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Hello dear Fibaro Users & developers, I am experiencing an issue with my HC3 while making API calls to another system in my network, Domoticz. Who has the same experience or solution to resolve this? The Issue: I created a scene in the HC3 that includes program code to make an API call to Domoticz. However, the API call does not work as expected. To verify the code, I tested the same API call outside the HC3 using curl commands, and it works flawlessly. Each time I activate the scene, I see the following error in the Domoticz system log: 2024-12-16 23:37:36.517 Status: [WebServer] Deprecated RType () for API request. Call ignored, please use correct API Command! (192.168.xx.yyy) < We an say that te network connection between both systems is correct. Otherwise Domoticz can not log the incomming API call > Additional Details: When testing Domoticz without the HC3 making API calls, everything works correctly. It seems the HC3 may be sending an invalid or deprecated request parameter (e.g., RType). My Domoticz system is running the latest version, and the HC3 firmware is up to date (v5.170.16).
Greetings! I dig a lot inside forum to find a way to reboot HC2 but what I found was scripts that did not work as they use obsolete functions of API. Is there any person that has this kind of vd/scene available and like to share with community?
- 9 replies
- reboot
- external script
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Im trying to turn on my AC using a http request. I am able to turn lights on and off as well as other things no worries, but turning the AC on isn't working. I have a remotec ZXT-600, I am assuming it has to do with not having the right arguments in there. The back end of the url is /api/devices/58/action/setThermostatMode with the arguments as blank { "args": [ "{}", "{}" ], "delay": 0, "integrationPin": "1234" } My question is how and where do I pass in an argument with an action for it to turn to cool or heat. Below is the device data. Any help is appreciated. { "id": 58, "name": "AC Lounge", "roomID": 219, "view": [ { "assetsPath": "/dynamic-plugins/com.fibaro.hvacSystem/assets", "jsPath": "/dynamic-plugins/com.fibaro.hvacSystem", "name": "com.fibaro.hvacSystem", "translatesPath": "/dynamic-plugins/com.fibaro.hvacSystem/i18n", "type": "ts" } ], "type": "com.fibaro.hvacSystem", "baseType": "com.fibaro.device", "enabled": true, "visible": true, "isPlugin": false, "parentId": 57, "viewXml": false, "configXml": false, "interfaces": [ "battery", "coolingThermostatSetpoint", "fibaroFirmwareUpdate", "heatingThermostatSetpoint", "thermostatFanMode", "thermostatMode", "zwave" ], "properties": { "parameters": [ { "id": 27, "lastReportedValue": 17, "lastSetValue": 17, "size": 2, "value": 17 } ], "pollingTimeSec": 0, "zwaveCompany": "Remotec", "zwaveInfo": "3,4,33", "zwaveVersion": "1.7", "batteryLevel": 92, "batteryLowNotification": true, "categories": [ "climate" ], "configured": true, "coolingThermostatSetpoint": 19, "coolingThermostatSetpointCapabilitiesMax": 31, "coolingThermostatSetpointCapabilitiesMin": 16, "coolingThermostatSetpointFuture": 19, "coolingThermostatSetpointStep": { "C": 0.5, "F": 1 }, "dead": false, "deadReason": "", "defInterval": 0, "deviceControlType": 1, "deviceIcon": 70, "deviceRole": "Other", "endPointId": 0, "firmwareUpdate": { "info": "", "progress": 0, "status": "UpToDate", "updateVersion": "1.7" }, "heatingThermostatSetpoint": 28, "heatingThermostatSetpointCapabilitiesMax": 31, "heatingThermostatSetpointCapabilitiesMin": 16, "heatingThermostatSetpointFuture": 28, "heatingThermostatSetpointStep": { "C": 0.5, "F": 1 }, "log": "", "logTemp": "", "manufacturer": "", "markAsDead": true, "maxInterval": 0, "minInterval": 0, "model": "", "nodeId": 9, "parametersTemplate": "0", "productInfo": "82,84,1,2,132,144,1,7", "saveLogs": true, "serialNumber": "", "setpointExpiryDate": 0, "stepInterval": 0, "supportedDeviceRoles": [ "Other" ], "supportedThermostatFanModes": [ "AutoLow", "Low", "High", "Medium" ], "supportedThermostatModes": [ "Off", "Heat", "Cool", "Auto", "Resume", "Fan", "Dry" ], "supportsThermostatFanOff": true, "thermostatFanMode": "High", "thermostatFanOff": false, "thermostatMode": "Cool", "thermostatModeFuture": "", "thermostatModeManufacturerData": [], "unit": "C", "updateVersion": "", "useTemplate": false, "userDescription": "" }, "actions": { "abortUpdate": 1, "reconfigure": 0, "retryUpdate": 1, "setCoolingThermostatSetpoint": 1, "setHeatingThermostatSetpoint": 1, "setInterval": 1, "setThermostatFanMode": 1, "setThermostatMode": 1, "startUpdate": 1, "updateFirmware": 1 }, "created": 1646027026, "modified": 1646027026, "sortOrder": 24 }
- 13 replies
- api-commands
- api call
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Hello everyone, I'm trying to request the last value from temperatureSensor from the API of My HC3 (firmware 5.061.36 (beta) ) When I send : curl -X GET "XXXXXXXXX/api/devices?type=com.fibaro.temperatureSensor I got a result like this (I trunck it, because of long answer) : { "id": 22, "name": "Thermomètre", "roomID": 220, "type": "com.fibaro.temperatureSensor", "baseType": "com.fibaro.multilevelSensor", "enabled": true, "visible": true, "properties": { "pollingTimeSec": 0, "wakeUpTime": 1800, "zwaveCompany": "Fibargroup", "zwaveInfo": "3,3,67", "zwaveVersion": "2.8", "categories": [ "climate" ], "unit": "C", "useTemplate": true, "userDescription": "", "value": 20.6 }, "actions": { "reconfigure": 0 }, "created": 1612636394, "modified": 1612636394, "sortOrder": 7 }, The field I'm looking for is created (1612636394) As I've understood, the value is a timestamp that can be decode as "6/2/2021 à 18:33:14" (I get it from the web site : http://timestamp.fr/ ). Ok fine, so the value seems to be 20.6 C from the 6/2/2021 at 18:33:14 My problem is that this is not the last value from my sensor ! I've got lots of other values (around 24 by days) from this timestamp and now (the 8/2/2021). Is the created field value a timestamp ? How can I get the last value from my sensor ? Every help is welcome. Alex.