first or even second quarter of 2020. Last two months I have invested in rewriting most of the UHAS code due to some limitations of the current HC2. That is now done and I'm ready to continue to do the rest of the modules.Soon I will have to go to my work again for at least four to five weeks, but will continue to work hard on UHAS when I'm back home. Besides rewriting UHAS code I have made new Philips HUE VD family that now supports also scenes that are made on Philips original app. So no more HUE AIO VD (all in one) but now there is a family of VD's for control either group of lights with scenes or single bulbs depending on type Color & White ambience, White ambience and Dimmable only. Still HUE Group Control VD is the most advanced one that provides control of complete room or zone with HUE scenes. UHAS PRESENTATION UPDATED (26/04/2019) Since pictures are worth thousand words I made new presentation (click to download): UHAS presentation 3rd edition.pdf UPDATED (04/12/2017) This is older presentation left for comparison. Latest presentation is on top of this post (click to download): UHAS presentation 2nd.pdf Thank you for following Will keep you updated regularly so stay tuned! Sankotronic
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Version 1.0.3
UHAS v1.0.3 (Universal Home Automation System) for HC2 UHAS INTRODUCTION UHAS is a set of scenes and Virtual Devices (VD) that provide the following capabilities: Auto translation of all scenes, VD's, predefined global variables, and messages to 31 different languages (19 directly supported by HC2) (NOTE – not all languages are translated, and users are very welcomed to help with translations that are not yet done) Scheduled and repeating events based on time of day, week, month, and season including Scene FTBE which provides repeating and scheduled actions Advanced Notification Center (ANC) brings centralized notifications with support for most popular services like Pushover, Telegram, GroupMe, WhatsApp and Signal, Sonos TTS and LaMetric TIME smart clock notifications Advanced Lighting Control (ALC) with integration for Philips HUE, Nanoleaf, LIFX and Blebox devices (will be provided in separate package) Very Smart Blinds (VSB) automation Presence monitoring and control with geofencing and Netatmo presence Weather state and forecast with notifications and integration for Netatmo weather station and WeatherFlow and Tempest weather stations Home consumption monitoring and recording Appliance monitoring - with notifications Safety alarms fire and flood Security alarm integration ready with provided global variables Irrigation control based on FIBARO devices Scenes ready to use with Fibaro dimmer 2, Fibaro keyFob, Fibaro Swipe, Fibaro Button and Remotec ZRC-90 central scene activation with built in support for ANC HC2 system status notifications, automatic backups and many more... UHAS OVERVIEW UHAS has been developed for the Fibaro Home Centre 2 (HC2) home automation controller, as a series of modules, which are responsible for one particular action or job, and the user can interact with them as a group, or on their own. UHAS provides an advanced Home Automation (HA) set of features, ready to be used out of the box with minimum user effort to set up and run. Running code is provided as part of the system, doing most of the settings for the user or a systems installer. UHAS is primarily intended to be used by users of the Fibaro HC2 system who wish to have fully featured HA without the need to learn LUA programming and spending a lot of time with coding Virtual Devices and scenes. UHAS can also become a part of a mature Fibaro system installation which has developed with many modules to cover more advanced HA and more devices. UHAS Virtual Devices and scenes use proprietary code developed by author. This code is developed to minimise users involvement in installation and setting of the system. Most of the necessary setting is done by the UHAS components and other settings are simplified and minimised as much as possible. This was also possible because all UHAS VD's and scenes use role system that is used to find necessary components for actions to be performed. UHAS Virtual devices category is set automatically during translation or changing of the main icon. This means that most of the VD's should show in proper category in new mobile app as lights, blinds, gates, ambience, climate, safety, security, multimedia, remotes and other. The same goes for scenes, when scenes save their settings after first manual run then also category is set. UHAS PREREQUISITES Fibaro Home Center 2 (HC2) with firmware version 4.120 or higher (recommended but not necessary expanded RAM memory to at least 2Gb) Configured and installed z-wave devices – I.e., light switches, motion sensors, lux detectors etc. INSTALLATION AND UPGRADE NEW USERS - Please download provided UHAS v1.0.3 Installation package and UHAS Installation and User Manual v1.0.3 EN EXISTING USERS - if your UHAS is: Not yet started with installation then please download full package UHAS v1.0.3 Installation package and install. Still on v1.0 or V1.0.1 then please first download UHAS v1.02. upgrade package and install. Lastly download and install UHAS v1.03. upgrade package Installed v1.0.2 then please download UHAS v1.03. upgrade package and install. NOTE - Upgrade instructions are provided in UHAS Installation and User Manual v1.0.3 EN ADDITIONAL NOTE - In UHAS Installation and User Manual v1.0.3 EN instructions for ALC scene upgrade say: UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS – This upgrade is recommended. To upgrade and keep your ALC Scene settings please copy new code from ALC Scene v1.3.3.lua from line: -- NEW v1.3.3 - copy code from here to the end of scene code to keep your settings above this line to the end of code. The mentioned line I forget to add to the code before making upgrade package, therefore please copy new code from line: -- THE CODE BELOW DOES NOT REQUIRE MODIFICATION BY THE USER to the end of code. Thanks goes to @MiZ for pointing that out 🙏 IMPORTANT NOTE UHAS uses its own unique global code variables. This means that UHAS will NOT influence the current system scenes, scripts, or virtual devices in any way, even if any of Sankotronic’s earlier UHAS beta versions and standalone scenes or VD's (Virtual Devices) are being used. There is no need for any changes to be made to the existing code before the installation of UHAS. The UHAS global variables are created and controlled automatically by the system so that you do not need to maintain them manually. UHAS INSTALLATION PACKAGE CONTENT (29.1Mb) 92 Virtual Devices 53 scenes Icon sets for all the above VD's and scenes THANK YOU! ❤️ I want to BIG thank to @clowg for helping me with translations and writing manual these last days speeding up publishing UHAS. BIG thank to @gucio1234 and his son Cyprian for making logo for UHAS and 3D printed with real gears! I just love it ❤️ I also want to thank many of you who helped during testing of UHAS beta versions and with translations! @clowg, @speedoxx007 ,@Bodyart, @jimicr, @gucio1234, @jompa68, @Sjekke, @robw, @rbhun, @lennypenny, @FunkFib, @MarcoT, @Orgli, @MarcoTorino71 and many others. Your help is greatly appreciated. Apologies to all other not mentioned nice people who contributed in making UHAS. I also want to thank gurus of this forum @petergebruers, @jgab, @cag014, @SmartHomeEddy and others for help with coding in LUA. And of course a BIG thank to Fibaro for providing Home Center 2 and Home Center 3 for developing purposes! BIG THANKS! also to all UHAS users for their donations! Your support is greatly appreciated! 🙏 TERMS AND CONDITIONS Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its documentation for educational, research, personal use and non-profit purposes, without fee and without a signed licensing agreement is hereby granted, provided that the copyright notice, with "Terms and conditions" and "Disclaimer" appear in all copies, modifications and distributions. It is strictly forbidden to sell, rent, lease and/or lend this software for profit without prior consent from the Author. DISCLAIMER This software is provided by copyright owner "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the author and distributor be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. Fibar Group S.A. and their employees are not responsible for support of the UHAS. Please contact the author Sankotronic, on the Fibaro Forum, for any questions or support required.- 11 comments
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