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Found 6 results

  1. Czy ta kamera może zostać zsynchronizowana z Fibaro? https://www.tp-link.com/pl/business-networking/vigi-network-camera/vigi-c440/ W jaki sposób można łatwo sprawdzić czy kamera jest kompatybilna z systemem? Z góry dziękuję za pomoc!
  2. Version 0.2.5


    Scene description: The script reads the temperature of an outdoor sensor to extend or shorten the message interval. The status of windows and doors is checked every minute. The shortest reporting interval ist 5 minutes. It's also possible to use the temperature of a plugin like Yahoo or Yr Weather. In this case, the variable has to look like this:
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Holidays are almost here! So here is one more gift for you! Just maybe you will find it useful and it looks like this in HC webGUI: SCENE DESCRIPTION This scene can monitor any appliance for power consumption and send push and/or popup notification when appliance start working and/or when it is finished. You can also select to switch it off when is done or leave it under power. There are more and more smart appliances on the market but still suffering from "baby" problems. We also buy Candy washing machine with WiFi and smart app but it just refuses to connect, or if I manage to connect it disconnects itself after one wash. No need to mention that manufacturers of such appliances like to hide API. Because of that we are still using benefits of smart plugs and relay modules to monitor our appliances. So this is how this scene works. It is triggered by power consumption from smart plug or relay module to which appliance is connected. It is possible to set minimum power in watt and duration for how long will scene run until recognizes that appliance is finished. There are only two global variables to be defined. One is already known "HomeTable" and another one with name up to you which is set while appliance is working and reset when is finished as explained bellow: GLOBAL VARIABLES SETUP "HomeTable" - predefined global variable table with device and scene IDs. Recommended to use since z-wave devices can change their ID with re-inclusion and then is necessary to edit only scene which make this table and only device ID in scene headers. Much less time and effort is needed than without that option! But if you don't use this feature then you MUST delete following lines from scene: -- get the table from global if not using then delete this line!!! local jT = json.decode(fibaro:getGlobalValue("HomeTable")) "applianceStatus" - you can use any name like "WashingMachine" or "DishWasher" depending on appliance you plan to monitor. There are two values "On" and "Off" that you can map with your values and then setup in scene code like this: -- enter name of your global variable for monitoring state of appliance and -- map your values for "On" and "Off" local applianceStatus = "WashingMachine"; local applianceStatusMapping = {On="On", Off="Off"}; DEVICE, NOTIFICATION AND USERS SETUP After setting up global variables you still need to setup several things like deviceID (ID number of smart plug or relay module), deviceMinPower which defines under what power in watt device stopped working and is in standby, some text for push and popup notifications and you can start using this scene to monitor your appliance. See bellow setup example for washing machine: -- APPLIANCE CONTROL DEVICE SETUP ------------------------------------------- -- enter device ID which is used to control appliance and measure power -- consumption. Do not forget to put this ID in scene header under -- %% properties -- 100 power local deviceID = 100; -- enter minimum power in Watt bellow which appliance is stopped or in -- standby mode local deviceMinPower = 2; -- enter time in minutes after which scene will send message that appliance -- is done and stopped. This time delay is necessary for many modern washing -- machines due to electronic drive controls local deviceStopDuration = 3; -- enter here "Yes" if you want to switch off appliance when is done and -- stopped or "No" if you want to leave it on local deviceTurnOff = "No"; -- USERS, PUSH AND POPUP NOTIFICATION SETUP --------------------------------- -- define users to send push messages local userID = {jT.ios.wife, jT.ios.mistress}; -- flag for each user; if 1 then send notifications else if 0 do not -- send notifications. You can add code in function extraUserCodeFirst() -- where you can change user flags depending on some global variable. local userFlag = {1, 1}; -- PUSH MESSAGES SETUP ------------------------------------------------------ -- enter push message text for the appliance start and stop event local pushMessage = {start = "Washing machine is started", stop = "Washing machine is stopped"}; -- enter "Yes" if you want to receive push notification that appliance -- started working else put "No" local pushStart = "No"; -- enter "Yes" if you want to receive push notification that appliance -- finished working else put "No" local pushStop = "Yes"; -- POPUP MESSAGES SETUP ----------------------------------------------------- -- enter popup message text and button caption for the appliance start and -- stop local popupMainTitle = "WASHING MACHINE"; local popupTimeFormat = "%H:%M:%S | %d.%m.%Y."; local popupContentTitleStart = "Washing machine is started"; local popupContentTitleStop = "Washing machine finished"; local popupContentBodyStart = "Washing machine is working"; local popupContentBodyOn = "Washing machine is not turned Off"; local popupContentBodyOff = "Washing machine is turned Off"; local popupImgUrl = ""; local popupButtonCaption = "OK"; -- enter "Yes" if you want to receive popup notification that appliance -- started working else put "No" local popupStart = "No"; -- enter "Yes" if you want to receive popup notification that appliance -- finished working else put "No" local popupStop = "No"; It seems a lot but it is actually more of my comments and explanations than real code to setup . Just to mention that scene has two functions where you can add your own code to do something. Function extraUserCodeFirst() is executed before sending push/popup notification that appliance is started and function extraUserCodeLast() is executed just before sending push/popup notification that appliance is finished and stopping scene. I use them too For example I alway add code to change flags to whom push messages will be sent in function extraUserCodeFirst(). First I add two global variables under -- EXTRA GLOBAL VARIABLE SETUP --------- section of the code: -- EXTRA GLOBAL VARIABLES --------------------------------------------------- -- here you can add your extra global variables to enhance features of this -- scene: -- for all those daddies and momies who work away from home to lower number of -- notifications while at work possible values: "Yes", "No" local dadAway = "DadAway"; local dadAwayMapping = {Yes="Yes", No="No"}; local momAway = "MomAway"; local momAwayMapping = {Yes="Yes", No="No"}; And then I add simple code to change userFlags in function extraUserCodeFirst() if we are at work and don't want to be disturbed by push messages from our Angelina: -- EXTRA FUNCTION WHERE YOU CAN ADD YOUR CODE ---------------------------- -- use this function to add code that will be executed before loop is -- started and push adn popup notifications are sent function extraUserCodeFirst() -- your code goes here if dadAway ~= "" then if fibaro:getGlobalValue(dadAway) == dadAwayMapping.Yes then userFlag[1] = 0; end end if momAway ~= "" then if fibaro:getGlobalValue(momAway) == momAwayMapping.Yes then userFlag[2] = 0; end end if deBug then logbug("yellow", "User extra code before loop executed") end; end Please, also check video from @MarcoTorino71:
  4. Hi all, understand that we can get the device value via this method, local watt = fibaro:getValue(175, "power") however how do i extract the CPU, RAM or any other system properties?
  5. Szanowni Państwo, mam problem po wymianie starych kamer na nowsze urządzenia. Do tej pory korzystałem w większości z urządzeń Foscam ale jakość obrazu nie była zadowalająca. Kamery zostały wymienione na Dahua IPC-a46p. Ścieżka, pod którą udało mi się znaleźć obraz statyczny to: /cgi-bin/snapshot.cgi /cgi-bin/snapshot.cgi Po dodaniu nowych urządzeń nie mam podglądu w fibaro przez przeglądarkę. Zarówno na liście urządzeń jak i przy powiększeniu jednej kamery na cały ekran. Prawidłowo działa jednak podgląd na urządzeniach mobilnych. O ile podgląd w przeglądarce nie jest istotny to nie działa też funkcja zrzutu ekranu. Fibaro wysyła plik z załącznikiem o 64B, który jest pusty. Gdzie szukać rozwiązania problemu?
  6. Version 3.0.4


    Consumption monitoring™ v3.0.4 CHANGES 2018-02-18 Added support for send push every hour. Added more emoijs to VD 2017-04-04 Corrected day, line 115 2017-04-13 Corrected selfRun function. Added 2 more labels with info. Added emoijs. Monitor your energy consumption and if wanted it will send a daily push and month report with consumed energy Supports AEON Labs energy meter (and more...?) Supports Autofrank's Smart Message Hub Create an empty vd(virtual device) with 7 labels. ID of the label should be Label1 to Label5. Name you can set what you want. Update - 2017-04-13 - To show the new info in VD then add 2 more labels. Label1 to Label7 Create an empty LUA scene and copy the LUA code into that scene. Change line 22 to your AEON LABS HEM id local energyMeterID = 319 Change line 26 to your vd id that you just created local vdID = 464 Change line 30 to false (local selfRun = true) if you want to run the scene from other scene like @Sankotronic Time Based Events Control Supports @AutoFrank SmartMessageHub, set line 38 to false if you want to use standard push (local SMsgH = true) set id of the SMsgH scene at line 40 local SMsgHid = 262 Does also support @AutoFrank HomeTable setup if you set local SMsgH = false remember to fill in id of the smartphones you want to have the push local pushUsersHC2 = {"449"} Separated with comma change line 59 to false if you don't want to have an daily report pushed. local sendPushDaily = true change line 62 to false if you don't want to have an monthly report pushed local sendPushMonthly = true change line 64 to wanted time you want to have the report to be sent local sendPushTime = "06:30" EXTRA INFO Can support more then just AEON HEM but that depends if Fibaro have the power info from the device. You can check that if you run this in your browser http://HC2_IP/api/energy/now-86400/now/single/devices/power/ID_OF_DEVICE. Result should be like the below picture So for example if you just want to have info about the dishwasher, fridge, washing machine etc it should be supported. Consumption_Dashboard.vfib
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