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removing sensor from Z-wave network



Hi all,


does anyone know how to remove (unpair) a door windows sensor without dismounting it from the door of window?

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when you are able to remove the battery here is the reset procedure:


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2 hours ago, Bodyart said:

does anyone know how to remove (unpair) a door windows sensor without dismounting

I am confused... The 2nd button is accessible without dismounting. Fib version 1 has it mounted between the battery and the LED. Version 2 has it on the side... So you can click it without removing the sensor. Actually, you should press the battery, so the tamper switch on the bottom is firmly pressed.

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  • I've tried that ofcourse, but without success


    Hi @FunkFib,

    i wasn't trying to reset, but remove == unpair the device from Z-wave network.


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    9 minutes ago, Bodyart said:

    I've tried that ofcourse, but without success


    You did not say that... You want me to guess what you have tried each time you post a problem? Did you firmly press the sensor against the door? Both tamper switches are in series. The duoble sided tape sometimes does not keep it pressed.


    D/W sensor 1 can be difficult... You sometimes have to click that button 10 times instead of three.


    If the sensor is out of range, you might have to reset the sensor, like funkfib said, but D/W 2 has a different procedure.



    Edited by petergebruers
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    that's right. At the moment I have only V1. I have screwed the sensors and there is the back tmp always pressed I think.  Have you tried these like petergebuers@ said. Below a picture with the smal switch. Normally you can press this with the cover. But its right I have also often needed to press the button more then three times. 


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  • Yes, i've tried... Moved my HC2 approx. 1 meter to the sensor, but... no success...


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    9 hours ago, Bodyart said:

    Yes, i've tried... Moved my HC2 approx. 1 meter to the sensor, but... no success...

    It is possible the DW version 1 sensor has crashed completely and only reset procedure will bring it back to the land of the living. I have seen odd things with those sensors. Especially after having replaced the battery. Now I mention this, are you sure about the quality of the battery?


    Long shot... Another rare thing... maybe your HC fails to exclude other devices as well? I suppose you already rebooted that HC when you brought it closer to the sensor. Do you happen to have a spare device so you can check if exclusion works as expected?


    Out of curiosity... why do you want to exclude the device? Does it fail to report? Wrong battery level reported? Did trouble start after replacing the battery? Maybe it was accidentally reset (but then it should still be possible to exclude and include it...).


    EDIT: I remember... You are resetting it, because you had those 403 errors, then decided to reset you Z-Wave chip and start from scratch so now you have a lot of devices that still need a reset or exclusion before you can add it to your "freshly installed" HC.


    How is that reinstall going?





    Edited by petergebruers
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  • Hi @petergebruers,

    before my HC2 'crashed' and i started to rebuild everything from scratch, all those sensors were working properly. Your as well as @Sankotronic's battery check scene didn't show any 'anomalies'. Even my Voltmeter (that never lies to me) is showing good battery levels.


    As you suggested, i started to remove the devices and build a mesh network with mains powered devices

    So every Z-wave device i removed first and then readd to HC2 network. I had also some 'spare' d/w sensors which were never included before, so just to play with, i've included (after removing) them too for future installation. So my HC2 does fail to remove and add devices. Only those d/w sensors glued to the doors and windows i wanted to reset without mess.

    Why i want to excluse the devices? Because i'm following your advice, first to exclude in order to include without having to reset the devices. :-)

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    Thank you for your elaborate answer. If I understand you correctly... the rebuild has been a success sofar? How many devices are OK and how many fail to get excluded? And how many fail to get reset? Reset on D/W 1 can be temperamental, just like exclusion. I think it is important to wait long enough when you remove the battery. I do not know how long exactly... I'd say at least 10 seconds. Oddly enough, they sometimes reset when you just change the battery, but when you deliberately want to reset a D/W 1 it can take a few attempts. D/W 2 does not have this problem, reset was changed...


    I would indeed exclude (or reset if exclude fails) all sensors after a "start from scratch", even spares...

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  • Not one device failed (about 40). The distance to HC2 was about 3 meters. Only those d/w sensors which are glued to the door/window frames are failing to exclude.


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    I will try again with lond waiting time as you suggest. Can z-wave network get stressed by excluding and including 'many' devices in sequence? As i can see my d/w sensors are all version 1.


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    1 minute ago, Bodyart said:

    Can z-wave network get stressed by excluding and including 'many' devices in sequence?


    I do not think so, but the inclusion process itself is "very intensive". The device exchanges a lot of data. It also scans its neighbours, so inclusion time depends on how many mains powered devices you have. It depends on the firmware and generation of the device (and "secure" mode which echanges even more data). I think the Fibaro Universal Binary Sensor (with temp sensor) is the slowest device to include on my network, I think it can take up to 1 full minute... If the batteries of a device are very low, it might still be able to report very simple status, like "door open/closed" because communication is very short. But because inclusion takes so long, that same battery might be too weak to do an inclusion.


    Exclusion does not stress the network. It is basically the device telling the controller "Here I am" then the controller telling the device "forget everything you know and get ready to be included again". No scanning, no significant data exchange... 

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    @Bodyart glad I could help. I hope you get back fully functioning HA soon. When I did "tabula rasa" it usually took 1 day to get the basics, 2 more days to get close to 100 % and about a week to iron out all wrinkles... ;-)

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