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Found 3 results

  1. Version 1.1


    Enphase Envoy Monitor QA standalone v1.1 INTRODUCTION Enphase Envoy Monitor QA brings seamless integration of the Enphase Envoy Metering EU with Fibaro Home Center. PREREQUISITES Fibaro HC3, HC3Lite or Yubii Home with firmware 5.161 or greater Enphase Envoy Metering EU gateway with firmware D7.6.177 or greater User account on https://enlighten.enphaseenergy.com/login/login.json FEATURES The QA retrieves production, consumption and net-balance from Enphase Envoy gateway and show on child devices. The QA also retrieves production data from all Enphase micro-inverters found in the system and can show on separately added inverter child devices. Today production, today consumption and instantaneous production and consumption child devices can be selected in Fibaro Home Center energy panel settings. After setting up Envoy gateway IP address and user name and password QA will immediately get all other necessary data like gateway serial number, session number and access token. Time of access token generation is stored and used to refresh after period of 180 days. NOTE – for now, generated token lifetime is 1 year according to the Enphase information. This version of Enphase Envoy Monitor QA provides calculated values for today’s exported energy and today’s imported energy shown on child devices. It also provides child devices for calculated values of grid dependence and production capacity QA has built in multi-language support with 32 languages included (see APPENDIX 1 for the list). QA can use HC selected language or user can select any other available language. NOT SUPPORTED BY THIS VERSION Q-relays Battery packs DOWNLOAD PACKAGE CONTENT Enphase Envoy Monitor QA v1.1 Enphase Envoy Monitor QA User manual v1.1 Icon set INSTALLATION IMPORTANT NOTE - Due to upload file type restrictions imposed by Fibaro for Quick Apps, after downloading file with FQA extension, change this extension to ZIP and then unzip package. In this ZIP package you will find PDF User manual, Enphase Envoy Monitor QA v1.1 Standalone.fqax and folder with icons. Please follow User manual for installation & upgrade. I hope that Fibaro will remove this limitation in near future since there is no such limitation on Fibaro Marketplace and even here for Virtual Devices. NOTE - I know that some users will not like that this QA is encrypted. Since license is now changed to donation-ware, I can send original code or even unencrypted QA, but only to users that will donate. For more information please check provided user manual, Thank you for understanding! TERMS AND CONDITIONS Permission to use, copy and distribute this software and its documentation for educational, research, personal use and non-profit purposes, without fee and without a signed licensing agreement is hereby granted, provided that the copyright notice, with "Terms and conditions" and "Disclaimer" appear in all copies, modifications and distributions. It is strictly forbidden to sell, rent, lease and/or lend this software for profit without prior consent from the Author. DISCLAIMER This software is provided by copyright owner "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the author and distributor be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. Fibaro a Nice company and their employees are not responsible for support of this QA. Please contact the author Sankotronic, on the Fibaro Forum, for any questions or support required. VERSION HISTORY 1.1 - first public release as donation-ware. LOOK & FEEL ENPHASE ENVOY MONITOR QA CHILD DEVICES AND ENLIGHTEN APP COMPARISON What you get with this integration is best explained with the next few pictures: Enlighten status screen with appropriate QA child devices: Enlighten live status screen with appropriate QA child devices: Enlighten Total Energy screen with appropriate QA child devices: Here are provided icons: - Envoy main icon - Envoy updating icon (shown during communication with Envoy gateway) - Envoy exporting icon (shown when production is higher than consumption and energy is exported to the grid) - Envoy production/importing icon (shown when production is lower than consumption and part of the consumption power is importing from the grid) - Envoy importing icon (show when there is no production and all consumption power is importing from the grid) - Envoy error icon (only shown if there is a communication problem with the Envoy gateway) - Envoy production icon (all child devices related to the production get this icon) - Envoy consumption icon (all child devices related to the consumption get this icon) - Envoy net-ballance icon (all child devices related to the net-balance [import/export from the grid] get this icon) - Envoy voltmeter icon for child device showing system voltage - Envoy amp meter icon (for child devices showing consumption, production and net-ballance current) - Envoy inverter icon (for all child devices related to micro-inverters) NOTE - This QA code is not fork or modified version of any existing similar QA. There are several Enphase Envoy QA available on the french forum ( @lazer,@TitiXsi ) and Fibaro marketplace (JJSM, Twan van Eijk, ReneNL), but none of them were used to build this QA. Enjoy coding and your new Enphase Envoy Monitor QA! Sankotronic
  2. Hello all, Enphase Envoy S I have installed Enphase solar plant that has 15 micro-inverters IQ7+ with 15 solar panels LONGI Solar model LR4-72HIH-430M with power rating at STC: 430W and Enphase Envoy S metered EU with firmware D7.6.177. Currently no batteries are installed since are not available here in Croatia. I know that Enphase changed local API with new firmware and token is needed to read measurements from Envoy S. I checked and found that is possible to make Quick App that can communicate with Envoy S and show data in HC3, HC3Lite and Yubii home. There are two ways how to generate token: Get token through web UI at https://entrez.enphaseenergy.com and this token is valid for 1 year for owners of the system. Disadvantage with this solution is that user must be reminded to get new token before current one expires. Advantage is that during this one year internet connection is not needed for QA to function properly. Get token programmatically through making call to https://enlighten.enphaseenergy.com/entrez-auth-token?serial_num=<IQ Gateway_serial_number> where Enphase Envoy S serial number is needed. Envoy S serial number is easy to find in Enlighten app. This token is valid only for short time, didn't really test, but not more than 5 minutes so it must be regenerated before each request send to Envoy. Disadvantage with this solution is that internet connection is needed to get new valid token, but on the other hand no user involvement is needed since new token is automatically generated by QA. My question is: Which of the above solutions do you prefer? Enphase IQ Battery pack Since I still do not have batteries installed, part of the data for battery state, charging and discharging I do not have in JSON response from Enovy S and therefore I do not know what to code for this part. Is out there anyone with complete system with batteries? Let me know so you can generate one complete JSON response and sent to me on PM so I can do a complete job. Enphase IQ EV Charger If there is also anyone with installed Enphase IQ EV charger even better, then maybe I can also include support for it. THANK YOU!
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Attached a simple VD to show you the output of your Enphase Envoy solar panel. It shows the current W, today's kWhs, and last 7 days kWhs. Enter in the 'Advanced' tab of the VD the ip address of your Enphase Envoy box. TCP port can be left blank. Also attached a basic icon to use. Best, Rene.
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