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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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Aeotec MS6 configuration parameter optimisation


Posted (edited)


I have a 14 of these multi sensors around my house and I am trying to configure them as best as I can.

All of my devices are USB powered and were included under usb power. All are running 1.7 fw

I am also trying to rule out these devices as a potential root cause for what looks like busy zwave traffic / slow responses.


I looked at the parameters and there would seem to be options that can be tweaked. For example i can switch off reporting for UV as all my devices are internal.


I was wondering has any user changed specific parameters, why they changed them and what was the impact/benefit.






Edited by AutoFrank

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I have tweaked the parameters of MS6 to suit the needs and remove or long delay those redundant or not meaning features. One example is similar to you, I set the UV reporting to be very long interval.

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Posted (edited)
On 4/26/2017 at 9:27 PM, AutoFrank said:


I have a 14 of these multi sensors around my house and I am trying to configure them as best as I can.

All of my devices are USB powered and were included under usb power. All are running 1.7 fw

I am also trying to rule out these devices as a potential root cause for what looks like busy zwave traffic / slow responses.


I looked at the parameters and there would seem to be options that can be tweaked. For example i can switch off reporting for UV as all my devices are internal.


I was wondering has any user changed specific parameters, why they changed them and what was the impact/benefit.






is your temperature parameter all screwed up? parameter 41 is just a mess lol

even if it change it it changes back to this messed up one


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Edited by amurray85
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    Yes, mine is the same but it seems to be reading okay 


    I was thinking about updating to 1.8 and seeing if it makes any difference 


    Do you have any problem with yours ? 

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    23 minutes ago, AutoFrank said:


    Yes, mine is the same but it seems to be reading okay 


    I was thinking about updating to 1.8 and seeing if it makes any difference 


    Do you have any problem with yours ? 


    I ran 1.7 and now 1.8. You're on USB power, I don't think it's worth the trouble. They admit that 1.8 still has unexpectedly high battery drain in certain cases, though it supposedly (cough) fixes something...


    P41 explanation depends on firmware version. I think (I say 'thibnk' because I haven't tried it recently)  this is the correct explanation for 1.7 and 1.8


    There are 3 bytes of configuration data.


    From the manual:


    Threshold change in temperature to induce an automatic report. Note:
    1. The unit is Fahrenheit for US version, Celsius for EU/AU version.
    2. High byte is the threshold value. Low byte is the unit (0x01=Celsius,
    3. The threshold value (high byte) contains one decimal point. E.g. if the
    value is set to 20 (0x001401), the threshold value =2.0 (EU/AU version) or if the value is set to 20 (0x001402), the threshold value= 2.0 (US version). When the current temperature is changed more then
    2.0, which will induce a temperature report to be sent out.


    In usualsAeon style, the manual is clear as mud: why talk about "high" and a "low" bytes, when there are supposed to be three?


    May that's because 1.6 of the manual/sensor has a different description:


    Threshold change in temperature to induce an automatic report.
    1. The unit is Fahrenheit for US version, Celsius for EU/AU version.
    2. The value contains one decimal point. E.g. if the value is set to 20, the threshold value =2.0 (EU/AU version) or 2.0 (US version). When the current temperature gap is more then 2.0, which will induce a temperature report to be sent out.


    Aeon seems to like to change the meaning of a parameter when the release a new firmware...

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    1 hour ago, petergebruers said:


    I ran 1.7 and now 1.8. You're on USB power, I don't think it's worth the trouble. They admit that 1.8 still has unexpectedly high battery drain in certain cases, though it supposedly (cough) fixes something...


    P41 explanation depends on firmware version. I think (I say 'thibnk' because I haven't tried it recently)  this is the correct explanation for 1.7 and 1.8


    There are 3 bytes of configuration data.


    From the manual:


    Threshold change in temperature to induce an automatic report. Note:
    1. The unit is Fahrenheit for US version, Celsius for EU/AU version.
    2. High byte is the threshold value. Low byte is the unit (0x01=Celsius,
    3. The threshold value (high byte) contains one decimal point. E.g. if the
    value is set to 20 (0x001401), the threshold value =2.0 (EU/AU version) or if the value is set to 20 (0x001402), the threshold value= 2.0 (US version). When the current temperature is changed more then
    2.0, which will induce a temperature report to be sent out.


    In usualsAeon style, the manual is clear as mud: why talk about "high" and a "low" bytes, when there are supposed to be three?


    May that's because 1.6 of the manual/sensor has a different description:


    Threshold change in temperature to induce an automatic report.
    1. The unit is Fahrenheit for US version, Celsius for EU/AU version.
    2. The value contains one decimal point. E.g. if the value is set to 20, the threshold value =2.0 (EU/AU version) or 2.0 (US version). When the current temperature gap is more then 2.0, which will induce a temperature report to be sent out.


    Aeon seems to like to change the meaning of a parameter when the release a new firmware...


    Thanks @petergebruers

    With 1.8 do you see the unusual parameter 41 display ?


    Still learning about zwave..

    When you say "report" - do you mean a data update from the sensor (temp level, lux, level, etc ) to ensure the  HC has the latest reading ?

    BTW, is there any good online or paper reference on zwave, not so much the wireless protocol but a good 'dummys' guide on how it work on a practical or operational level like we are discussing here....









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    1 hour ago, AutoFrank said:


    Thanks @petergebruers

    With 1.8 do you see the unusual parameter 41 display ?


    Still learning about zwave..

    When you say "report" - do you mean a data update from the sensor (temp level, lux, level, etc ) to ensure the  HC has the latest reading ?

    BTW, is there any good online or paper reference on zwave, not so much the wireless protocol but a good 'dummys' guide on how it work on a practical or operational level like we are discussing here....


    Yes, firmware 1.8 looks exactly like 1.7 (garbled)

    Yes, reporting is the act of sending some info to the controller

    I think this forum, and other forums are the best sources. There is a book, but it's really about Z-Wave in general and it's several years old and doesn't talk about Z-Wave plus...

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    1 minute ago, petergebruers said:


    Yes, firmware 1.8 looks exactly like 1.7 (garbled)

    Yes, reporting is the act of sending some info to the controller

    I think this forum, and other forums are the best sources. There is a book, but it's really about Z-Wave in general and it's several years old and doesn't talk about Z-Wave plus...


    thanks @petergebruers

    I'll keep reading here 



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    Posted (edited)
    5 minutes ago, petergebruers said:

    Yes, firmware 1.8 looks exactly like 1.7 (garbled)

    Hi @petergebruers,

    is the Aoetec firmware upgradable, as far as you're aware?

    I mean are or were there any upgrades for some sensors/actors?

    Edited by Bodyart
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    Just now, Bodyart said:

    Hi @petergebruers,

    is the Aoetec firmware upgradable, as far as you're aware?



    Hi @Bodyart

    The MS6 fw can be upgraded but not within the HC2

    You need something like their zwave stick


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    Oh thanks @AutoFrank, thats logical. Fortunately I don't have much Aeotec devices (yet)

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    1 minute ago, AutoFrank said:


    Hi @Bodyart

    The MS6 fw can be upgraded but not within the HC2

    You need something like their zwave stick



    I agree. So the full process is this: buy a Aeon Z-Wave stick, exclude MS6 from HC2, download upgrade tool, include on tool , upgrade sensor, exclude from tool, and include in HC2 again. Fix your IDs.

    2 minutes ago, Bodyart said:

    Oh thanks @AutoFrank, thats logical. Fortunately I don't have much Aeotec devices (yet)


    Oh, but theoretically any controller can upgrade any Z-Wave Plus device... but an HC2 doesn't include firmware images for other brands...

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    2 minutes ago, petergebruers said:

    theoretically any controller

    @petergebruers, hhh yes sure.... but... indeed :-)


    7 minutes ago, petergebruers said:

    So the full process is this: buy a Aeon Z-Wave stick, exclude MS6 from HC2, download upgrade tool, include on tool , upgrade sensor, exclude from tool, and include in HC2 again. Fix your IDs.




    i thing it's wise to check somewhere the firmware differences (not always is an upgrade desirable, the experience teaches) before buying extra device(s) just for upgrading the firmware.

    And when i considder that more and more users have devices from many different manufacturers, it woul'd be an expensive game to be able to upgrade all devices.

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    I have changed following parameters:

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    Since it is USB powered, little bit more precision I hope is ok. Oh, my parameter 41 is not scrambled because to unscramble it just press on Default button. It will not change settings but just show parameter properly with last settings. So, this is nothing to be worried about. Sensor is working properly.



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    Thanks everybody...


    .. just waiting for fibaro support to remote access my HC2 and fix.. (hopefully)

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    Hey guy's just intruding here for a sec.

    I bought this set 

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     and should arrive tomorrow or tuesday.

    I am planning on using one to start. Does the Gen5 have the same problems?


    Sorry for the offtopic.



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    Hi @jimicr

    I have one (actually two) and use it for outside temp. I thought it was too big for indoor for me but works great outdoor under my soffit.

    It  can be usb powered with is a big plus for me. It seems stable enough for my use, very easy to include. 


    The Lux gave up on the first one after about 18 months but I use outside where I don't need lux (just temp and motion)

    Lets see how the second one does, it's installed  only about 2 months



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    Thanks they are fore outside. I got them for the luxury and I plan powering the one I'm going to use right away by USB


    Did Fibaro fix your Domino?

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    Just now, jimicr said:

    Thanks they are fore outside. I got them for the luxury and I plan powering the one I'm going to use right away by USB


    Did Fibaro fix your Domino?



    They are still working in it.. no update yet...

    not sure if that is a good thing or bad :-)


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    9 minutes ago, AutoFrank said:



    They are still working in it.. no update yet...

    not sure if that is a good thing or bad :-)


    Oh man... good luck 

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    Just now, jimicr said:

    Oh man... good luck 




    They just came back and they got rid of the Not Configured devices and stooped the endless config on a device

    but the couldn't fix my dead devices, the said they needed to do more tests (??)

    I asked for more information and waiting on that now


    not great news, I have dead device all over the system, many of them fibaro's own dimmer and relays..


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