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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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Another lights of after timer/motion



I have been looking around to find the simplest? solution to turn on a light triggered by a motion sensor but restarting the timer and I think my code is short enough but as I am no coder syntax is wrong. At least that's what I think. Code stolen and adapted from various places... (sorry if not allowed but where do a beginner start)

First my conditions


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then my actions

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9 minutes ago, Whswede said:

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What is switch? I do not see it in your code.


11 minutes ago, Whswede said:

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Same question about timer


You mean this?


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I am not saying it is going to work, it might, but you say you are a beginner so let us get past the basic errors first.

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Change your line:

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to: local movement, modifytime = fibaro.get(motion1, "value")


or: local movement = fibaro.getValue(motion1, "value")


or without the local variable movement just say:  if  fibaro.getValue(motion1, "value") then horntimer = ..... etc.


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  • On 12/5/2022 at 8:40 PM, petergebruers said:

    What is switch? I do not see it in your code.


    Same question about timer


    You mean this?


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    I am not saying it is going to work, it might, but you say you are a beginner so let us get past the basic errors first.

    Great! It kinda works now :)

    Code looks like this now. (removed condition on id 90 temporary)

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    Adjusted the actions. Switch is replaced by light1. 

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    I also adjusted the local value movement

    BUT the code does not seem to be triggered by the motion sensor. I can run the code manually and it loops fine and turns the light off if no movement but i never lights up again. I solved it temporarily by adding a simple block scene that runs this LUA-scene whenever motion is detected. Scene is set to run auto and not disabled. What is missing for it run triggered by sensor ID193 ?

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    Strange that it is possible to save the scene with a double operator in the last condition.

    Change the last part to


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    and check your scene setting about allowing the restart of a running scene, yes (default) or no


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