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Found 6 results

  1. Hi, I have number of IP-Streams attached to my HC 3 (Version 5.170.16). There is no authentication set up on the streams. After a lot of tries I managed to get them working: Even though there is no authentication required, it only works when the user and password checkbox is checked and the password field is populated. Attached you find a picture of the settings. Without the check and the password, the stream doesn't work. I took a screenshot of the stream so you can see the created URL in the lower left corner. The URL contains the password (x) and it doubles the port number (:9086). Without the entries in the nothing is displayed. I tried to access my HC over the internet and neither the web-app nor the yubii apps show any pictures. I'd be very happy, when I could see the streams remotely. Thx
  2. Since the update to v1.19 I am have issues with Biometric authentication (FaceID) issues. the first time (if the app was killed/totally closed) biometric auth works ok but if you switch to different app and then later try to return to Yubii App, it tries to re-auth using FaceID (expected behaviour) but something goes wrong at that moment as it looping on it and keeps doing FaceID auth. In order to get out of this loop one has to kill the app and re-start/open. I tried disabling and re-enabling the biometric settings in the application settings but issues persists. I have attached a short screen capture of the app behaviour.. anyone else having this issue?.. RPReplay_Final1689119064.mov
  3. Hi all, I am struggling with a weird bug that happens on a very irregular basis (once in weeks, or lately 2 times in 1 week at night). The VD controls my home heating. After is crashes, it gets cold. Sometimes decoding the json string kills my VD 'Main', fatal error: "Expected value but found T_END at character 1". 'User' has admin credentials to access the heating panel. If I deliberatly corrupt username or password, I get the same error. For performance reasons, authentication is done once as 'Main' never ends. Function HeatRoom() runs every minute. It looks like 'panel' from HC2:GET is an empty string once in a while but why? Is it possible for authentication to expire? Any idea about the cause/trigger and a fix? if Once == nil then Username = "User" Password = "Password" HC2 = Net.FHttp( "" ) -- Access HC2 from inside local Auth = HC2:setBasicAuthentication( Username, Password ) HeatingID = 191 Once = "Done" -- Done only once. end function HeatRoom() panel = HC2:GET( "/api/panels/heating?id=" .. tostring( HeatingID ) ) panel = json.decode( panel ) -- Yields once in a while fatal error: "Expected value but found T_END at character 1". -- etc. end Snippet.lua
  4. IP camera support on Fibaro is about to become history. I love my HC2 but unless Fibaro implement simple "digest authentication" for IP cameras, support is about to die off. Here's why: Recent vulnerabilities have forced some IP camera manufacturers to REMOVE basic authentication. Fibaro ONLY supports basic authentication. Digest authentication has been around since the 90's and is one step above basic or "plain text" authentication (visible in packet captures). It is becoming more difficult to upgrade or buy new cameras that support basic authentication. Dahua - Since early 2017, basic authentication is now disabled in Dahua firmware. - In 2016, Dahua started signing its firmware which stops downgrades to unsigned versions. - So there's no solution once you have newer firmware installed. Not to mention the lack of support for RTSP, with MJPEG becoming obsolete. Digest auth is needed just to keep existing functionality. Beware of upgrading your IP cameras!
  5. Hi Fibaro staff and users, I've in problem with HC2-FibaroID and user authentication for remote acces I haven't find the place where share access to HC2 to second (and third, etc…) FibaroID to allow remote access to my family members. Current I find only following ways 1. share full access to my FibaroID (name and password) with instructuon how to connect through this - not best way, becouse I don't like to give full access to all mu houses 2. direct HTTP flow through my firewall and ask them to access directly - extremly unsecure way becouse lack of HTTPS Could You give some hint, how to behaive or could you point me the right option or (on case lack of this) plan in future developments add that kind of functionality With bests Henn
  6. Hi, I'm trying to access from Virtual Device web page which requires authentication. Unfortunately "setBasicAuthentication" does not work here. Can you please advise how to authenticate the access. Server IP: ''
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