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About This File

Philips HUE AIO VD v3.1

(standalone version)

With Philips HUE preview VD v1.1 - brings easier setup and support for multiple Philips HUE bridges




Philips HUE lighting brings colorful way of lighting experience. More about this lights you can find here https://www2.meethue.com/en-us Philips HUE AIO VD is All In One solution for HC2 owners to control Philips HUE lighting with support for all types of HUE lamps made by Philips and some other manufacturers.



  • Fibaro Home Center 2 with firmware 4.120 or greater (tested up to 4.540)
  • Philips HUE bridge V1 (round) with firmware up to 01041302 (released 05 February 2018) or
  • Philips HUE bridge V2 (square) with firmware up to 1901181309 (released 07 February 2019)



  • Consists of two VD's: Philips HUE Preview VD which connects to Philips HUE bridge and downloads information of all lights and groups of lights and greatly simplifies installation of Philips HUE AIO VD that controls individual HUE bulbs or group of bulbs. Also added unreachable icon for Philips HUE bridge v1.
  • Philips HUE Preview VD has button for generating authorization username and for easy connection to Philips HUE bridge
  • Support for multiple HUE bridges and most of the Philips HUE bulbs including bulbs from other manufacturers that can be connected to HUE bridge.
  • HUE AIO VD recognizes different types of bulbs like multicolor, white ambience and dimmable and enables proper controls
  • Can control brightness, hue, saturation, color temperature and transition speed that can be set from instant to 10 seconds duration
  • Buttons to activate colorloop efect and Alerts
  • Multilanguage support with 27 languages included. VD's can use HC2 selected language or user can select any other available language. VD will be automatically translated to the selected language (visible after refreshing page on browser or refreshing network data on Fibaro mobile application)
  • Easy setup for VD icons that will also setup icons for all buttons and sliders of the VD. (on UHASTM compatible version is even more easier to setup VD icons with Icon Preview VD)
  • On HUE AIO VD user can setup separated on and off button or have on/off toggle button
  • Self adding of global variables needed and global variable data integrity checking
  • Automatic repair of global variables without user intervention
  • New approach to programming other code to control this VD enables future upgrades without needing to change that code. (See more about that in User Manual provided)



Please check provided User Manual where all steps are explained in detail and this video made by @MarcoTorino71:



  • Philips HUE Preview VD v1.1 standalone
  • Philips HUE AIO VD v3.1 standalone
  • Icon pack Philips HUE E27 bulb indoor
  • Icon pack Philips HUE E27 bulb outdoor
  • Icon pack Philips HUE GU10 bulb indoor
  • Icon pack Philips HUE GU10 bulb outdoor
  • Icon pack Philips HUE LED strip indoor
  • User Manual v1.1 EN



Many thanks to BodyArt, gucio1234 and many other Fibaro forum users for help with testing, translations and user manual.



Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its documentation for educational, research, personal use and non-profit purposes, without fee and without a signed licensing agreement is hereby granted, provided that the copyright notice, with "Terms and conditions" and "Disclaimer" appear in all copies, modifications and distributions.

It is strictly forbidden to sell, rent, lease and/or lend this software for profit without prior consent from the Author.



This software is provided by copyright owner "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the author and distributor be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.

Fibar Group S.A. and their employees are not responsible for support of the Philips HUE AIO VD. Please contact the author Sankotronic, on the Fibaro Forum, for any questions or support required.



HUE is registered trademark of Philips Lighting Holding B.V. registered internationally.



1 April 2019

Philips HUE bridge firmware new version 1901181309 is out. If you upgrade to this latest firmware Philips HUE AIO VD will continue function properly.



3.1 - Corrected bug that was causing HUE AIO VD main loop to stop with error if user set light or group ID that does not exists on HUE bridge. Also corrected bug that was not updating list correctly after first scan if user removed or added light or group on HUE bridge.

3.0 - All In One solution, one VD for all types of bulbs and for control of individual light or group of lights with supporting Philips HUE Preview VD.

2.1 - added Philips HUE White dimmable VD of same version as color version.

2.1 - Corrected error handling when HUE bridge is not reachable.
2.0 - Added On/Off button; two version available: 2.0m with Main loop refresh  or 2.0b with button refresh for systems with more than 15 HUE lamps to improve response and reduce network traffic; changing brightness, color or Saturation sliders now immediately refreshes VD status; code improved so users can easier setup necessary data
1.5 - Added sliders for color (hue) and Saturation, VD is now getting ID & TCP port setting from VD general tab 

1.0 - Changing icons based on the brightness level, Changing icons based on HUE lights state (unreachable/error); Error handling for HUE response data, status information in the bottom bar of the VD; detailed comments in LUA code, main loop refresh code added


Here is a new look of Philips HUE AIO VD and companion Philips HUE Preview VD:


   28855720_SAPhilipsHUEPreviewv1.1.thumb.png.6265881218e323ce300a09274d214529.png 1237575361_SAPhilipsHUEAIOVDv3.1.thumb.png.4350a30e1fd4412fb92d77ed82c73a25.png     


Enjoy coding and your new Philips HUE virtual device!

Sankotronic :P 



This solution is only for HC2. If you have HCL then please check @AkilliYuva.com solution here:


What's New in Version 3.1   See changelog


  • Moved VD from Fibaro marketplace here to Fibaro forum DOWNLOAD section
  • Corrected bug that was causing HUE AIO VD main loop to stop running if user setup light or group ID that does not exists on HUE bridge
  • Corrected bug that was preventing proper update on HUE Preview VD of lights and groups after user changed setup on HUE bridge
  • Added icon for HUE bridge v1 unreachable



  • From 3.0 to 3.1 - If you are happy with 3.0 then you can skip this version. If you still want to upgrade then delete all previous version VD's and then added global variables and install v3.1 according to user manual.
  • From 2.X to 3.1 - Please delete all old VD's and global variables and follow installation instructions in user manual provided.


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User Feedback

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From time to time i got this error, see photo in the main loop from the "SA HUE Preview 1.1" 

The only solution for now is to restart my HC2 to get my lights working again.


How can this be fixed?


HC2 - V4.620


Response from the author:

Hello @samuel,


Sorry to see that you have some problems with HUE control. From provided debug screenshot it seems that global variables get destroyed and after rebuilding them something get wrong in showing lights on VD.


First step to solve this problem is to find what causes global variable destruction. In most cases is using SAVE button in global variable panel, but can be also caused by some other causes.


Since I'm now working on UHAS and support for HUE API v2 all my resources are used and can't test this problematic version at this moment. Please also check previous comments here, maybe there is some solution provided already for this problem.


Apologies for the inconvenience.


Ti Scarab


Merci Sankotronic !

Encore un excellent travail, avec un mode d'emploi très clair. La variation de température manquait clairement par rapport au vd du marketplace.

Enorme Merci 

Guest erik-jan


The Fibaro HUE plug-in is missing an essential option to control the color temperature of HUE lights. The main reason I bought the HUE lights is because of the nice warm colors of its bulbs, but with plug-in from Fibaro this can't be set.


With the Philips HUE AIO software I can now control the color temperare (and more) of hue lights.

The download contain a good manual also. Excellent work! Thank you very much.



Very glad to have found this coding. Thank you Sankotronic!

I have struggled quite some time with the Hue plugin in the Fibaro marketplace. That one is however heavily outdated. 
Now devices can be used from within the Fibaro app and even original Hue scenes that I used a lot are now completely controlled from within Fibaro.



Awesome! this does what the fibaro marketplace app should have done! 



Like it very much. Thanks.

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